Urban magic doctor

Chapter 254 The cruise ship is controlled

When Chen Yang saw Yang Xuewei being taken out of the death fighting arena by He Zhikang, he was not very anxious. Judging from the current situation, the other party's purpose was definitely not to kill Yang Xuewei, nor to rape Yang Xuewei, so she was still safe.

But He Zhikang will pay a heavy price for everything he has done.

Chen Yang turned his attention back to Ruan Yuan and Alexei. The two men suddenly took action, which was somewhat beyond his expectation.

However, no matter how powerful these two people were, they were only at the level of fighting in the ring, and Chen Yang didn't take them seriously.

What he was worried about was those who came to pick up He Zhikang.

Although the Thain 13 is just an ordinary cruise ship, since it dares to sail on the high seas, its combat power is definitely not too weak.

In this case, since the other party dares to pick up He Zhikang, it means that the other party is sure to defeat Thain No. 13.

Although He Zhikang's organization is only ranked at the middle level in the world, if the entire organization is mobilized, not just Thain No. 13 can withstand it.

And no matter how strong Chen Yang's personal strength is, facing the opponent's entire organization, he still has to worry about the safety of Yang Xuewei and others, and it is inevitable that he will be at a loss.

"Fortunately, I saved a hand."

Chen Yang took out his phone and called Datou.

"Boy, you're looking for death. You dare to make a phone call in front of us."

Alexei and Ruan Yuan were both furious, feeling that they were being ignored by Chen Yang. They moved their bodies, one to the left and the other to the right, and fiercely attacked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang did not dodge. He held the phone in his right hand and whipped his leg out with a whip. The speed was so fast that only the afterimage passed by. Before Alexei could react, the kick hit his chest. He It flew out like a cannonball and fell into the auditorium, knocking the fixed seats into pieces.

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Alexei became unresponsive. Blood continued to pour out of his mouth, and his body remained motionless.

Ruan Yuan did not expect that Alexei would be knocked down by a single blow, and he did not dare to attack rashly again. He quickly stepped back, ran to Alexei's side, and checked Alexei's breathing. His expression suddenly changed. .

"Dead, just kick him to death!"

Ruan Yuan looked at Chen Yang, his eyes full of fear.

At this time, Chen Yang had already answered the phone: "Butou, come here at full speed, someone wants to steal our things. After you came over, except for the Thain 13, all the other ships were sunk. Then board the ship immediately, and the other party It’s a bit much.”

"Fake, you dare to steal my diamonds. I must kill him. Come here immediately."

Datou was filled with indignation and then hung up the phone.

"Datou, I didn't mean to lie to you." Chen Yang pursed his lips, feeling a little sorry for Datou.

He put the phone away and looked at Ruan Yuan, which made Ruan Yuan shiver with fright.

"You...don't come over."

After seeing Chen Yang kick Alexei to death, Ruan Yuan was so frightened that he no longer had the courage to resist.

"Aren't you going to eat my heart? Come on."

Chen Yang walked towards Ruan Yuan, with murderous intent in his eyes. He would never show mercy to a perverted guy like Ruan Yuan.

When He Zhikang came out of the death fighting arena, the entire cruise ship had been controlled by his organization. The ship was full of warriors wearing black costumes, vigilantly monitoring the surrounding situation.

The entire cruise ship seemed quiet at the moment. The passengers were all driven back to their rooms, and no one dared to make a sound.

Captain James, the first mate and others were tied to the wide deck of the bow, their faces full of resentment. Next to them, there were more than a dozen corpses, all of which were the corpses of the crew members who had resisted just now.

James was originally ready to fight, but the opponent's fighting quality was too high. They were all professional combatants, and not the people on Thain 13 could compare to it. Within ten minutes after the opponent boarded the ship, the cruise ship was completely destroyed. Disarm.

At this time, the other party's ship is approaching here. After catching up with the ship's plank, the other party will leave.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

James asked angrily, his mind full of doubts. The other party did nothing after boarding the ship, did not snatch anything, and just waited on the deck.


A punch hit James in the face, causing nosebleeds to spurt out.

"Be honest, next time you talk, I'll blow your head off." A big man with a beard glared at James fiercely.

A woman in colorful clothes next to her glanced at James lightly and said, "Captain, don't worry, I'm only taking one person away. As long as you don't resist, I promise not to take anything else, nor will I take away anything else." Someone who will hurt you again.”

James gritted his teeth, but did not dare to ask any more questions. The other party was so murderous that he was worried that he would kill him.

At this time, He Zhikang dragged Yang Xuewei over. When the woman in colorful clothes saw it, her eyes brightened and fell on Yang Xuewei, and she did not move away for a long time.

Everyone was silent for a while. The woman in colorful clothes nodded to He Zhikang: "Yes, you did a good job."

"Sir, the man I told you before is indeed a tough guy with good skills. However, I have arranged for two death fighting players to stop him. He should be dead by now."

He Zhikang said respectfully, and then pushed Yang Xuewei towards the woman in colorful clothes. The woman in colorful clothes hugged Yang Xuewei. No matter how hard Yang Xuewei struggled, she could not break away. The other party was also a woman, but her strength was unexpectedly great. .

The woman in colorful clothes stared at Yang Xuewei in her arms, sniffed Yang Xuewei's fragrance gently, showed a smile at the corner of her mouth, and said to He Zhikang: "If it hadn't been for the boy you mentioned, we wouldn't have spent so much time this time. Great effort. But you finally got this woman, and you can be considered a meritorious service."

"Thank you for the compliment, sir. That guy Chen Yang is indeed in some trouble."

"Who are you talking about, Chen Yang?"

"Yes, that guy's name is Chen Yang."

After receiving He Zhikang's confirmation, the woman in colorful clothes trembled slightly, and a strange color flashed in her eyes, but she soon calmed down and said secretly: "It should be just a coincidence. If it is really Chen Yang, how can it be that they are two A death fighting fighter can stop it.”

"Sir, I have a gracious request."

Seeing the woman in colorful clothes happy, He Zhikang said with a shy face.

"you say."

"That's it. I hope you can reward Yang Xuewei to me, just for one night..."


Before He Zhikang could finish his words, the woman in colorful clothes kicked him to the ground, her face full of anger, and shouted: "Asshole, Yang Xuewei is my woman, you dare to take advantage of her, you don't want to live. ”

What, your woman! ?

Yang Xuewei suddenly turned her head to look at the woman in colorful clothes, her eyes full of surprise. Was the other party making such a big fight just to capture her?

However, this woman in colorful clothes was so beautiful and had a special temperament. Yang Xuewei felt that she looked completely different from herself, but she was somewhat similar to herself.

As for the similarity, she couldn't think of anything.

Reward list for June 19: Destined Lover, Can’t Quit Your Smirk, Tang Yuchenfeng, Mo Hen, I’m Happy, Half Dim Sum, Walk with You, The Price of Secret Love, Seventeen Strokes, An’an, Beauty Although beauty is ultimately a disaster, Впередтоварищ, Jibeiyan, Wang Shiyong, one year; I miss someone for a lifetime, Brother Guo, Xin Renren, 1956920085, when I am old.

Thank you all for your tips. Many of them are old friends and they give tips every day. It’s hard even if I don’t know the names. Thank you for your support. Thank you very much for the yogurt!

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