Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3057 The demon tribe disappears

Chen Yang and Zhang Jilin arrived near Cangmang Ridge and saw a large city in the distance called Tanggu City.

This city is huge and strong, and its name means impregnable. It is to guard against the invasion of the demon clan in Cangmang Ridge.

Since the establishment of this city, the demon clan outside Cangmang Ridge has never invaded.

Because the scale of Tanggu City is the same as Hanxi City next to Jian Tomb, it is very powerful. The city lord of Dongxu Realm is sitting in the city, and the subordinate armies are also very powerful.

The demon clan on the outskirts of Cangmang Ridge is only in the Soul Condensation Realm, so there is no way they dare to invade.

As for the Dongxu Realm monsters in the Cangmang Ridge, they dare not come out to cause trouble, because if they lead the monsters to invade humans, they will provoke a war.

If the empire sends troops, the demon clan in the Cangmang Ridge will no longer have a stable life and will be wiped out by the empire.

The news of Jianfen has spread, and this is a lesson learned from the past.

As for the small-scale invasion and plunder of the demon clan, it can only be regarded as the individual behavior of the demon clan and does not represent the position of the entire Cangmang Ridge demon clan. Therefore, the empire will only resist suppression and will not go to war.

Tanggucheng was peaceful, and Chen Yang and Zhang Jilin had no intention of entering.

Their target is the towns closer to Cangmang Ridge. They are relatively backward and have weak defenses. They are occasionally harassed by monsters, so they can be hunted by monsters.

Chen Yang and Zhang Jilin visited dozens of villages and towns one after another. In several of them, demon clans were causing trouble, and they took action to deal with them. They were only low-level demon clans. Not to mention the Ningbo realm, they did not even meet any demon clan in the Zhenfu period. .

However, the residents of those villages and towns were very grateful to Chen Yang and the two of them.

The strong people have all left, and the residents who remain in the towns are all cultivators with poor qualifications and poor strength. It is difficult to deal with the demon clan.

Chen Yang helped them kill the rebellious demon clan, which undoubtedly benefited the people.

After killing another demon in the false realm, Zhang Jilin said to Chen Yang: "Senior Brother Chen, if this continues, we don't know when we will be able to kill the demon in the Ningbo realm and complete the mission."

Chen Yang didn't want to go deep into Cangmang Ridge, so he thought for a moment and said, "I have some demon pills in my hand. Why don't I go back to the academy and hand in the demon pills and fool them."

Zhang Jilin shook his head and said: "I have already inquired about this matter. In order to prevent cheating, the academy has a way to test the demon elixir's detachment time, so only the demon clan killed recently can be counted. If you buy the demon elixir, you will not be able to pass the trial. Mission.”

"It can still be like this."

Chen Yang muttered, thinking that this was not the way to go, so he nodded and said: "In that case, let's enter Cangmang Ridge. However, if the demon clan doesn't take the initiative to attack us, we shouldn't hunt them."


Zhang Jilin nodded and agreed. It was better to enter Cangmang Ridge than to wait and see.

And as soon as he entered the Cangmang Ridge, he felt that there must be demons in the Condensation Realm who would attack them.

The two immediately entered Cangmang Ridge, because Cangmang Ridge is divided according to territory, and most of the outer areas are dominated by demon clans in the early and middle stages of condensation. Among them, there are demon clans from the Transcendent Realm, the False Palace Stage, the True Palace Stage, and the Induction Stage. And there are lots of them.

Chen Yang deliberately released true energy fluctuations. When the demon clan saw that he was in the Condensation Realm, they all backed away and did not dare to provoke him.

However, after walking for a long time in the Cangmang Ridge, Chen Yang found that the number of monsters here was obviously more than that in the Jian Tomb.

Because there were swords in the Sword Tomb, many humans went to explore it. When they clashed with the demon clan, naturally there were many casualties on both sides.

There are no resources that humans need in the Cangmang Ridge. Humans will not set foot in this territory except to prevent the demon clan from going out. Therefore, the demon clan's life is relatively stable. As they multiply, their numbers will naturally increase.

Before they knew it, a day passed and night fell. Chen Yang and Zhang Jilin did not encounter even a single Condensation Realm monster.

"Take some rest tonight and continue searching tomorrow!"

Chen Yang was not in a hurry, and he and Zhang Jilin found a cave, and then the two of them rested inside.

In the next few days, the two of them searched the periphery of Cangmang Ridge. To their surprise, the Condensation Realm monster clan seemed to have disappeared, and no one could be found.

"It's strange. Logically speaking, as long as humans enter Cangmang Ridge, monsters will attack. Why are these Condensation Realm monsters missing?"

Zhang Jilin looked at the vast undulating mountains and murmured.

Chen Yang thought to himself: "Could it be that the demon tribe in Cangmang Ridge is planning something secretly? But don't fall into Bai Qi's scheme."

Suddenly, a swishing sound was heard, and several figures passed by from a distance, approaching Chen Yang and the other two.

There were seven people in total, all of whom were in the Soul Condensation Realm.

The leading old man among them was a peak condensation cultivator with a stern face, giving people the impression that strangers were not allowed to enter.

There are another six people, two each in the early, middle and late stages of Soul Condensation.

The four people in the middle and late stages of Ning Soul are not young anymore and look old-fashioned.

The two cultivators in the early stage of Ning Soul looked younger, but they were still over thirty-five.

They did not have uniform clothes, indicating that they were not from a certain organization, but judging from their positions, they looked after each other and seemed to have been trained.

The sudden appearance of these seven people made both Chen Yang and Zhang Jilin feel strange.

Chen Yang faced the old man at the peak of his concentration, cupped his hands and said, "I don't know what the seniors have to do if they suddenly come here."

The old man put his hands behind his back, floated in the air, and said proudly: "We are from the Gao family, and we happened to be patrolling through this place. We want to remind you that if you want to hunt the demon clan, you'd better give up the idea. Cangmang Ridge is very busy right now. Danger is not something you two early-stage Ningjing cultivators can step into at will."

Gao family?

Chen Yang had never heard of this family.

He didn't ask either, otherwise it would be too disrespectful to the other party.

However, Cangmang Ridge has been very dangerous recently. What's going on?

Could it be related to the disappearance of the Condensation Realm monster clan?

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and asked the old man: "Senior, I wonder what happened in Cangmang Ridge?"

The old man looked at Chen Yang and Zhang Jilin and said in a deep voice, "Are you from other places?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "To be honest, we came from Huayan County."

"Huayan County!"

Behind the old man, a young woman in the early stage of condensation said, "That place is not close. Why are you coming so far away?"

Chen Yang said: "We heard that there are many demon clans in Cangmang Ridge, so we planned to come here to try our luck and see if we can get some demon pills and materials."

The young woman raised her eyebrows: "Are you monster hunters?"

"Not full-time, but I do it occasionally."

Chen Yang answered, cupped his hands to the young woman and said, "I wonder if this young lady can tell us what big event happened in Cangmang Ridge?"

The young woman giggled when she was called "little sister" and was about to answer when the old man winked and she closed her mouth again.

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