Urban magic doctor

Chapter 301 Interception

After the Focus drove out of the parking lot, Chen Yang took out his mobile phone and placed it on the center console.

A 3D map is projected from the mobile phone. There are two small dots on it, one red and one green.

The red dot represents Ayuko Sakurai.

The green dot represents the location of the phone.

No one except Ye Zi just noticed that the moment Ayuko Sakurai drove away, Chen Yang threw something and it was attached to the rear of the car.

That thing was a Beidou satellite locator that Chen Yang took off his mobile phone. It was used in conjunction with the mobile phone.

With this, he can track Ayuko Sakurai.

In Chen Yang's opinion, the patrol bureau's methods were useless.

The surveillance and sky eyes along the way will definitely be blocked by Ayuzi. As long as the patrol bureau loses her whereabouts, it will be almost impossible to find her again.

On the map projected by the mobile phone, the red dots were moving at high speed, leaving the city and heading towards the mountains.

"There are no eyes in the mountainous area. It seems that she is very cautious and plans to take care of the car and people before running away."

Chen Yang frowned. If Ayuko Sakurai left the car and entered the mountainous area, it would be difficult for him to track her.

Ye Zi said: "I left the musk scent on her body. As long as we find the car, we can follow the smell to find her."

"Say Ye Zi, when did you become so cunning?"

Chen Yang glanced at Ye Zi and said with some surprise.

Ye Zi smiled sheepishly: "She came into my room last night and wanted to seduce me. I happened to be wiping my sword with musk, and some of it remained on her body."

Musk is a material used to protect swords. The leaf is nicknamed Jianlin. He is a swordsman, so he always has musk on his body for the maintenance of his sword.

Hearing Ye Zi's words, Chen Yang joked: "It seems that you touched Ayuko's body, otherwise the musk scent would not remain on her body."

Ye Zi's face showed embarrassment: "She came over on her own, and I drove her away with my sword. The sword stuck to her body, so she was contaminated with the musk scent."

"Okay, if you say so, then that's it."

Chen Yang said with a evil smile.

Ye Zi rubbed his temples helplessly. Knowing that Chen Yang was teasing him, he stopped explaining.

The two followed the red dots on the 3D map and walked for about four hours until they entered the mountainous area. The road became very narrow, just enough for two cars to pass in parallel.

Fortunately, there was no one on the mountain. Chen Yang accelerated with all his strength, getting closer and closer to Sakurai Ayuko.

"This road is a dead end. It goes straight to the top of the mountain and does not connect to other places. It seems that Ayuko is planning to abandon the car and escape into the mountains."

Seeing that they were almost reaching the top of the mountain, Chen Yang analyzed.

At this moment, there was a person lying on the roadside in front, and Fox was speeding past. Chen Yang took a closer look and found that it was Zhu Jiashang.

But it's a corpse.

Zhu Jiashang's throat was slit, blood was still flowing out, his eyes were wide open, his face was pale, and his face was covered with blood stains, which were obviously scars caused by friction after being thrown out of the car.

Ye Zi said: "The red dot slowed down just now, it seems to be to throw the body out of the car."

"When you come back later, help him collect his body."

Chen Yang had no feelings about Zhu Jia Shuang's death. He speeded up and continued to drive forward.

The road soon came to an end and entered a mountain village. It was all covered with broken dirt roads and was very difficult to walk on.

There are few cars coming here, and you can tell where Sakurai Ayuko has gone from the wheel marks left in front.

Following the wheel tracks, Chen Yang and Ye Zi arrived at a cliff.

When the two stopped the car, they saw wheel tracks extending to the edge of the cliff and then disappearing.

They looked down the cliff, and sure enough they saw the white car falling below, smashing into a mess.

"Ayuko definitely didn't drive her car off the cliff. She pushed the car down. She should have slipped away from somewhere else."

Chen Yang said, looking for footprints around, but unfortunately he couldn't find any footprints.

Ye Zi said: "Smell it and follow the smell of musk."

Chen Yang nodded and sniffed his nose vigorously. The air in the mountainous area was fresh, with a faint smell of earthy grass, which was very comfortable.

Unfortunately, he didn't smell the scent of musk.

"Gotta get a dog and try it."

Chen Yang rushed to the village immediately and borrowed a dog from the mountain people. It was also the most powerful hunting dog in the mountain village.

"Ye Zi, first give your sword to Wangcai and let him smell the scent of musk on it."


Ye Zi pulled out his sword and put it on Wangcai's nose. Wangcai sniffed the blade for a few times, then lay on the ground and started looking for it.

Wangcai walked to the edge of the cliff, stopped, sniffed hard, and then barked at the bottom of the cliff.

"Ayuko won't really fall off the cliff, right?"

Chen Yang frowned, but then denied this conjecture.

"Okay, Wangcai, you can go back."

He said hello to Wangcai. Wangcai understood his words, stopped barking, turned around and trotted leisurely towards the village.

Chen Yang looked at the bottom of the cliff and said to Ye Zi, "Go down and have a look."

Ye Zi nodded, and the two immediately climbed down the cliff.

The cliff is steep and smooth, making it difficult to get a foothold.

But for them, this was not a problem. The two climbed to the bottom of the cliff very quickly, much better than the rock climbing experts.

After reaching the bottom of the cliff, Chen Yang put away the Beidou satellite locator attached to the rear of the white car, assembled it with his mobile phone, and then checked on the ground.

His eyes lit up and he said: "There are footprints here. Wangcai is really powerful. It seems that Sakurai Ayuko really escaped from here."


Chen Yang immediately followed the footprints and chased after Ye Zi.

After chasing for several kilometers, they saw the figure of Sakurai Ayuko, just two hundred meters ahead, looming under the cover of dense forest leaves.

"Ayuko, stop."

Chen Yang shouted, quickened his pace, maximized his speed, and chased forward.

Ayuko was not as fast as him, and after running for some distance, she was finally caught up.

Chen Yang stepped forward, blocked Ayuko's way, and shouted: "Ayuko, you have killed so many innocent people, you can't even think of escaping again today."

Ayuko knew that she couldn't defeat Chen Yang, so she turned around and wanted to change direction and continue running away, but at this time, Ye Zi also caught up with her, pulled out her sword with a clang, pointed at Ayuko and said: "I hate people taking advantage of me the most. Today I I’m going to kill you.”

Under attack from both sides, Ayuko had nowhere to hide. She looked ugly and thought about what to do.

At this moment, there was a rustling sound from the bushes, and an old man emerged from it, walked towards Sakurai Ayuko, and said, "Girl, is there any water? I'm so thirsty."

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