Urban magic doctor

Chapter 240 Two Books

Good guy, there really is something authentic about it. "

Chen Yang's eyes brightened, and he took out a flashlight and shined it into the tunnel. The tunnel was surrounded by wooden supports. It stretched for more than ten meters and then turned, so he couldn't see what was behind it.

He jumped down from the tunnel, turned around and waved to Qiao Daihan: "Let's go, follow me."

Chen Yang walked along the tunnel. This tunnel obviously had ventilation holes, and the air inside was not unpleasant.

After walking for about ten minutes, a cave of about thirty square meters appeared in front of them.

Except for the incense case against the front wall and the futon in front of the incense case, there is nothing else in this crypt, and the four walls are bare.

The incense table and futon were also covered with a thick layer of dust. The incense table was rotten and there were several large mushrooms growing on it. It was obvious that it had been there for a long time.

"What is this place?" Qiao Daihan looked around and asked doubtfully.

Chen Yang walked towards the incense table and said: "This Fourth Courtyard was built during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. This crypt should have been built at that time. Judging from the structure here, it doesn't look like a religious altar of any sect. It should be just one of the owners of the Four Courtyards. Hidden place. As for what he was doing in this crypt, it is unknown. "

Qiao Daihan said: "I thought this was the altar of some evil cult."

"It's a pity that there is no treasure and the trip was in vain."

Chen Yang inspected the crypt and saw that there was nothing special about it, so he turned around and left.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on the wall under the incense table. There was dirt all around, but there was a stone there, which looked very abrupt.

He squatted down and shined a flashlight on it, and found that although the stone was integrated with the surrounding soil, there was still a slight gap. In other words, the stone was inserted later.

"Is there a hidden compartment under the stone?"

Chen Yang immediately took action, grabbed the stone and pulled it back.

However, over time, the stones were squeezed by the soil. Chen Yang spent a lot of effort but could not get the stones out.

"What are you doing?"

Qiao Daihan leaned down and looked under the incense table.

"Find me a shovel or something, I need to get the rocks out."

Chen Yang turned around and got out from under the incense table. Qiao Daihan was leaning down to look down, but this time he bumped into Qiao Daihan's body.

Qiao Daihan jumped back in fright, crossed her hands to cover her chest, and said with a sullen look on her face: "Chen Yang, what are you doing?"

"You are my fiancée, so what if we bump into each other?" Chen Yang smiled evilly, without the slightest hint of being a hooligan.

Qiao Daihan was so angry that she stamped her feet and said angrily: "Even if she is a fiancée, it is just an engagement, and we are not officially married. Besides, I already have someone else in my heart. You can't even think of possessing my body."

"Do you like that 'God'?" Chen Yang smiled.

Qiao Daihan said confidently: "So what? Although you are also very strong, you are definitely not as powerful as God."

"Okay, okay, God is the most awesome, the most handsome guy in the world."

Chen Yang shamelessly praised himself and said to Qiao Daihan: "Hurry up and get me a shovel. There must be something under this rock."

Qiao Daihan reluctantly turned around and left. After a while, she returned to the cave with a shovel.

After Chen Yang used a shovel to loosen the soil around the stone, he finally got the stone out, and a dark grid appeared in front of him.

He and Qiao Daihan both looked down, but suddenly a blue light emitted from the dark grid, illuminating the entire crypt, making it a faint green.

The two of them were startled, and before they could react quickly, the light had already disappeared.

"What's the situation?" Although Qiao Daihan is a warrior, he is still a little frightened.

Chen Yang used a flashlight to shine into the secret compartment. The secret compartment was not big. There were two thread-bound books inside. The books had turned yellow due to the passage of time.

After experiencing the green light just now, Chen Yang did not dare to mess around, and cautiously used a shovel to pull the two books out of the hidden compartment. When he saw that there was nothing strange, he picked up the two books.

The book is old, and although it is yellowed, it has not been damaged by insects and ants, and the writing is clearly visible.

A slightly thinner book with a very strange name is called "The Book of Immortals and Demons".

A slightly thicker book with "Records of Real Person Hao Lan" written on the cover.

"What are these two books?"

Chen Yang pursed his lips and opened the "Records of Master Hao Lan" and took a look at it. This is an autobiography written by a person named Master Hao Lan, telling what he saw and heard when he traveled around the world.

Chen Yang closed the "Records of Real Man Hao Lan" without looking carefully and opened another "Book of Immortals and Demons". This book was full of ancient texts and was obscure and difficult to understand. He immediately lost interest.

"Only two shabby books."

Chen Yang pursed his lips, but did not want to return without success. He said to Qiao Daihan: "Xiao Hanhan, each of us has one copy. This is our harvest. You can choose one."

Qiao Daihan took the two books and read them, then handed the "Book of Immortals and Demons" to Chen Yang without hesitation, and said with a smile: "What kind of crap is this? I can't even understand it. And when I read the title of the book, I can't understand it." I know it’s something a cult uses to fool people.”

Then she clapped the "Real Records of Hao Lan" in her hand and said with a smile: "This book is more interesting. I just turned a page and it actually said that he saw a mermaid in Beiyang. Although this is impossible. Things, but this book can at least be regarded as a fantasy novel. However, the real person Hao Lan’s surname is Chen, and he may be the ancestor of your Chen family, no wonder he is so good at bragging."

Chen Yang put away the "Book of Immortals and Demons", walked out of the crypt, and said to Qiao Daihan: "Even if you don't want this "Book of Immortals and Demons," you don't have to make it so obvious."

Qiao Daihan said: "It's of no use anyway. If you want it, I'll give it to you as well."

"Forget it, you can keep it as a souvenir."

Chen Yang waved his hand and said.

The two came out of the crypt. After Chen Yang sent Qiao Daihan out of the fourth courtyard, he returned to the room.

He took out the "Book of Immortals and Demons" and read it. Although the ancient text was obscure and difficult to understand, he had done some research on it and could still understand its meaning.

After reading the first page, he unexpectedly discovered that the book did not seem to be written randomly, and the things about the meridians and qi in it really looked like that.

The book was very thin, so Chen Yang simply read it in one sitting.

Initially, he had a glimmer of hope, but when he saw what happened next, he felt that it was all nonsense. There were golden elixirs, Yuan Ying, Yujian, and clones all coming. How could this be possible? I thought I was making a movie.

"Damn, a deceptive and broken book is actually so well hidden. It's sick."

Chen Yang casually threw the "Book of Immortals and Demons" in the desk drawer and ignored the book.

This chapter is an update for the 1W book coins of "Changqing". "Changqing" is the first helmsman, the first hall master, and the first protector of this book. Thank you for your continued support. He is handsome and cool!

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