Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3037: Never give up even if you die

The Black Emperor thought for a moment and saw Shou Yong in human form next to him. His eyes lit up. Regardless of whether Shou Yong answered or not, he said to the Jian Grave Demon Clan below: "Next to me is Shou Yong from the Cave Void Realm. I asked him to Stay, temporarily command Jianfen, and protect your safety at the same time. If something happens to Jianfen, you send people to Bihu Beach to find me, and I will come as soon as possible."

Upon hearing this, Shouyong suddenly became anxious.

He is a water tribe monster. Although Jianfen is vast and has waters, the environment is far inferior to that of Bihu Beach;

Moreover, he was unfamiliar with this place, and Jianfen was now a mess. He didn't want to stay here at all.

Shouyong frowned and quickly sent a message: "Demon King, can I not stay?"

The Black Emperor said with a cold face: "You are coming here yourself. In this case, you must obey my orders."

Shouyong looked helpless and could only nod.

The demons of the Sword Graveyard looked at Shouyong, thinking that although there was no Black Emperor guarding the Sword Graveyard, it would always be better if there was a Cave Void Realm.

That Yuexuelang immediately bowed to Shouyong, "Lord Shouyong, I'm begging you!"

Other monsters also saluted Shouyong with gratitude.

Seeing this formation, Shouyong suddenly felt that he was under great pressure. Although he was a cave demon clan, he had never led an army. These hundreds of millions of demon clan were not so easy to manage.

Chen Yang stepped forward and said: "Senior Jiu Zhi, although Bai Qi has received news from Yu Ji, he may not have gone far. Now, immediately launch the Sword Grave Monster Clan to search for Bai Qi. Maybe we can find him."

The Black Emperor nodded and immediately gave an order to the demon clan in the valley: "All demon clans listened to the order and immediately dispersed into various places in the Jian Tomb to search for Bai Qi. If there is any news, pass it on to each other."

The monsters glanced at Chen Yang, the only human present. Although they were suspicious of this person's identity, they didn't say much when they saw Chen Yang and the Black Emperor together. They immediately said "yes" and left the valley one after another to search. Bai Qi.

The broken corpses and demon pills scattered in the valley need to be dealt with after all.

The Black Emperor left some demon clan behind and asked them to clean up the battlefield.

Looking at the busy demon clan, Chen Yang felt quite complicated at the moment.

He was a little lucky to have saved the Sword Grave Demon Clan, but also a little confused. He didn't know whether what he did was right or not.

After all, humans and monsters are completely opposite races.

If you save the demon clan, more humans may die in the future.

The Black Emperor was thoughtful, silent for a moment, then looked back at Chen Yang and asked, "You seem to know some information about Bai Qi. Just now Yu Ji said he wanted to seek revenge on Chi You. Do you know who Chi You is?"

Chen Yang explained: "Bai Qi and Yu Ji came from the outer star domain and arrived in the Tianwu Star Territory thousands of years ago. Their leader was named Chi You, but he later abandoned them and left. Because of this incident, they seemed to Chi You was very resentful."

"I see." The Black Emperor nodded and said solemnly: "Even the demon clan from the outer star realm would not be able to harm my Chong Wuxing demon clan like this. It is really unconscionable. I will definitely call for Chong Wuxing. The demon clan wants Bai Qi, so he has no place to hide in the demon clan’s territory!”

"That's great." Chen Yang wished that Bai Qi would be caught and killed, otherwise Bai Qi would always be a potential threat to him if he were alive.

The Black Emperor, Shou Yong, and Chen Yang stayed in the sword grave for more than ten days. The valley under the Blood Sea Cliff has been cleaned up, the corpses of the demon clan have been buried, and the demon pills have also been disposed of and buried by the Black Emperor.

During this period, the demon clan searched the Sword Grave vigorously, including all areas except the Death Sword Domain, but found nothing, and no trace of Bai Qi was found.

The Black Emperor felt quite sorry for this.

On this day, the Condensation Realm monsters in the Sword Grave gathered together to bid farewell to the Black Emperor.

During this trip, the Black Emperor planned to return to Bihu Beach first, stabilize the situation in his own territory, and then go to the other five large demon clan territories, inform the other five demon kings to be on guard against Bai Qi, and put Bai Qi on a wanted list.

Shouyong received the Black Emperor's order and stayed in the sword grave to take charge of the overall situation.

Although his background is still a bit lacking, it is undoubtedly a timely help for Jianfen, who does not even have a Cave Void Realm.

What's more, without large-scale threats from humans, the demon clan in Sword Tomb is still very safe.

Moreover, Shouyong can also put the monster system of Bihutan into Jianfen, so that the monsters of Jianfen can form a complete social system and inspire the intelligence of low-level monsters.

At first, Shouyong was reluctant to stay.

But in the past few days, he has changed his mind and plans to renovate Jianfen.

As for Chen Yang, now that the matter has come to an end, he will return to the Western Continent according to the original plan and ask Lu Fei's identity and whether he is the founder of Longwu Academy, Dean Lu Tianhe.

Before leaving, the Condensation Realm monsters in the Sword Grave were quite reluctant to part with the Black Emperor.

The scene where they tried to dissuade the Black Emperor from staying made Shouyong feel a little embarrassed, as if he was just a decoration.

This made him swear in his heart that he must make these Sword Grave Demon Clan be sincerely convinced of him.

Finally, someone in the demon clan couldn't hold it any longer and asked the Black Emperor: "Black Emperor Demon King, I wonder who the human being next to you is and why he is always with you?"

When any demon clan mentioned Chen Yang, all the demon clan looked at him with cold eyes. After experiencing the battle with the human army, the Jianfen clan's hatred for humans became stronger and stronger.

Moreover, many demon clans also recognized that Chen Yang was the human who scolded Yang Shang and Mao Lie on the battlefield that day, so at this moment, they looked at Chen Yang with a bad expression.

Realizing that there was some misunderstanding, the Black Emperor showed a serious face and said to the demon clan: "The person next to me is named Chen Yang. He learned about Bai Qi's conspiracy, so he traveled thousands of miles to find me at Bihu Beach. Asking for help, that’s why I appeared in the sword grave.”

"After that, you were imprisoned by the formation. I didn't know how to control the formation. It was he who taught me how to control the formation, and then I freed the Sword Grave Demon Clan. Otherwise, the Sword Grave Demon Clan would have perished in the thunder and lightning. "

"So, Chen Yang is the savior of the entire Sword Grave Monster Clan!"

Hearing these words, the demon clan present were stunned.

They didn't know about this before, but now they found out that it was because of this human that the Sword Grave Monster Clan was rescued. Their emotions were quite complicated.

They don't understand why a human would save the demon clan?

Don’t humans want the demon race to perish?

It can be recalled that on the grassland battlefield, Chen Yang prevented the demon clan from starting a war. It seemed that he did not want the demon clan to die innocently from the beginning.

If it weren't for him, Bai Qi's conspiracy would have succeeded.

The demon clan was silent for a moment, and Yuexuelang lowered his head first and said loudly: "Thank you for saving me. If my benefactor has any mission in the future, I, Blood Moon, will never give up!"

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