Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2969 Moon-Eating Wind-Chasing Bat

Chen Yang thought for a while and said: "There are too many of them. If a fight breaks out, it will definitely not be resolved in a short time. By then, it will be troublesome to attract the monsters and mysterious sword puppets from the sword domain. We should try our best to avoid it. Meet them and leave this place.”

Xuan Yudi nodded in agreement, but still muttered unhappily: "These guys from Fengling Academy obviously want to kill us, but they dare to come for revenge. It's really disgusting."

"Both the enemy and us, how can we care who is right and who is wrong?"

Chen Yang smiled noncommittally, put out the bonfire on the ground with one palm, and ran towards the depths of the Sword Sword Domain. He said to Xuan Yudi: "The monsters and sword puppets in the depths of the Sword Sword Domain are stronger. Let's go over there. Go, they are afraid and won't follow."

Xuan Yudi nodded and followed Chen Yang.

The two of them used their speed to the extreme, like two groups of elves in the dark night, drawing a long green shadow of true energy in the jungle.

"Are you crazy? They are going to the Jiandan Realm."

In the distance, Shu Qiran looked at Chen Yang and the two of them, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he made the dragon-marked black wildebeest under him stop.

He was lost in thought. If he continued to catch up, he would probably encounter monsters above the middle stage of concentration and sword puppets above the second-line profound weapon.

However, if they didn't catch up, Chen Yang and the two fled.

"Although Chen Yang is extremely talented, his magical powers and skills are also extraordinary. If I can get his acceptance, I will definitely gain a lot. And if I kill him, I will definitely receive a reward from the royal family."

Shu Qiran thought to himself that he could not resist the temptation of profit after all. With a flash of consciousness, the black horse under him accelerated and ran after Chen Yang.

He shouted: "Chase!"

After hearing his order, the disciples of Fengling Academy who were still hesitant suddenly followed him.

The speed of the dragon-marked black wildebeest is obviously faster than other monsters. Only five people can barely keep up with his speed. The monsters under these five people are all good at speed.

The other Fengling Academy disciples are getting farther and farther away.

Xiao Yuanruo's golden-clawed bald eagle was also very fast. It was flying in the air and could see the whereabouts of Chen Yang and Xuan Yudi from a distance, and promptly informed Shu Qiran and others of their location below.

"Senior Brother Shu, if we pursue them too deep like this, we will inevitably encounter monsters that are above the mid-condensation stage. If there is no way to stop Chen Yang and the others, I suggest that we give up the pursuit."

Next to Shu Qiran, a young man riding a giant gray wolf said to him.

This young man is Dai Mo, one of the three early Ningjing cultivators. He is extremely powerful, second only to Shu Qiran among the people.

Another person said: "Senior Brother Shu, make a decision quickly, otherwise, I think we will enter a dangerous area."

Looking into the distance, Shu Qiran seemed to see something dangerous, with a strong look of fear in his eyes.

He retracted his gaze and fell on Chen Yang and the two who were slightly closer. His eyes focused and he said: "Follow immediately, I will stop them."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shu Qiran jumped off the back of the dragon-marked black wildebeest and shot into the air.

The moment he jumped up, a gray shadow swooped out of a bulging cloth bag on his waist.

The gray shadow appeared and turned out to be a bat.

The bat shrank into a ball, only half a meter long and less than ten centimeters wide, like a cylinder.

However, after he flew out of the bag, his wings suddenly spread out and made a whooshing sound. The air waves were lifted up by the wings and blew to both sides.

When the wings are spread out, they are actually five or six meters wide.

The edges of the wings were covered with densely packed spikes, which were extremely sharp. They shone with an icy cold light under the moonlight, and there was a faint dark red demonic aura lingering at the top.

The bat raised its head, its fangs criss-crossed up and down. Although its mouth was not big, it gave people a very ferocious look, as if it could swallow an elephant in one bite.

His scarlet eyes were like condensed blood, weird and bloody.

But the strange thing is that his eyes have no sparkle at all.

This monster is none other than Shu Qiran's contracted monster in the early stage of Condensation: the Moon-devouring Wind Chasing Bat. This bat is extremely fast and can be ranked in the top ten among the monsters in the early stage of Condensation.

Because the monsters in the Soul Condensation Realm have extremely high intelligence and are extremely resistant to cultivators, Fengling Academy will use special methods to erase the wisdom of the Monsters in the Soul Condensation Realm.

However, this method is not mandatory. As long as the disciples in the academy are willing, they can ask the academy to help, thereby improving their control over the Condensation Realm monsters.

Obviously, the Moon-Eating Wind-Chasing Bat's eyes were dull because its intelligence had been wiped away.

The Moon-Eating Wind Chasing Bat flew out, and Shu Qiran stepped on the back of the bat, which was not wide. The bat suddenly accelerated and chased Chen Yang, immediately leaving Xiao Yuanruo, Dai Mo, Wang Haofan and others behind. Behind him.

"Someone is approaching quickly."

Chen Yang sensed the energy fluctuations behind him, looked back, and said to Xuan Yudi: "It looks like we can't escape. It's the Moon-Eating Wind-chasing Monster Beast in the early stage of Condensation, and it's much faster than us."

Upon hearing this, Xuan Yudi immediately stopped and said to Chen Yang, "I don't want to escape yet."

Chen Yang stopped, looked back at Shu Qiran, who was approaching quickly, and said, "In that case, let's have a fight. But how did these disciples from Fengling Academy find us?"

As soon as he asked this question, Chen Yang saw Wang Junhao, who was in the third echelon of Fengling Academy, and said coldly: "This bastard actually told the disciples of Fengling Academy about our whereabouts."

Xuan Yudi said angrily: "He is so shameless. We saved his life, but he still wants to harm us."

The two looked at each other, and with a tacit understanding, they both decided to kill Wang Junhao, the scum.

When Shu Qiran saw Chen Yang and the others stopped, a look of thought flashed in his eyes, and he immediately ordered the Moon-Eating Wind Chasing Bat under his feet to slow down to avoid catching up alone and being killed by Chen Yang if he was not Chen Yang's opponent.

The five people who were pulled down, including Xiao Yuanruo and Dai Mo, quickly caught up and chased Chen Yang side by side with Shu Qiran.

Immediately afterwards, other Fengling Academy disciples who fell into the third echelon also followed.

A group of more than thirty people and dozens of monsters approached Chen Yang and Xuan Yudi in a mighty and fierce manner.

In order to prevent the two of them from escaping, they spread out in a fan shape and planned to surround Chen Yang and the two immediately after approaching.

"There are a lot of people and monsters, so it doesn't seem to be easy to deal with."

Chen Yang looked at everyone in Fengling Academy and said thoughtfully.

Xuan Yudi showed a disapproving expression, pointed at Shu Qiran, Dai Mo, and Wang Haofan, and said: "Except for these three early stages of Condensation, there is no threat at all. Even these three early stages of Condensation are not at all threatening. They are no match for you and me. But the trouble is, there are too many people and it will be difficult to kill them."

Although Xuan Yudi is cute and cute, she will not be soft on her enemies if a fight breaks out.

After a few breaths, everyone from Fengling Academy arrived thirty meters in front of Chen Yang and the others.

They dispersed and surrounded Chen Yang.

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