Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3115 Choose at will (seventh update)

Hearing the sound, Chen Yang looked surprised, heightened his vigilance, and looked behind the chair.

Behind the chair, there was nothing, not a single figure.

He couldn't help frowning, and quickly took out a five-marked mysterious sword, prepared for battle, and looked around cautiously.

"Only demons can enter this palace. Don't you know that you have demon blood?"

The sound came next, coming from the rear left.

Chen Yang immediately turned around, but before he could turn his head, a voice came from the front right: "No, you should know that you have demon blood."

Chen Yang quickly looked to the front and right, and saw that it was empty with not a single person in sight.

He had a solemn look on his face, but he didn't even see anyone while the other party was making noises one after another, and he couldn't sense any energy fluctuations. This could only mean that the other party's realm was much higher than his.

"Are you looking for me?"

The voice sounded again, but it was from below Chen Yang.

Chen Yang looked down, and this time, he finally saw someone.

Sitting on a thousand-meter-wide chair, a person looked very small.

Because he was looking down from above, Chen Yang could only see the opponent's head and figure.

The man was a little thin, wearing a tattered robe, and his long black hair was spread down to his waist.

The other party must have hidden his cultivation level. Chen Yang sensed it and couldn't tell what level it was.

However, the man sitting there gave people a chilly feeling, which made people shudder.

Chen Yang flew down and finally saw the other party's appearance clearly.

This man is a man, very ordinary in appearance, neither handsome nor ugly, neither mighty nor humble, neither tall nor short...

All in all, this person, judging from his appearance, is extremely ordinary.


However, when Chen Yang saw the left and right corners of his forehead, he found faint bulges, which showed that this person was not a human or a monster, but a demon.

Demons actually appeared in the Night Palace.

Although this palace was built by demons, no one has ever encountered a demon in it in the past thousands of years.

Chen Yang was quite surprised by the sudden appearance of the demon clan.

"Why, are you surprised to see the demons?"

The demon raised his eyelids, with a smile on his lips, and said in a calm and indifferent tone.

His voice is so pleasant that people can't help but relax after listening to it.

Chen Yang came back to his senses, cupped his hands, and said: "I don't know that senior is here and has offended me. I will leave immediately."

"Am I that terrible?"

The demon smiled, stood on the kilometer-long chair, looked up at Chen Yang in the sky, and said, "Don't worry, you have the blood of the demon, I won't hurt you."

Chen Yang's mind was spinning and he said, "Why did senior say that I have demon blood?"

The demon said: "Not only do you have demon blood, but you also inherited the blood of the Ye family. This information was told to me by Master Ye Shenyi."

"Yakami Wing!"

Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat and he thought to himself: "It seems that although the stone statue of Ye Shenyi cannot leave the sacrificial hall, it can convey information."

After thinking for a while, Chen Yang looked relaxed and said: "I see, I have met Senior Ye Shenyi before, and he was very helpful to me."

The demon said: "Master Ye Shenyi is kind-hearted and likes to help others. Those people in the Tianmo Star Territory do not understand him, so they are frightened by his evil reputation. If you want to become a strong man, who is not the best? Coming through a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood? Lord Ye Shenyi kills a few people, but it’s nothing.”

Hearing this, Chen Yang's mind changed and he asked, "Could it be that the senior is Ye Li?"

"how do you know?"

The demons looked surprised.

Chen Yang said: "I saw a sarcophagus before, with your deeds written on it. I saw that you seemed to be grateful to Senior Ye Shenyi for helping you, so I guessed that you are Senior Ye Li."

Ye Li nodded: "Yes, that's me. I've been waiting for thousands of years, and finally a few days ago, Master Ye Shenyi sent me a message, saying that my opportunity had arrived, and I woke up from the sarcophagus. .”

"His chance...could it be me."

Chen Yang frowned secretly and asked tentatively: "Senior Ye Li, I would like to ask, what is your chance?"

"It's a secret."

Ye Li shook his head with a smile on his face and did not answer Chen Yang's question.

If Chen Yang pressed the question, he was worried that he would be exposed, so he pointed to the passage where Yang Xuewei and Zhang Jilin were, changed the subject, and asked: "Senior Ye Li, why do I see different scenes from them? I can enter this place, but they can't?"

Ye Li said: "This palace is determined by the formation. Only demons can see and enter. Other races will be blocked out."

"I see." Chen Yang nodded and said, "Then what should I do if I want to go out?"

Ye Li looked around the magnificent palace and said with a smile: "There are many treasures here. You can get one at will, and use it with the "Shocking Demonic Skills" taught to you by Master Ye Shenyi. When you grow up, this Tianwu Star In this domain, there must be few people who are your opponents. In that case, why should you leave in a hurry? Wouldn't it be nice to pick a treasure first?"

"Senior said that, so I won't be polite."

In the presence of the treasure, if Chen Yang refused, the other party would definitely become suspicious, so he agreed.

Then, he asked: "Senior, do you know where the treasure is?"

Ye Li jumped into the sky and flew to the room on the left side of the palace. He stood at the door and said to Chen Yang: "This is the weapons warehouse, and the other three rooms are the elixir warehouse, the spiritual stone warehouse, and the formation warehouse. You can go in and take your pick.”

"Thank you, senior."

Chen Yang bowed his hands in thanks and flew into the armory.

The palace outside is very big, but this armory is the same size as an ordinary building, about five to six hundred square meters. It contains a variety of weapons, and the grades are not low, at least they are twelve pattern heavenly weapons. Most of them are mysterious weapons.

Chen Yang's eyes lit up. He already had seven mysterious swords. If he got twenty-nine more, he could practice the first level of "Star Sword Formation".

However, when he took a closer look, he discovered that there were quite a few mysterious swords here, but they all contained strong demonic properties.

Moreover, these mysterious weapons have already been finalized and cannot be modified or re-smelted or forged.

Therefore, in order to use these mysterious weapons, one must practice demonic skills and possess demonic energy.

"What is the purpose of the Night God Wings? Demonic skills, demonic weapons, demonic elixirs... are all of this meant to seduce me into practicing the so-called "Shaking Heaven Demonic Skills"? However, I already know that that is How can I practice the Art of Seizing the Body and Transforming the God?"

Chen Yang was thinking in his mind and thought to himself: "But, is what Ye Li said just now true or false? Is it true that only demons can enter this palace? Do I really have the blood of demons in my body?"

PS: Yogurt found that after more than two months of silence for "The Tenant", it was too difficult to rush to the top of the list. However, I still have to do my best. I stayed up late yesterday morning and wrote an extra chapter. I will add another chapter today. I would like to ask all book friends for recommendation votes, monthly votes, book reviews, and rewards!

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