Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3141 Exposed

When they learned that Hu Luwa and Shi Qingxuan had a relationship, everyone exclaimed and felt that Hu Luwa was not worthy of Shi Qingxuan.

Of course, some people have doubts.

Chen Yang touched his cheek. His Hu Luwa image was indeed not handsome, but those people went too far and even said that he was worse than cow dung.

After introducing Hu Luwa, Shi Ke pointed at Duan Ningxiang and said, "This is Duan Ningxiang, the maid of Suxinlou. She can testify that Brother Hu had a relationship with Qingxuan."

Everyone looked at Duan Ningxiang. Someone in the crowd recognized her and whispered: "I recognize her. She is indeed the maid of Suxin House. She seems to have some unclear relationship with Shi Ke."

After hearing this, Shi Ke was afraid that everyone would continue to talk, so he quickly said to Duan Ningxiang: "Miss Ningxiang, come and tell us what happened that day."

Duan Ningxiang just learned that Shi Ke had no intention of marrying her, and now she still feels resentful in her heart.

However, because of her low status, she did not dare to offend Shi Ke. At this moment, she could only stand up and follow Shi Ke's previous instructions and said: "This matter has to start a few days ago. That night, Hu Lu Wa and Miss Qingxuan dined at Suxinlou. The two seemed to have a good friendship and got very drunk. Finally, they got a room and spent the night together."

Upon hearing this, someone in the crowd immediately retorted, saying, "Even if they spend a night together, it doesn't prove that they had a relationship, right?"

Duan Ningxiang said: "I thought so too, but early the next morning, Miss Qingxuan was smashing things in the room, looking very angry. I think Miss Qingxuan should be very regretful for her drunken behavior. of."

As soon as this sentence came out, no one refuted it.

If there was no relationship, why would Shi Qingxuan get angry and smash things.

And it seems that Shi Qingxuan may have some friendship with Hu Luwa, but she has no romantic feelings towards Hu Luwa.

That's why she feels regretful and angry.

When no one spoke, Shi Ke smiled and said: "Actually, this is not a big deal. Since Qingxuan has a relationship with Brother Hu, just marry her to Brother Hu. In this way, it will not be a big deal for our Shi family." Is this a happy event?"

happy event?

Is this considered a happy event?

Everyone didn't know what Shi Ke meant. This was obviously a deliberate attempt to trick Shi Qingxuan.

But what if you don't get married?

If this news spreads, who will marry Shi Qingxuan?

"Shi Ke, don't you ask me?"

At this moment, the humble-looking "Hu Luwa" suddenly spoke.

Everyone looked at Hu Luwa with disdain. It's not good to marry Shi Qingxuan to you, but I have to ask you, do you still want to think about it?

Shi Ke thought that Chen Yang was cooperating with him, so he waved his hand and said, "Brother Hu, you don't need to talk about what happened that night. Don't worry, our master family will never treat you badly."


Seeing Shi Ke's proud look, Shi Qingxuan finally couldn't help it and burst into laughter.

However, she couldn't hold back this smile. She held her belly in her hands and burst out laughing, making everyone laugh inexplicably. She thought to herself that Shi Qingxuan must have gone crazy with anger.

"why are you laughing?"

Shi Ke frowned and said to Shi Qingxuan.

Shi Qingxuan waved his hand and wanted to speak, but he laughed so hard that he couldn't speak.

Chen Yang said to Shi Ke: "Why should I laugh at you? Of course I am laughing at you for being stupid."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Why did the wind direction change? Didn't this Hu Luwa come to trick Shi Qingxuan? Why did he suddenly say that Shi was stupid?

Shi Ke's eyes turned cold and he said in a deep voice: "Brother Hu, what are you talking about?"

"With your IQ, you actually want to trick Qingxuan. I'm afraid if your brain is doubled, you don't have the ability."

Chen Yang smiled playfully and said to Shi Ke: "Did you really think that Qingxuan and I were both poisoned by your poisoned wine that night? You can't imagine such a low-end method."

"What, poisonous wine!?"

"What is Hu Luwa talking about? Could it be that what happened between him and Qingxuan was because of Shi Ke's poisoning?"

"What's going on? Tell me clearly."

After hearing Chen Yang's words, the people in the square suddenly became excited.

Shi Ke's expression changed suddenly, he pointed at Hu Luwa and roared: "Hu Luwa, shut up, I don't know what you are talking about!"

Chen Yang looked calm and said with a smile: "With your intelligence, it's really hard for you to be alive until now. Do you really think that I am some kind of Hu Luwa?"

"You are not Hu Luwa, who are you?"

Shi Ke was stunned for a moment and asked sharply.

He was terrified, wondering if the guy in front of him was sent by Shi Qingxuan to trick him.

Chen Yang smiled, rubbed his face a few times with his hands, and returned to his original face.

His appearance is still very handsome, completely different from Hu Luwa, they can be said to be completely different.

"Chen Yang!"

The teacher next to him looked surprised when he saw Chen Yang.

Shi Ke stared at Chen Yang and quickly realized that the person in front of him was someone he had seen at the door of Shi's house before. He seemed to be Shi Qingxuan's friend.

"I was lied to!"

Shi Ke was shocked, pointed at Chen Yang and Shi Qingxuan, and said in a panic: "So what, you two were not poisoned that night and slept together."


Upon hearing this word, everyone immediately understood.

Chen Yang looked at Shi Ke with an idiot look and said with a smile: "So, you admit to poisoning?"

Only then did Shi Ke realize that he had just said the wrong thing.

He hurriedly said: "I was misled by you. Anyway, you were drunk and had sex that night. Shi Qingxuan has no shame. This is a shame to our Shi family."

For a moment, Shi Ke panicked and started talking nonsense.

Shi Qingxuan showed contempt and said: "Shi Ke, you suddenly invited me to a date that night. Do you think I would be unprepared? I drank poisonous wine that day, and my true energy wrapped it up and did not swallow it. Haha , and only with your intelligence, you would think that others would fall for your retarded plan."

Shi Ke turned pale and shook his head: "Impossible. If you weren't poisoned, why did you spend the whole night that day?"

Chen Yang sneered and said: "Of course it is to expose you today and let everyone in the master family see how despicable you are to use this method to harm your own clan sister."

These words ignited the anger of everyone in the Shi family.

"Shi Ke, you are so despicable, you are pushing Qingxuan into the fire pit!"

"You actually did such a thing, do you still have the face?"

"Severe punishment must be severe!"

For a moment, everyone in the Shi family was furious, and they gathered around and accused Shi Ke.

Even those who supported Shi Yongchang were angry.

They supported Shi Yongchang for status and profit, but they did not want to betray the tribe, frame the tribe, or even tarnish the tribe.

Shi Ke’s behavior is intolerable to everyone.

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