Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2709 Thousand Years Ice Soul

"Can he alone be able to compete with thousands of my men?"

Zhu Hongzhi laughed dumbly, feeling that the outsider from the Zhao family was too self-righteous.

He didn't worry, waved to Li Hu and said: "Okay, you go and catch Zhao Linghan first, the outsider from the Zhao family, and we will take care of him later."

When Li Hu left, the middle-aged man who had been sitting silently said: "Hong Zhi, it's best to do things quickly. That igloo is very important to the leader. If something goes wrong, the leader will be there." Punish us."

"Don't worry, Elder Cai, I will take down the igloo as soon as possible."

Zhu Hongzhi solemnly promised.

The elder Cai he mentioned was named Cai Yingwen, an elder from the nearby Xueluo Sect, who was at the pinnacle of Zhenfu.

Xueluomen is not strong, but its influence is very huge. They have strongholds in small towns within a thousand miles of the surrounding area, and each stronghold controls a lot of business in each town.

Zhu Hongzhi is the boss of the Xueluo Sect's stronghold in Ice and Snow Town, but few people know his identity.

Even his men didn't know about it.

Zhu Hongzhi frowned and said: "Elder Cai, this matter was actually easy to handle, but the main thing is that the mayor is here. If we rob it forcefully, it will be bad to offend the mayor."

Cai Yingwen couldn't help frowning and said in a deep voice: "It's strange that in your town, there is actually a cultivator in the induction stage sitting in charge."

Zhu Hongzhi said: "The mayor came to Bingxue Town more than 40 years ago and settled here. He was very supported by everyone, and later became the mayor. I don't know why he, a cultivator in the induction period, settled here. This place must be very clever."

Cai Yingwen said: "Let's not mention the mayor for the moment, the most urgent priority is the igloo."

Zhu Hongzhi rolled his eyes and asked: "Elder Cai, I would like to ask, what is so unique about that igloo and why does the leader want to get it?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

Cai Yingwen's face turned cold and he warned.

Zhu Hongzhi smiled awkwardly, quickly changed the subject, and stopped asking further questions.

Soon, Li Hu returned.

In addition to him, there was also a skinny young man with him.

That young man was Zhao Yalan's brother Zhao Linghan. As soon as he entered the yard, his face was full of nervousness. He hunched over slightly and tried hard to squeeze out a smile. He looked embarrassed and wretched.

Entering the main hall, Li Hu raised his hand to Zhu Hongzhi and said, "Brother Zhi, Zhao Linghan has brought him."

Zhu Hongzhi nodded and looked at Zhao Linghan, who was so frightened that he trembled and said quickly: "Boss Zhu, what do you... want to see me for?"

Zhu Hongzhi tapped his fingers on the table and said in a deep voice: "Zhao Linghan, I heard that you owe our gambling house one million spiritual stones and you haven't paid back yet. Is this a problem?"

Zhao Linghan shook his head quickly and said shamelessly: "No, it's not my debt. The debt has been transferred to my sister."

Zhu Hongzhi sneered: "You mean to transfer it to your sister, but the contract is still signed with your name and stamped with your fingerprints. So, if you still can't pay the debt, we will come to you and take over your Zhao family's house." .”

"Boss Zhu, just take over my shabby... no, my mansion. I will never stop you. But having said that, if you take over the house, the debt will be wiped off."

Zhao Linghan said quickly, with a bit of joy on his face, not taking his family's house seriously at all.


Li Hu kicked Zhao Linghan from behind.

Zhao Linghan lay on the ground, turned around and said, "Brother Tiger, why...are you beating me?"

"What you said is nice. Your sister Zhao Yalan is still living at home and blocking us. How can we take over the house?"

Li Hu was beaten by Chen Yang and had nowhere to get angry, so he rushed forward and kicked Zhao Linghan.

Although he was injured, he still had no problem beating Zhao Linghan.

Zhao Linghan rolled on the ground and shouted: "Oh, Brother Hu, if you want to take over the house, just kick my sister out, what do you care about her? Stop fighting, the house is mine, not hers, she does it Can’t reach the Lord.”


Zhu Hongzhi stopped Li Hu with words. With a pair of cold eyes, he looked at the frightened Zhao Linghan and said: "We are business people and do not want to see blood. You go back by yourself, persuade your sister to leave, and hand the house over to us. Tonight Give us an answer before midnight. Otherwise, I will use violent means tomorrow to take away your igloo. Don’t blame me for being rude."

"Yes Yes."

Zhao Linghan was afraid of being beaten and did not dare to argue anymore, so he quickly agreed.

Li Hu kicked him out and shouted, "Hurry up and go."

Zhao Linghan ran out quickly, and Zhu Hongzhi said to Li Hu, "Follow him and see what's going on."

After Li Hu left, Cai Yingwen said to Zhu Hongzhi: "If the matter still cannot be settled, then we can only use strong methods."

"Don't worry, Elder Cai, I will definitely get things done."

Zhu Hongzhi cupped his hands towards Cai Yingwen, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he had already prepared the most vicious plan.

Chen Yang stayed at Zhao Yalan's house, waiting for Zhao Linghan to return.

It was getting late and Zhao Linghan hadn't come back yet.

It is inconvenient for Chen Yang to stay here alone as a man and a woman.

Just when he was about to leave, footsteps sounded outside, and a man with disheveled clothes and some blood on his body walked in. It was Zhao Linghan.

In fact, Zhao Linghan was supposed to come back in the afternoon, but after being warned by Zhu Hongzhi, he went to other small gambling houses to secretly play a few games before returning.

When he saw Zhao Yalan at this moment, he directly ignored Chen Yang in the room, glared, pointed at Zhao Yalan and cursed: "You damn girl, this is my house, Zhu Hongzhi and the others want to take it away, what does it have to do with you? Do you know You know, just because you stopped Li Hu and the others, I was severely beaten!"

Zhao Yalan was also completely disappointed with her brother, and said with a stern face: "You are addicted to gambling and have almost ruined your family. Now you have to give up this ancestral house to others. By doing this, you are worthy of the ancestors of the Zhao family." Lie Zong?"

"Sooner or later you will get married, the ancestors of the Zhao family are none of your business!"

Zhao Linghan cursed and said: "I'm warning you now, you will move out immediately tomorrow. If you don't hand over the house to Zhu Hongzhi and the others, they will come and rob you tomorrow. Maybe they will arrest you and put you in a brothel to make money. .”

Zhao Yalan stood up in a hurry and said: "Brother, this igloo was handed down from our ancestors and has special significance. Only you know the secret. But now, you actually want to pay off the igloo. From now on..."


Zhao Linghan spat and interrupted: "What's the point? Do you believe that our igloo is a formation that contains ten thousand years of ice soul? This kind of nonsense is just a lie by those old guys from the Zhao family. That’s all.”

Upon hearing this, Chen Yang's eyes suddenly brightened and he asked Zhao Linghan: "Brother Zhao, the formation and ice soul you just mentioned were handed down by the ancestors of the Zhao family?"

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