Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2988 Come forward

Seeing Xiao Lie handing over the ring, Qian Ling and others did not dare to say anything. They quickly erased the spiritual mark on the ring, put it on the table in front of Chen Yang, and left Li Er Winery in a hurry. .


After all the disciples of Fengling Academy left, everyone in the wine shop laughed heartily.

They couldn't stand that group of people very much, but they didn't dare to provoke them.

Now that Chen Yang has dealt with the disciples of Fengling Academy ruthlessly, everyone feels a breath of bad breath.

Everyone couldn't help but become curious about who Chen Yang was. Not to mention his strength, he was not afraid of Fengling Academy's background at all.

Chen Yang examined the six Na Rings on the table. There was nothing particularly good in them. Except for the spirit stones, other things were almost useless to him.

After putting away the ring, he wanted to leave the wine shop.

At this time, the boss Li Er came over, bowed to Chen Yang, and said gratefully: "Master, thank you."

After saying that, he put the thousand spirit stones on Chen Yang's table and said, "I can't have these spirit stones, so please keep them."

In addition, Li Er also returned all the spiritual stones that Chen Yang had given to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang waved his hand, pushed the spirit stones away, and said to Li Er: "Those disciples from Fengling Academy, I'm worried that they will come to trouble you. Those thousand spirit stones are enough for you to smoothen your relationship and receive protection from the government. Therefore, you accept the spirit stone, I don’t want it.”

Seeing what Li Er wanted to say, Chen Yang continued: "These spiritual stones are not important to me, but they may be life-saving for you. If you really thank me, just accept them."


Li Er hesitated for a moment. Thinking of his own safety, he finally nodded and accepted the spirit stone.

He said to Chen Yang: "Master, I have nothing else to thank you for. Please come with me and I will bring you my treasured delicacies."

After speaking, Li Er led the way and led Chen Yang to the wine cellar at the back.

Chen Yang was not in a hurry to leave and followed Li Er, deciding to taste Li Er's treasured delicacies and wait to see if Xiao Lie and his gang would come back for revenge.

Xiao Lie, Qian Ling and the other six people left Li Er's Winery and did not go far. They sat down in a restaurant opposite and looked at the door of Li Er's Winery from the second floor.

Each of their faces looked uglier than the last, and their eyes were full of resentment and unwillingness.

Especially Qian Ling, whose pale face was filled with anger and his teeth were clenched tightly, wanting to eat Chen Yang alive.

After being silent for a while, Qian Ling said in a deep voice: "Senior Brother Xiao, what should we do now?"

Xiao Lie looked solemn and said: "When Senior Brother Xu comes, tell Senior Brother Xu the matter first and let him make the decision."

Qian Ling said: "Senior Brother Xu has advanced to the peak of induction, and his contracted monster is very small and can be carried around. If he is willing to take action, the kid just now will definitely not be his opponent."

Xiao Lie said: "All six of us have been robbed of our Najie. This is a shame for Fengling Academy. Senior Brother Xu will never sit idly by and ignore it."

Qian Ling's eyes showed an expectant look: "When Senior Brother Xu comes later, I will definitely ask Senior Brother Xu to kill that person!"

"Senior Brother Xu is here!"

At this time, a junior fellow student next to him who was on vacation stood up and looked downstairs at the door of Li Er's Winery opposite.

Standing there was a middle-aged man wearing a green robe, with a rather outstanding momentum, walking towards Li Er's wine shop.

When the disciples of Fengling Academy saw this person, they all showed excitement. Xiao Lie quickly stood up and said through a message: "Senior Brother Xu, we are here."

The middle-aged man at the door of Li Er's Winery heard the sound, looked back, and found someone waving to him from the window on the third floor of the restaurant opposite.

When he saw that it was his junior brother and sister, he nodded and walked towards the restaurant.

If Chen Yang saw this person's face, he would not be unfamiliar with it.

Because this senior brother Xu from Fengling Academy is the same Xu Cang who was lurking in the Black Fire Sect branch when Chen Yang was in Zhongzhen City, trying to seize the Jie Mi God's soul.

After being defeated by Chen Yang and fleeing, the plan was shattered. Xu Cang returned to Fengling Academy and concentrated on training.

He is quite talented in taming monsters. When he is in the late stage of induction, he can tame the rock-breaking rat at the peak of induction.

Now that he has advanced to the peak level of induction, he has subdued two monster beasts at the peak of induction. It can be said that his combat power has been greatly improved. He has a very high status among the Zifu realm disciples of Fengling Academy.

As soon as he walked into the restaurant opposite, Xiao Lie and six other people came downstairs to greet him. When they saw him, they all bowed respectfully: "Senior Brother Xu!"

Xu Cang nodded, pointed to Li Er's Winery opposite the door, and asked, "Although Li Er's Winery is small, I have been there several times, and the wine is indeed beautiful. I made an appointment to meet you there, why are you here?" here?"

Xiao Lie frowned and said, "Senior Brother Xu, it's a long story. Follow us upstairs and we'll tell you slowly."

Xu Cang looked puzzled and immediately went upstairs with Xiao Lie and others.

When they arrived at the private room on the third floor, Xiao Lie showed a bitter look on his face and said, "Senior Brother Xu, we met a master in Li Er's Winery. Junior Sister Guizhou was beaten and seriously injured, and we were all robbed of our wedding rings."

Hearing this, Xu Cang's face suddenly turned cold. He immediately checked Qian Ling's injuries, took out the elixir and gave it to Qian Ling, and said, "Junior sister Qian, your injury is very serious. In the past month, you have been injured. Don't use your vitality anymore, otherwise, it won't be as simple as the sequelae, and your cultivation will probably not be able to improve."

Qian Ling was shocked. He didn't expect that the injury was more serious than he thought.

Xu Cang looked at Xiao Lie and asked, "What's going on? How could you have a conflict with someone? Why would that person do such a vicious thing?"

Xiao Lie said: "There are no seats in Li Er's wine shop. We saw a man sitting at a table alone in the corner, so we planned to share a table. Unexpectedly, a conflict broke out and the man hurt someone."

Xu Cang sneered and said: "Hmph, it's not like I don't know that you guys must be arrogant and tell others to go away, right?"

Xiao Lie's heart trembled, his face showed embarrassment, he quickly stood up, bowed to Xu Cang and said: "Senior Brother Xu, I..."

"Okay, no need to explain."

Xu Cang waved his hand, looked at Qian Ling, and continued: "No one else was injured, but you were injured. You must be the most arrogant among them. I know your temper, do you want to kill someone?"

Qian Ling had a good personal relationship with Xu Cang. He curled his lips and said softly: "Senior Brother Xu, that person is very annoying. I couldn't help it, so I took action."

"Okay, no matter what the reason is, strength speaks for itself in this world. You are disciples of Fengling Academy. It's too much for him to hurt people and dare to take away the ring."

A cold light flashed in Xu Cang's eyes, and he stood up and said: "As your senior brother, I should help you come forward in this matter. Come on, come with me to Li Er's Winery."

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