Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2330 Click to be a scout

Zhao Kun led the entire Jiujiang Helm, about a thousand people, flying at low altitude, heading towards the Fahua Helm in a mighty manner.

There are so many people and horses, which is quite impressive.

Between Fahua Duo and Jiujiang Duo, there is another Linyang Duo.

Unexpectedly, when passing by Linyang Duo, they happened to meet the people from Linyang Duo and set off for Fahua Duo.

Zhao Kun had a close friendship with Wang Zhanhui, the helmsman of Linyang, and the two helmsmen traveled together.

The team of one thousand people turned into two thousand people, flying through the sky.

The posture was filled with darkness, like a migratory bird passing by.

In this battle between Qingyang Mansion and Wangxuan Mansion, not all the helmsmen will participate. Only four of the helmsmen will gather at the Fahua Helm.

But even so, with the sudden increase of 3,000 people, the reception capacity of the Hua Hua Duo was somewhat overwhelmed.

After the troops from Jiujiang Duo and Linyang Duo arrived, they could only set up camp in the open space at the foot of the mountain.

Together with another man and horse from Qianhu Helm, the camps were connected along the river bank at the foot of the mountain.

Of course, the people stationed in the camp are all people below the helm.

At least the altar master and helm master can live in the houses within the Lotus helm, but the conditions are not comparable to those in the camp.

But in this special period, who cares where they live?

Chen Yang followed Zhao Kun and entered the Lotus Hall.

In the hall, the four helmsmen and the elites under the helm gathered here.

Chen Yang glanced at the other helmsmen. Wang Zhanhui, the helmsman of Linyang helm, was tall and tall, wearing armor. He looked like a general on horseback, powerful and domineering.

This person behaved carelessly and seemed to be a careless person. However, through observation when he arrived, Chen Yang discovered that this person was not what he seemed.

As for whether he and Zhao Kun are truly friends, it is unknown.

Standing next to Wang Zhanhui is Shen Jicheng, the helmsman of Qianhu Rudder.

This man was short in stature. He stood there silently and did not have a strong sense of presence.

But his shrewd eyes were observing the people present.

The moment his eyes met Chen Yang, he took the initiative to smile at Chen Yang, looking very friendly.

The other helmsman is naturally the son-in-law of the master of Qingyang Mansion, Ma Huiyang, the helmsman of the Fahua helm.

Ma Huiyang walked among the crowd and greeted other people at the helm one by one, looking courteous and courteous. He did not act arrogant because of his father-in-law's status.

Moreover, he himself has also reached the late stage of false mansion. It seems that he is about thirty years old, and his talent is considered good among his peers.

It was obvious that he was a people person and knew everyone present.

And regardless of realm or status, he treats others with great courtesy and gives people full favor.

After Ma Huiyang greeted Zhao Kun, he looked at Chen Yang and said, "Hey, how come I haven't seen this brother before?"

Zhao Kun stepped forward and introduced: "Master Ma, this is my brother Chen Yang."

"It turns out to be Brother Chen."

Ma Huiyang bowed his hands to Chen Yang and said with a smile on his face: "It's really not easy to reach the middle stage of the fake mansion at such a young age."

"Master Ma is overly praised."

Chen Yang was humble and didn't want to talk to the other party anymore, so he said no more.

Ma Huiyang didn't say much and said to everyone: "Everyone, wait a moment, the master of the palace will be here soon."

After saying that, Ma Huiyang stood in front.

Zhao Kun sent a message to Chen Yang Zhenyuan: "This Ma Huiyang is very scheming. You have to be careful about the knife hidden in his smile."

Chen Yang was about to respond to Zhao Kun, but he saw that he was chatting with someone else, as if he had never said a word to Chen Yang at all.

"Everyone in this place is cunning and cunning."

Chen Yang smiled and realized that the people cultivated by the management system of the three sects were as smart as the officialdom.

After a while, the crowd in the hall became quiet.

A middle-aged man wearing silver armor with a three-meter red cloak flying behind him walked in majestically, surrounded by four early Zhenfu cultivators behind him.

"Join the palace master."

Seeing this person, everyone saluted.

This middle-aged man is Xin Tianqiao, the master of Qingyang Mansion, who is in the late stage of Zhen Mansion.

Without squinting, Xin Tianqiao went straight to the top and sat down. His eyes swept over everyone, and he said in a calm tone: "Everyone, helmsmen, are all ready."


The four helmsmen responded in unison.

Xin Tianqiao's tone was full of fighting spirit, and he said: "I have already arranged for you what you should do when we are in Qingyang Mansion. I hope you will not disgrace our Qingyang Mansion. This time, we must be careful. The Xuan Mansion is defeated, letting them know how powerful our Qingyang Mansion is."


The four helmsmen said in unison again.

"Zhao Kun."

Xin Tianqiao shouted loudly, and when Zhao Kun came out, he ordered: "The battle will start the day after tomorrow. You Jiujiang Duo will be the vanguard. Tomorrow you will lead the troops and arrange them in the Qinglong Mountains to give Wangxuan Mansion a head-on attack. Qingyang Mansion is off to a good start. As for how to meet the challenge, you don’t need me to teach you, do you?”

Although Zhao Kun felt unhappy about being the vanguard, he still responded resoundingly on the surface: "Jiujiang Helm will definitely go all out and live up to the palace master's trust."


Xin Tianqiao nodded, looked at everyone, and said: "Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be victorious in every battle. When the war starts this time, when someone goes to the Qinglong Mountains to explore the Wangxuan Mansion's troops and horses, we must be fully prepared so that we can win. I don't know who you are. I am willing to act as a scout and set out first to find out the enemy's situation."

"Ma is willing to go!"

Ma Huiyang stepped out from the crowd and shouted loudly, full of momentum.

Xin Tianqiao waved his hand and said: "As the helmsman of the Fahua Dulm, you still need to lead the entire Fahua Dulm and have other important arrangements. You are not suitable for the task of inquiring about the enemy's situation."

Everyone knew that Ma Huiyang did not really want to be a scout.

Because being a scout is very dangerous. If you are discovered, it will be difficult to come back alive.

The reason why Ma Huiyang took the initiative to petition was just to set an example for others to see. Even the palace master's son-in-law is willing to inquire about the enemy. You other branches can't just sit back and watch.

However, the people at Linyang Duo, Qianhu Duo, and Jiujiang Duo are not stupid, and no one is willing to do this dangerous job.

Everyone immediately avoided their eyes and looked elsewhere.

Even if they are waiting for Xin Tianqiao to appoint someone, no one is willing to take the initiative to stand up at this moment.

Because if Xin Tianqiao appoints someone, he may not necessarily be named on his own head.

Xin Tianqiao seemed to have expected this, and there was no displeasure on his face. He looked around among the people, and finally fixed his gaze and said: "You are young and have the cultivation level of the middle stage of the False Palace, and you look like Just be smart and smart. The important task of finding out the enemy's situation will be left to you. I hope you will not live up to the trust."

Everyone followed Xin Tianqiao's gaze and saw that the person he picked was none other than Jiujiang Duo's newcomer, Chen Yang.

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