Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3073 Meeting Again

After Chen Yang entered the white mist, his vision immediately recovered. He was not blocked by the white mist and could clearly see a hall in front of him.

This is a real palace, more than ten miles wide.

However, it is not a complex of buildings, but an independent temple, just like the Guanfeng Hall in Ganlu Garden.

The palace gate is a thousand meters high and the windows are a hundred meters wide. It is a completely enlarged version.

Directly above the palace door, there is a plaque with unknown words written on it.

I saw golden light radiating from the open thousand-meter-high door, giving people a warm feeling.

However, the golden light was so dazzling that if you looked past it, you would be blinded and unable to see what was inside the tall palace door.

"Let's go in quickly!"

Gao Xiang urged, fearing that something might happen.

Chen Yang nodded, and everyone immediately flew into the palace gate.

Passing through the golden light, everyone felt a pulling force pulling on themselves. They could not control the direction of flight and involuntarily flew in the direction of the pulling force.

After flying for about two minutes, the traction force disappeared, the golden light dissipated instantly, and everyone's vision recovered.

Looking around, everyone is in a huge palace, dozens of miles long and wide. Only by flying in the air can you see the edge.

There is nothing special about the layout of the palace, except that the tables, chairs and other objects inside are all enlarged versions, reaching a height of a hundred meters, as if they were built for giants.

"Did the people from Feng Ziqiao and the Imperial Master's Mansion who entered before also arrive here?"

Chen Yang was thinking in his mind, and immediately sensed the real energy fluctuations, and found that there was no spiritual energy and no remaining true energy in this space, indicating that no one had been here.

At least in recent times, no one has been here.

Chen Yang looked at the others and said, "It seems that after entering Cangmang Palace, everyone is in different positions."

The people of the Gao family breathed a sigh of relief. This way, they don't have to worry about meeting other strong people here.

However, Gao Xiang couldn't help but look back and murmured: "I wonder if other humans and monsters will happen to be here after entering?"

Chen Yang said: "If there is a possibility, let's move forward first."

Everyone immediately took action and flew forward.

When passing through the hall, Gao Xiang bowed his hand to Chen Yang and said politely: "Mr. Chen, thanks to you this time, otherwise, we would have died at the hands of the demon clan, let alone entering the Cangmang Palace. .”

Chen Yang waved his hand and said: "Senior, you're welcome. Since we are all acting together, we should help each other."

The young woman Gao Feixu smiled and said: "Chen Yang, how come you don't know anyone? We have never heard of that senior Jidao. How do you know him?"

Chen Yang explained: "I don't know Senior Jidao, I just know his apprentice."

"So that's it." Gao Feixu nodded and said with a smile, "However, you are still quite powerful."

Zhang Shi glanced at Chen Yang enviously and said, "I admire Brother Chen very much. If I can be as capable as Chen Yang in the future, I will be satisfied."

Other Gao Meng, Gao Gang and others also expressed their praise.

Whether they are sincere or fake, Chen Yang's status in this team has obviously become different.

Zhang Jilin followed behind, looking at Chen Yang's back, he was more and more impressed, and he made up his mind to follow Senior Brother Chen's lead in the future.

The group of people passed through the main hall. Opposite was a door that was a thousand meters high. After entering, there was a passage about 800 meters wide, winding with no end in sight.

There will be torches on both sides of the passage, every few hundred meters apart.

The torches were also huge, with flames dozens of meters wide, burning brightly and illuminating the passage.

Everyone stopped in front of the passage. Gao Xiang looked at the passage and muttered: "There are dangers in the Cangmang Palace. I don't know if there are any mechanisms or formations in this passage."

"Let's give it a try first."

Chen Yang took out a useless Yiwen Heavenly Weapon spear, poured his true energy into it, and used his spiritual consciousness to control objects in the air, and controlled the spear to fly into the passage.

In order to test as much as possible, the spear advanced more than 10,000 meters.

Seeing that nothing happened, Chen Yang flew into the passage and said: "Let's go, let the spear open the way in front, let's be careful."

Everyone nodded and followed the spear all the way. Fortunately, everything was safe and they walked dozens of miles without knowing it.

This passage is really long enough. After dozens of miles, it has not encountered a fork in the road or reached other temples.

When I thought about it, everything here was magnified a thousand times. The passages of dozens of miles were actually only a few dozen meters long, which was not too long.

However, from the outside, Cangmang Palace clearly only has one palace, but once inside, it enters a larger space.

Chen Yang and his party advanced for more than a hundred miles, and finally there was a fork in the road ahead.

When they saw the fork in the road, everyone was stunned.

There are a total of four forks ahead. In addition to the three parallel forks, there is also a fork that is perpendicular to the ground and leads directly above.

"This is the first time I have encountered such a fork in the road. It feels like it is a sewer." Chen Yang muttered, turned to look at Gao Xiang, and said: "Senior, you decide which road to take?"

Gao Xiang stared at the forked paths for a while, but couldn't see any clues. He said, "I can only try my luck and choose one at random."

"Senior, you choose." Chen Yang said.

Gao Xiang did not refuse, pointed to the passage leading directly above, and said: "This road is interesting, let's go here."

Everyone nodded and decided to take the upward passage.

But at this moment, a sneering voice suddenly came from the left front passage: "Haha, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Hearing the sound, Chen Yang looked over there and saw a group of more than ten people walking out of the passage.

The person walking at the front was Gu Tong.

"Why is it him?!"

Gao Xiang's expression changed. When they were in Cangmang Ridge, they had a conflict with each other over the cave. Meeting them here now would definitely not be a good thing.

And judging from Gu Tong's sneer, he obviously wanted to settle old scores.

When they were in Cangmang Ridge, human cultivators abided by unwritten rules and would not attack humans in order to guard against demons.

But when they arrived at Cangmang Palace, the situation was different. Gu Tong could kill people unscrupulously.

Gao Xiang had to be cautious and turned back to Chen Yang and others: "Be careful!"

"Hahaha, you seem to be scared!"

Gu Tong laughed, his laughter full of sarcasm, and flew towards this direction, stopping a hundred meters away from Chen Yang's group.

The people behind him quickly followed.

In addition to Gu Tong, they also have another peak Ningso player, and the others' realms range from early to late Ningso stages.

This kind of formation is obviously much stronger than Chen Yang's side from the outside. It's no wonder that Gu Tong is so arrogant.

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