Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2644 Can enter but not exit

Seeing Yu Qingfeng's resolute attitude, Wei Chuqi frowned and flew downwards.

The Dragon's Back Academy's protective formation is a defensive formation that does not require control, so there is no formation flag.

If you want to release the formation, you must either break the formation or go to the eye of the formation to close the formation.

At this moment, Wei Chuqi was heading to the center of the formation.

The fight was fierce in the sky, but Lu Jiuding looked happy when he heard Yu Qingfeng's words.

He was worried about not being able to break through the Dragon's Back Academy's protective formation. Now that the other party had taken the initiative to close it down, why wouldn't he do it.

He secretly sent a message to everyone in the Western Fire Sect to slow down their offensive slightly so as not to kill too many people. Seeing that the situation was over, the Dragon Backbone Academy would not close the formation.

"Dragon's Back Academy obeys the order and prepares to face the enemy!"

When the invisible barrier of the courtyard guarding formation fluctuated, Yu Qingfeng's face condensed and he shouted loudly.


The disciples of Dragon Backbone Academy all let out a roar with fierce momentum.

next moment.

Everyone felt that the invisible protective formation was finally closed.

"Kill them all!"

Lu Jiuding looked excited, shouted loudly, killed a Zhenfu cultivator not far away with one move, and continued to attack Jun Luohua.

The Western Fire Sect has been stationed in Longjiao City for eight days. They were blocked by the Dragon's Spine Academy's protective formation. They had been panicking for a long time. Today they were finally able to attack. They were all extremely fierce.

"Comrades, retreat to Dragon's Back College."

Yu Qingfeng shouted and took the lead in retreating into Longji Academy.

Jun Luohua, Yang Zhanfeng and other leaders of various forces immediately understood his intentions and immediately ordered everyone to enter Dragon's Back College.

At this moment, the people of the Western Fire Sect were in a fighting mood. Seeing the enemy retreating, they became very fierce and pursued them fiercely.

Seeing that less than half of the members of the Western Fire Cult entered the Dragon Backbone Academy, a cold light flashed in Yu Qingfeng's eyes. He immediately took out the formation flag left by Chen Yang and activated the water-bending Nine Dragons Formation according to the Chen Yang Cult method.


The sound of surging water sounded, and the transparent water curtain quickly rose from the surroundings of Dragon's Back College, forming a huge water curtain in an instant, covering the entire Dragon's Back College.

Seeing this, the people of the Western Fire Sect were stunned. They were excited to kill, but they had forgotten that the Dragon's Back Academy not only had a courtyard-protecting formation, but also a water-bending Nine Dragons formation.

"Kowloon appears!"

Yu Qingfeng flew behind the Zhengdao people. He waved the formation flag in his hand, and a whirlpool swept across the water curtain. Nine water dragons flew out from the whirlpool, roaring and swooping towards the people of the Western Fire Cult.

Because the Western Fire Sect was chasing after them, they gathered together. At this moment, the nine water dragons attacked without fear of hurting their own people, and they just swarmed forward.

"Get out of the way."


The members of the Western Fire Sect were shocked and quickly evaded.

Boom, boom...

Water dragons exploded one after another, and most of the Western Fire Sect members avoided it, because the direct target of the nine water dragons was not them, but the induction period cultivators at the front.

With nine water dragons, Yu Qingfeng locked onto nine induction-stage cultivators from the Western Fire Sect.

Seven of them failed to escape and were directly killed by the water dragon.

The other two people threw the subordinates beside them to block the water dragon, and then escaped.

In the blink of an eye, seven people in the induction period were killed, and Zhengdao's momentum suddenly became strong.


Jun Luohua reacted quickly, let out a roar, and drove three contracted monsters with late-stage induction to attack the Western Fire Sect.

Other people in the righteous path also had great fighting spirit and launched an attack on the Western Fire Sect.

As a new force, Dragon's Back Academy was even more ferocious, charging into the enemy group and showing strong combat power.

In the huge water curtain of the water-bending Nine Dragon Formation, only more than half of the members of the Western Fire Sect had entered, but now seven induction period members had been killed, and their combat power was suddenly greatly reduced.

Most people in the Western Fire Sect were blocked from the water curtain.

The strange thing is that among the people who rushed into the water-controlling nine dragon formation, Lu Jiuding was not among them.

Logically speaking, as the leader, he should take the lead.

But this time, he was half a beat slower and deliberately stayed outside the water-bending Nine Dragons Formation.

His thinking was very clear. At the moment when the protective formation was closed, although he shouted excitedly, he did not move.

Because he knew that there was a water-bending Nine Dragon Formation ahead, and as soon as he entered, he would be attacked by the water dragon.

The Water Control Nine Dragon Formation is a mysterious formation, and the water dragon is equivalent to the attack of a cultivator in the Soul Realm. Even if Lu Jiuding enters, he will still die if he is hit.

Therefore, he asked others to go in first to attract the firepower of the water-bending Nine Dragons Formation.

Of course, the nine people who rushed in were all induction-stage cultivators who came out of the Red Flame Dungeon.

As for his cronies, he secretly sent messages to them, asking them to slow down and not rush in hastily.

As for the barrier of the water curtain, he didn't care.

He spent a lot of effort to get the water-bending Nine Dragon Formation from the Central Continent, so he knew this formation very well.

He knew that this formation could trap people, but it could not prevent people from outside from entering.

Therefore, he was not worried at all that the people behind him would be blocked by the water curtain.

At this moment, after the nine water dragons were released, he looked fierce, raised his weapon high, and shouted: "Fight in!"



The Xihuo Cult induction cultivators who stayed outside the water curtain responded in unison.

Immediately afterwards, they rushed forward to face the water curtain in front of them with great momentum.

"What are they doing?"

"Are you going to rush in?"

"Isn't this water curtain blocking access?"

Seeing the Western Fire Sect rushing in, everyone in the Zhengdao family looked puzzled.

But when the first person rushed in, their doubts turned into surprise.

After originally killing seven Western Fire Cult induction period members, the situation in the water curtain was completely controlled by the Righteous Way.

However, if a large number of Western Fire Cult members rush in from outside, the situation will inevitably change.


Yu Qingfeng shouted, asking everyone to kill the Western Fire Sect members in the water curtain as quickly as possible.

However, the speed of killing people could not compare with the speed of the Western Fire Cult rushing in.

Wow, wow...

There was a sound of water, and the people of the Western Fire Sect easily passed through the water curtain.

"The water-bending Nine Dragon Formation can be entered but cannot be exited. Since you have set up the formation, you don't know the use of the formation. You are really stupid."

Lu Jiuding entered the water curtain without forgetting to mock.

The next moment, he looked at Yu Qingfeng, with strong murderous intent in his eyes, and attacked Yu Qingfeng.

At the moment, the righteous side has Yu Qingfeng as the core.

As long as Yu Qingfeng is killed, the momentum of the righteous path will be sharply reduced, and the disadvantage caused by the loss of the induction period will be quickly made up for.

Of course, another reason is because the flag of the Water Control Nine Dragons Formation is in the hands of Yu Qingfeng.

In order to prepare for the next round of water dragons, he had to kill Yu Qingfeng first.

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