Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3178: Something old (seventh update)

The conditions mentioned by Fan Yiguang are enough to make any cultivator in Qianxinghai's heart flutter.

However, Chen Yang had no intention of staying in Qianxinghai.

He shook his head, cupped his hands to Fan Yiguang and said, "Senior, I'm really sorry. I've been a wanderer all my life, and I have no plans to join the Star Alliance for the time being."

Hearing this, Yuan Kewen couldn't help but frown.

In Yuan Kewen's view, Chen Yang could negotiate terms with the top management of the Star Alliance and join the Alliance. This was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Even if others ask for it, they won’t get it.

However, he didn't expect that Chen Yang would still refuse.

After a moment of silence, he quickly sent a message: "Mr. Chen, joining the Luanxing Alliance will only benefit you, and there will be no harm. Why don't you accept it? Moreover, you have great potential. If you don't join the Luanxing Alliance, they may worry that you will Becoming the opposite, I'm afraid they will..."

Yuan Kewen did not continue, but Chen Yang understood what he meant.

Fan Yiguang was silent for a moment and said to Chen Yang: "Mr. Chen, do you really no longer think about it? Joining the Chaos Star Alliance is not as complicated as you think. Maybe, after contacting the top leaders of the alliance, you can still move freely, but But you can enjoy the resources of the alliance.”

If you have the resources, that would be great.

However, Chen Yang doesn't believe that you can't do anything if you take other people's things.

When the time comes, if the Chaos Star Alliance really wants him to do something, how can he refuse?

Just when Chen Yang was hesitating, in the sea of ​​consciousness, Lao Li said: "Just promise him to negotiate with the top management of the Luanxing Alliance, maybe you can get some benefits. Moreover, the top management of the Luanxing Alliance, They should be immortal cultivators. If you make friends with them, maybe you can ask them for help when dealing with Zuo Yinhan in the future."

Hearing this, Chen Yang's consciousness moved and he said to Lao Li: "That being said, I don't know what kind of people the top leaders of the Chaos Star Alliance are like. If everyone is extremely evil, I will fight with them when the time comes. Negotiate, I’m afraid they’ll eat me until I have no bones left.”

Lao Li smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have been to Qianxing Island once before. Although there was no Star Alliance at that time, I met a lot of people at that time. If my expectations are correct, several people I have helped before Among the individuals, there should be at least two or three who are now the top leaders of the Chaos Star Alliance."

"So you have been to the Sea of ​​Thousand Stars, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Chen Yang complained to Lao Li and asked: "By the way, Lao Li, who are the people you know? Let me test Fan Yiguang first to see if they are in the Star Alliance."

Old Li said: "Shi Jingtian, Song Yuanhang, Lin Ruohan, Zeng Miao..."


Lao Li wanted to continue, but Chen Yang interrupted him.

Chen Yang's consciousness returned to reality. Fan Yiguang and Yuan Kewen saw that he was silent before, thinking that he was thinking, so they did not disturb him.

He said to Fan Yiguang: "Senior Fan, if I go to Luanxing Island, I wonder if I can see Senior Shi Jingtian there?"

"Shi Jingtian!"

Hearing this name, Fan Yiguang was stunned for a moment, with a puzzled look on his face, and asked: "Why, do Mr. Chen and Shi Jingtian have any special relationship?"

"He is on Luanxing Island?"

Chen Yang didn't expect that Fan Yiguang would know the first person he just mentioned, and he suddenly felt secretly happy.

However, Fan Yiguang frowned and muttered: "Shi Jingtian was entangled with pirates and repeatedly caused trouble on various islands. After being captured by Lin Xingshi, he is still imprisoned on Luanxing Island. Because Song Xingshi and Shi Jingtian have an old relationship. , so Shi Jingtian was not executed, and now Song Xingshi is still trying to persuade Shi Jingtian to change his ways."

Hearing this, Chen Yang felt embarrassed instantly.

He didn't expect that Shi Jingtian was actually a pirate and was on the opposite side of the Star Alliance.

However, the two people Fan Yiguang mentioned, Lin Xingshi and Song Xingshi, caught his attention.

Chen Yang thought for a moment and said to Fan Yiguang: "The Lin Xingshi and Song Xingshi that the senior just mentioned are Lin Ruohan and Song Yuanhang?"


Fan Yiguang nodded and said: "Of the nine Immortal Realm star envoys in the Chaos Star Alliance, there is only one named Song and one named Lin. Naturally, they are the ones I mentioned."

After receiving this answer, Chen Yang felt happy.

He said to Fan Yiguang: "Senior, if I go to Luanxing Island, can I meet with one of Lin Xingshi and Song Xingshi?"


Fan Yiguang was startled and frowned: "Mr. Chen, although you are extremely talented and have great potential and can negotiate with high-level officials, you are still an elder at the peak of Dongxu. When you arrive at Luanxing Island, if you want to meet one of the nine star envoys, It’s still difficult.”

Chen Yang said: "If you can meet one of Lin Xing Envoy or Song Xing Envoy, I can go to Luan Xing Island with you. If not, I can only refuse."

Fan Yiguang asked in confusion: "Why does Mr. Chen have to meet the two star envoys Lin and Song?"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "I have an old relationship with them, so it would be more convenient to talk to them about joining the Star Alliance."

"I see."

Fan Yiguan looked shocked, and he did not dare to underestimate Chen Yang.

Yuan Kewen next to him was also shocked, thinking that Chen Yang actually knew the two star envoys, but the relationship was not simple.

Fan Yiguang said: "Mr. Chen, do you have any tokens that can show your identity? I will send someone to Luanxing Island to see the attitude of the two star envoys Lin and Song. If they agree to see you, you can come with me. Chaos Star Island.”

Chen Yang immediately asked Lao Li in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Is there any token that can prove your identity?"

Lao Li thought for a moment and said: "Ask them to bring a sentence, just say: 'A battle in the deep sea subdues the evil dragon, and the powerful owl destroys the universe'."

Chen Yang asked in confusion: "What the hell kind of sentence is this?"

"Song Yuanhang and Lin Ruohan will understand when they hear it." Old Li said confidently.

Chen Yang nodded and immediately said to Fan Yiguang: "Senior, you only need to ask someone to bring a message to the two star envoys Song and Lin. Just say, 'Fight the evil dragon in the deep sea and destroy the owl who destroys the sky.' Song and Lin If the two star envoys Lin listen, they will naturally understand."

Fan Yiguang thought it was some code word, nodded and said: "Okay, I will send someone to Luanxing Island right now."

Chen Yang asked: "How long does it take to come and go?"

Fan Yiguang said: "Luanxing Island is far away from here. It will take about a month to go back and forth."

"So long." Chen Yang thought for a moment and said: "Well, I have something to do and need to leave, and try to return to Yunfan Island as soon as possible. By then, I will go to Luanxing Island with my seniors."

"Okay." Fan Yigang nodded in agreement.

After chatting for a few more words, Chen Yang and Yuan Kewen immediately talked.

When going down the mountain, Chen Yang asked Old Li in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Old Li, who is the Shi Jingtian you mentioned, and why did he become a pirate?"

PS: Keep adding more updates. For the sake of Yogurt’s hard work, everyone, please give me some votes and rewards!

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