Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2716 Thirty meters underground

Chen Yang's shout shocked the entire Ice and Snow Town. People came out one after another and looked into the sky.

"Someone got into a fight with the mayor?"

"Who is that person? Why haven't I seen him before?"

"Whoever fights the mayor must be a bad guy."

People were talking a lot, but Zhao Yalan, who had just walked out of the room, was stunned because she discovered that the person fighting Sun Jian in the air was none other than Chen Yang.

"What's going on? Why did he fight with my grandfather?"

Sun Lin'er chased out and asked Zhao Yalan with a frown.

Zhao Yalan shook her head: "I don't know either."

"Isn't he looking for death? My grandfather is in the early stage of induction. How can he be my grandfather's opponent? This kid doesn't overestimate his abilities. It's really annoying!"

Sun Lin'er said angrily.

In the sky, Sun Jian was holding an eight-marked celestial sword. Above his head was a fourfold sword intent. With his wave of his hand, a sword beam struck Chen Yang.

The green sword light reflected the sky brightly, giving Bingxue Town a layer of green brilliance.

The ice and snow, the green light refracted, and it was beautiful under the night.

However, that sword light was powerful and ferocious, shocking people's hearts.

"Brother Chen, be careful!"

Seeing the sword light shooting towards Chen Yang, Zhao Yalan said nervously.

"Why are you nervous about him? This arrogant man deserves to be damned for provoking my grandpa!"

Sun Lin'er curled her lips and muttered with an unhappy look on her face.

Just when everyone in Ice and Snow Town thought that Chen Yang was about to be struck by the sword.

Chen Yang raised his hand, blue star energy condensed on his fingertips, and shot out a star energy sphere with a snap of his finger.


The star energy sphere bombarded the sword light, instantly breaking the sword light, and continued to attack Sun Jian unabated.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned.

Especially Sun Jian's expression changed suddenly. He didn't expect Chen Yang to be so powerful.

He hurriedly swung his sword to block the star energy sphere, but his speed was too slow and it was too late. He was bombarded by the star energy sphere and flew backwards, falling behind an iceberg.


The townspeople of Ice and Snow Town were very supportive of Sun Jian. When they saw him falling, everyone flew towards that direction.

However, their speed could not compare to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang used the strong wind artistic conception and swished over the iceberg.

Just after passing by, a sword light shot out from below.

It turned out that Sun Jian was not seriously injured, but deliberately hid behind the mountain and attacked Chen Yang secretly.

The sword light came so quickly that Chen Yang was caught off guard and it was too late to dodge or resist.

"Hmph, die!"

Sun Jian sneered again and again, thinking that the battle was settled.

But at this moment, green light flowed from Chen Yang's body, and he flew straight towards Sun Jian without even looking at the sudden sword light.


The sword light engulfed Chen Yang, and the violent energy shattered the iceberg, shooting up arrow-like ice cones.

Ice fragments were flying all over the sky, like fog, blocking the view.

Under the moonlight, this scene is very gorgeous.

Just when Sun Jian thought that Chen Yang was dead, with a swish, Chen Yang's figure flew out from the broken ice in the sky, instantly arrived in front of Sun Jian, and punched him in the chest.


Sun Jian's sternum was shattered, blood spattered, his wide eyes were full of disbelief, blood spurted out of his mouth, he fell downwards, and with a bang, he fell under the glacier.

The huge impact caused the small iceberg to shake, a crack appeared, and the iceberg collapsed, burying Sun Jian underneath.

The residents of Ice and Snow Town in the distance only saw the iceberg collapse, but not the other battles.

Chen Yang sensed it and saw that there was no energy fluctuation under the thick ice. He confirmed that Sun Jian was dead. He moved and returned directly to Zhao's house.

He flew down in the Zhao family courtyard. Zhao Linghan was so frightened that he cowered in the corner and did not dare to move.

Just as he was about to step forward to ask Zhao Linghan about the Ten Thousand Years Ice Soul, Zhao Yalan and Sun Liner rushed into the courtyard.

"Where's my grandpa? What did you do to him?"

Sun Lin'er roared angrily and reached out to pull Chen Yang's clothes.

Chen Yang took a step back, his face darkened, and said: "Don't touch me, or don't blame me for being rude."

"I see how rude you are!" Sun Lin'er snorted coldly, approached Chen Yang and said, "If you dare to touch me, my grandpa will definitely not let you go."

Zhao Yalan quickly pulled Sun Liner, frowned and said to Chen Yang: "Brother Chen, the mayor is a good person, why did you fight with him?"

Chen Yang did not explain. He pointed at Zhao Linghan who was huddled in the corner and said, "Ask him."

Zhao Linghan said hurriedly: "The mayor is a bad guy. He pretended to be everything. He has been lurking in Ice and Snow Town for more than forty years, just looking for the ten thousand-year ice soul."


Zhao Yalan was shocked and couldn't believe her ears.

Sun Lin'er was stunned for a moment, pointed at Zhao Linghan and said, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Zhao Linghan said: "I'm not talking nonsense. The mayor came to my house in the middle of the night with his face covered. If Chen Yang hadn't recognized him, I wouldn't have known it was him. What do you think he wanted to do secretly?"

"You are so slanderous!"

Sun Lin'er was furious and planned to beat Zhao Linghan.

Chen Yang waved his palm and pushed Sun Lin'er away with a wave of air, and said in a deep voice: "Don't mess around."


Sun Lin'er wanted to say something more, but was shocked by Chen Yang's cold eyes. She stopped as soon as she spoke. She snorted angrily and ran outside, saying, "I'll go find my grandpa and ask him to take care of you."


Chen Yang shook his head and murmured, he was very unhappy with an unreasonable young lady like Sun Lin'er.


Zhao Yalan hurriedly chased outside, but was stopped by Zhao Linghan: "Sister, don't leave, I... I'm afraid!"

After hesitating for a moment, Zhao Yalan went over to help her brother up and said, "It's all you who caused the trouble. If you hadn't been talking about Wannian Bingpo everywhere, how could there have been so many things."

Zhao Linghan opened his mouth to argue, but when he saw Chen Yang here, he quickly closed his mouth.

Chen Yang's coldness when he killed Zhu Hongzhi and Cai Yingwen just now left a deep psychological shadow on him.

"Go inside first!"

Chen Yang said hello and stepped into the house first.

When the Zhao brothers and sisters came in, he asked Zhao Linghan: "You seem to have revealed more information to Zhu Hongzhi and the others. Now, should you tell me how to get the ten thousand-year ice soul."

Zhao Linghan did not dare to hide any more and said quickly: "The Ten Thousand Years Ice Soul is under this house. My father told me before he died that if you want to get the Thousand Years Ice Soul, you must first dig thirty meters underground, and a mechanism will appear underground. .As for how to open the mechanism, he doesn’t know.”

"Where to dig it from?"

Chen Yang asked.

Zhao Linghan pointed to the table in the center of the room: "Just dig thirty meters from under this table."

PS: Yogurt wishes all book friends a happy National Day and a happy holiday!

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