Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2726 Background

Hearing Le Qi's warning, everyone was speechless. It was obviously Le Qi who spilled the beans himself, and now he asked others to keep it a secret.

However, everyone did not dare to offend Chen Dongshu and quickly nodded in agreement.

Looking at Le Qi who brought Chen Yang into Longwu Academy, Yi Xue, Pan Rui and Zhou Qian felt depressed.

Little did they know that Le Qi was trying to flatter Chen Yang.

Originally, this opportunity should belong to them.

Thinking that they had offended Chen Yang, they quickly caught up with Zhang Mu and said, "Amu, go and say a few good words for us and tell Senior Brother Chen that we know we were wrong."

Zhang Mu was silent for a moment, nodded and said: "Yes."

"Thank you, Amu!"

Yi Xue and the others quickly thanked them, but they were still very uneasy in their hearts. They could only pray that Chen Yang would not bear grudges against them.

After Chen Yang went through various procedures with Le Qi, he got a Dragon Martial Order in his hand, as well as some other related items.

Coming out of the business hall, I happened to meet Zhang Mu.

Zhang Mu was not good at words, so he stepped forward and said straight to the point: "Senior Brother Chen, Yi Xue and the others asked me to tell you that they apologize to you."

"I didn't take it to heart."

Chen Yang smiled and said to Zhang Mu: "Junior brother Zhang, if not, you can take me to the accommodation area. Anyway, senior brother Le has something to do, so I won't bother him."


Zhang Mu nodded, looking very happy.

Although Le Qi wanted to get closer to Chen Yang, he couldn't express it too much, so he said goodbye and left. At the same time, he was thinking secretly in his heart. It seemed that Yi Xue and the others had offended Chen Yang. How about taking this opportunity to help Chen Yang out? tone.

Yi Xue and the other three are just disciples of the Zhenfu period, and their status is far inferior to that of Le Qi. It is easy for him to control them.

Chen Yang didn't know what Le Qi was thinking, so he asked Zhang Mu to lead the way to the dormitory assigned to him by the Affairs Hall.

Longwu Academy is very vast, stretching over several huge peaks. Chen Yang's dormitory is located at Longfu Peak.

Along the way, Chen Yang didn't meet a single Soul Condensation Realm cultivator. He couldn't help but feel puzzled and asked Zhang Mu, "Junior Brother Zhang, why are there no Senior Brothers from the Soul Condensation Realm here?"

Zhang Mu explained: "The senior brothers in the Soul Condensation Realm are all in Longxing Peak. Only those who have advanced to the Soul Condensation Realm can move there. Generally speaking, the senior brothers there rarely have contact with us, just like in another world."

Indeed, after advancing to the Soul Condensation Realm, even at the first level of the Soul Condensation Realm, the strength is much stronger than in the induction stage, reaching another level.

What's more, there are practitioners of the False Mansion and the True Mansion on this Longfu Peak, and the masters of the Condensation Realm naturally don't want to associate with them.

Chen Yang understood and asked again: "How many Condensation Realm cultivators are there in Longwu Academy?"

Zhang Mutao: "I don't know the specifics, but I heard from others that there are about a hundred young Condensation Realm cultivators. Including those old ones, it should reach thousands!"

"What, thousands!"

Chen Yang was shocked and said: "With so many, isn't it almost the same as the number of cultivators in the induction stage?"

Zhang Mu explained: "Cultivators in the induction period of Longwu Academy who cannot advance to the Condensation Realm at the age of 100 will be asked to leave the academy and wander alone. Therefore, the number of cultivators in the induction period is always controlled at a certain number. . And the cultivators of the Soul Condensation Realm have accumulated their skills over thousands of years, so they are naturally huge in size."

"I see!"

Chen Yang nodded, but he was still very shocked.

One Soul Condensation Realm cultivator is enough to turn the Western Continent upside down. There are thousands of Soul Condensation Realm cultivators in Longwu Academy, which is really terrifying.

This is the foundation.

However, he had a doubt in his heart and asked: "Junior Brother Zhang, I heard that practitioners in the Soul Realm will become elders of Longwu Academy. Are those thousands of disciples all elders?"

"not like this."

Zhang Mu shook his head and continued: "After the Condensation Realm cultivators in the academy reach two hundred years old, they are no longer disciples, but are called deacon elders. There is a difference between these deacon elders and elders. To put it simply, It means enjoying certain resources, but doing more things than ordinary Condensation Realm disciples."

"The elders of the academy refer specifically to the strong ones in the Cave Void Realm. You must know that in the Divine Soul Realm, it is very difficult to advance to the first level. Most people are stuck at the peak of the Condensation Realm and cannot enter the Cave Void Realm. Realm. Currently, there are only seventeen elders in the Dongxu Realm in the entire Longwu Academy."

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and asked again: "What about the realm of immortality?"

"Dean Yu Jianheng must be a strong man in the immortal realm. As for the vice-deans, I'm not sure. But from what others say, it seems they are also in the immortal realm."

When Zhang Mu said this, he seemed to have started talking. Without waiting for Chen Yang to ask, he continued: "Although Yu Jianheng is the dean, he is actually the acting dean. The real dean is Lu Tianhe, the founder of Longwu College. However, Lu Tianhe is missing now, and we no longer know what his strength is. But based on everyone’s inference, everyone thinks that he should have reached the three-phase realm.”

Chen Yang pondered: "If you reach the Three Phase Realm, wouldn't you be able to compete with the Holy Emperor?"

Zhang Mutao: "Because Dean Lu's talent was too high, everyone speculated that the Holy Emperor was afraid that he would grow up and become a potential threat to the Heavenly Holy Empire, so he secretly killed him. Of course, these are all rumors, and I am not sure. true and false."

While talking, the two of them had walked to an accommodation area.

Zhang Mu pointed to the large houses built on the hillside and said to Chen Yang: "Longfu Peak covers a large area and is divided into several areas, distinguished by A, B, C and D. The place you live in is Area B, and the room number is Twenty-seven."

Chen Yang nodded. This system is similar to Dragon's Back College and Yaoling Branch.

While walking towards No. 27, Area B, Zhang Mu pointed to another mountain peak and said to Chen Yang: "Senior Brother Chen, over there is Long Qian Peak. The disciples of the Transcendent Realm, the Core Formation Realm, and the Consecrated Light Realm under the Purple Mansion Realm, They all live on that mountain peak. Except for the disciples from Longwu Academy who come from various continents, the others all come from Longqian Peak."

Chen Yang asked: "Besides Long Qian, Long Fu, and Long Xing, are there any other peaks?"

Zhang Mu said: "There is also Longwu Peak, which is the main peak of the college. The president, vice president, elders and others live there. The college has extremely grand ceremonies, which will be held there. There is also Longteng Peak, where It’s not inhabited by people, but it’s a good place to practice. It’s said that only the top disciples in the Soul Condensation Realm can enter Longteng Peak to practice.”

As he spoke, Zhang Mu stopped, pointed to a large house, and said to Chen Yang, "We're here!"

Chen Yang looked over and saw that there was no plaque on the mansion. There was a sign hanging next to it with the words District B No. 27 on it.


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