Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2678 Thirty-Six Counties

Chen Yang glanced at the thin man. He was a bit wretched, but he looked very cheerful. His level was not high, he was only at the ninth level of the extraordinary.

Of course, at this moment, Chen Yang suppressed his realm to the extraordinary level. Otherwise, if his true realm was exposed, no one would dare to offend him, an expert.

After all, there are very few cultivators above the induction period among people who travel to and from the mainland on weekdays.

"I'm going to play in Central Continent."

Chen Yang replied to the thin man.

"Are there any relatives over there?"

The thin man was a talkative man and started chatting with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang had nothing to do, so he started chatting and learned that the other party's name was Li Ji, a disciple of a small sect in the Central Continent.

Although he is only a small character, Li Ji knows a lot about Central Continent.

From his mouth, Chen Yang got a lot of useful information.

The area of ​​the central continent is more than ten times that of the western continent. It is vast and rich in resources.

However, despite its large area, all areas of the Central Continent are all imperial areas, unlike the four continents of southeast, southeast, northwest, and other country divisions.

In other words, the entire Central Continent is under the rule of the Tiansheng Empire.

In order to facilitate management, the Tiansheng Empire divided the central continent into thirty-six counties. Each county is ruled by a county king. The county king is a member of the royal family of the Tiansheng Empire and is directly responsible to the empire.

Don't underestimate these thirty-six counties. The size of each county is almost as large as half of the Western Continent. The area is quite vast.

And because of its rich resources, the Central Continent is prosperous and prosperous, not to mention comparable to the four continents of southeast, northwest and northwest.

It has even developed to this day, and it is said that a county is stronger than any continent in the southeast, northwest, or northwest.

This information made Chen Yang secretly stunned.

After Li Ji finished talking about the general situation of the Central Continent, he was still talking about things like local customs and women.

This guy seemed to know a lot about women. He lowered his voice and told Chen Yang about the differences between women in thirty-six counties.

However, although he was eloquent, Chen Yang could see that he had never even touched a woman and was just a boring guy.

This made Chen Yang feel a little more fond of Li Ji. He felt that this guy was cheap and quite funny.

Suddenly, Li Ji's voice stopped and he stared straight at the cabin entrance, where a girl was walking in.

The girl is very beautiful. She is wearing a light blue dress. She has a good figure and elegant manners, giving everyone a ladylike feeling.

It was obviously this girl who attracted Li Ji's attention, and the guy couldn't even move his eyes away.

The ship between the Central Continent and the Western Continent is a large ship that can accommodate hundreds of people. After all, there are many people traveling on this route, unlike the one between the Western and Northern Continents, which is just a small ship.

Chen Yang sat in the last seat, and except for Li Ji, the seats were still empty.

The girl in the light blue dress glanced into the cabin, then walked to the back row and sat right next to Chen Yang.

The girl was traveling with two other middle-aged women, who looked like her elders.

After they sat down, they started chatting in low voices, all talking about their parents' insecurities.

"Chen Yang, do you think that girl sat here on purpose and wanted to get close to me?"

Li Ji lowered his voice and said to Chen Yang, with a nervous look on his face.

"Don't be narcissistic, it's just that there are three rows of seats here."

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and Li Ji said.

Li Ji looked forward and found that, as Chen Yang said, the seats in front were all separated and there were no triple rows of seats.

At this moment, Li Ji stopped talking and sat next to Chen Yang without saying a word, occasionally glancing at the girl in the light blue dress.

Chen Yang couldn't stand it anymore and said to Li Ji: "How about we change places and you come over and sit next to others so we can communicate more?"

Li Ji was a sultry man, but he didn't dare to get close to girls. He scratched his head and said, "This...isn't this bad?"

"What's wrong?"

Chen Yang stood up and directly pulled Li Ji to his seat, and then he sat in Li Ji's previous seat.

In this way, Li Ji was next to the girl in the light blue dress.

The girl was wary and secretly glanced at Li Ji, who was as skinny as a bamboo pole beside her. She moved her butt to the side and distanced herself.

Li Ji was so embarrassed now that he hurriedly whispered to Chen Yang to change places with him.

Chen Yangli ignored him and simply closed his eyes to rest.

After a while, the entire ship was full and the ship set off to the Central Continent.

Sitting here for several days is definitely unbearable for most people.

But those who travel between the Central Continent and the Western Continent are at least Transcendent Realm warriors, so they can still bear the pain.

On the way, Chen Yang first read the spiritual ultimatum given by Chen Dongshu and memorized the way to the main campus of Longwu Academy.

Then he closed his eyes and practiced the "God Refining Technique".

As for Li Ji, who was sitting next to him, he had been sitting upright, peeking at the girl next to him from time to time, and he was extremely nervous.

The girl in the light blue dress noticed Li Ji's strange behavior, finally couldn't help it, and burst into laughter.

Seeing that Li Ji didn't look like a bad guy, she took the initiative and started chatting.

Li Ji stammered a little at first, but then relaxed and started talking eloquently.

This guy knew a lot of things, and he made other girls listen without batting an eye, full of curiosity.

Before I knew it, a few days passed.

The ship docked on the west coast of the Central Continent, and everyone got off the ship.


The girl in a light blue dress stood up and waved goodbye to Li Ji.

Li Ji is already familiar with the other party, but the Central Continent is vast, and there is a high probability that the two of them will not meet again in the future.

Seeing the girl leave, Li Ji felt quite sad, with his head hanging down listlessly.

"what is her name?"

Chen Yang and Li Ji walked out of the cabin together and asked.


Li Ji replied.

Chen Yang bumped Li Ji with his elbow and said with a smile: "If you like her, then pursue her. Maybe she will become your wife in the future."

Li Ji shook his head and did not answer, obviously he had no confidence in himself.

At this time, the two came ashore.

Chen Yang was about to say goodbye to Li Ji when he unexpectedly saw a gorgeous fire-feather carriage in the distance, screeching to a stop in front of Rong Cai and her two female elders.

The carriage was six to seven meters long and wide, and was pulled by sixteen fire-feathered horses. It was very majestic, and at first glance, it was not something that an ordinary person could possess.

Seeing this scene, Li Ji curled his lips and said to Chen Yang: "Look, other people's families are rich, but I don't deserve it."

However, Chen Yang noticed that when Rong Cai and the others saw the Huo Ling carriage, their faces showed panic.

He pushed Li Ji and urged: "Silly you, the chance for a hero to save a beauty has come. Hurry up and don't let the girl named Rong Cai be taken away."

A hero saves a beauty?

Li Jizheng looked at a loss when he saw several strong men riding Huoling horses behind the Huoling carriage. They drove the horses and surrounded Rong Cai and the others.

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