Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3155 Wei Feng

Chen Yang and Yang Xuewei landed on the beach and dragged the washed-up man to the shore.

This is a young man who seems to have been in the water for a long time. His whole body is swollen and he also suffered internal injuries. He was obviously injured and came here with the tide.

Fortunately, the man is still alive.

Chen Yang immediately gave the young man some elixir and used Qigong to help heal his injuries, and the man soon recovered.

"Cough cough cough..."

The man coughed several times, spitting out blood and water mixed with blood. He slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of surprise, and he obviously couldn't believe that he was still alive.

When he saw Chen Yang and Yang Xuewei, he understood what was going on and said gratefully: "Did you save me? Thank you."

"You're welcome, please take a rest first. I have swelling medicine here. If you rub it on your body, the swelling will disappear quickly."

Chen Yang handed the man a bottle of ointment. After taking it, the man thanked him profusely, then got up and walked to the bushes to apply the ointment.

After a while, the man returned. The edema on his face and body had disappeared, revealing his original appearance.

He looked quite handsome, but his clothes were ragged, his energy was not good, and he looked a little embarrassed.

"Thank you two benefactors for saving me!"

The man walked up to Chen Yang and the two and knelt down for them.

Chen Yang quickly helped him up and said: "You're welcome, you were washed ashore, how could we not save you?"

"Without you two, I would be dead."

The man smiled bitterly and said melancholy.

After the two sides exchanged names, Chen Yang learned that the man's name was Yi Mingzhi, who was seriously injured because he was plotted while taking the boat.

In order to escape pursuit, he dived into the sea. Unexpectedly, he was seriously injured, passed out, and finally floated to this island.

As for why he was plotted and the inside story, Yi Mingzhi seemed unwilling to mention it more, and Chen Yang didn't ask.

After telling his own situation, Yi Mingzhi looked around and asked Chen Yang and Chen Yang, "Two benefactors, which island is this?"

Chen Yang shook his head: "This is an isolated island, and we don't know where it is."

This answer made Yi Mingzhi feel confused.

Chen Yang asked directly: "Brother Yi, do you know where the nearest city is from here?"

Yi Mingzhi thought for a moment and said, "The closest one should be Yunfan Island, where I live."

Chen Yang nodded and said: "In that case, let's send Brother Yi back."

"My benefactor, why are you so embarrassed? You saved me, how can I let you send me away?"

Yi Mingzhi quickly waved his hand and refused.

Chen Yang patted Yi Mingzhi on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You don't have to be polite, we also plan to visit Yunfan Island."


Yi Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Chen Yang took out the somersault cloud. After the three of them boarded it, Yi Mingzhi pointed out the direction, and the somersault cloud flew out.

Such a fast aircraft shocked Yi Mingzhi.

However, he didn't ask any more questions, he just felt that the two people beside him must be experts.

Yi Mingzhi said that Yunfan Island was the closest, but he still flew for most of the day before arriving.

From a distance, Yunfan Island is much larger than the previous island, a hundred miles wide.

On this island, a city was built, occupying almost half of the island.

The other areas, except for the port, are tropical rainforests.

Viewed from a high place, the city has the same structure as the city in Chongwu Star, with people coming and going and prosperity.

At the ports along the coast, there are tens of thousands of ships of various sizes docked.

Most of these ships are fishing boats, but not all of them are fishing. Some are catching sea monsters. They are unloading at the moment, and the corpses of various types of sea monsters can be seen.

However, these sea monsters are all at a low level, at most, they are at the core formation level.

Seeing that he was about to approach Yunfan Island, Yi Mingzhi said hurriedly: "Brother Chen, stop quickly. Flying is prohibited on the island. If you are caught, you will be sentenced."


As the locals do, Chen Yang responded, landed the Somersault Cloud, sailed on the sea, and slowly headed towards Yunfan Island.

The Somersault Cloud was very small and inconspicuous on the sea, but it didn't attract anyone's attention.

"Woo, woo..."

Suddenly, a horn sounded.

I saw a huge ship, a hundred meters high, breaking through the waves from the sea, setting off huge waves, very majestic.

On the bow of the ship hangs a conspicuous flag with the word "strict" embroidered on it.

On the side of the ship, the words "Wei Feng" were written in white paint.

This ship was approaching with great force, not caring about other ships passing by, and not caring about the huge waves that would overturn the boat. It was not only majestic, but also simply arrogant.

"Hurry and get out of the way, it's the Yan family's majestic number!"

"Be careful not to get hit, otherwise there won't even be a place to complain. Everyone, please stay away!"

"Quick, run!"

In the offshore area, there were sounds one after another, and the passing ships were all running away in a hurry, for fear of blocking the route of the giant ship.

"Hahaha, look at how scared these idiots are."

"You run away quickly, otherwise, you will be overturned."

"Stay away. When we are unloading the goods later, we will not be responsible if the sea monsters from the Zhenfu period accidentally injure you."

On the side of the Wei Feng ship, it was a different scene.

Some shirtless sailors, exposing their bronzed skin, were amusing themselves by pointing at the fleeing ships below and bursting into laughter.

"Hey, that ship is so stable!"

Suddenly, the sailors on the Majestic discovered that in front of the giant ship, there was a small boat with a strange shape. It was sailing very steadily, neither in a hurry nor slow, and was not affected by the huge waves at all.

"Isn't this a boat? Why does it look like a car?"

"It's not like this, it's just a car."

"He actually drove the car to the sea. He must be mentally ill."

The sailors on the deck were talking a lot.

Seeing that the car was moving too slowly, a sailor pointed downwards and shouted: "Don't be too hasty, get out of the way, or I'll get smashed."

In the somersault cloud number.

Chen Yang smiled and told Yi Ming, "The Yan family is so arrogant!"

"The Yan family is one of the three major families on Yunfan Island. It is huge in power and has many powerful people in the family. Most people would not dare to provoke them."

Yi Mingzhi glanced at the Wei Feng, hesitated, and said in a deep voice: "Forget it, Brother Chen, one more thing is worse than one less thing. We'd better avoid it to save trouble."


Chen Yang nodded, controlled the Somersault Cloud, and quickly moved to the side, completely avoiding the route of the Wei Feng.

Yi Mingzhi hesitated just now and was very calm, which made Chen Yang judge that Yi Mingzhi was not afraid of the Yan family, and his background must not be simple.

He just didn't want to cause trouble, so he asked Chen Yang to get out of the way.

Otherwise, even if it blocks the route of the Prestige, he should be able to deal with it.

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