Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3195 Turning into a Rotten Corpse

"Where did the weird squirrel come from!"

Seeing the squirrel covered in carrion rushing towards him, Chen Yang showed surprise and did not kill it. Instead, he took a few steps back into the passage.

He wanted to keep the squirrel alive and observe it more.

I saw the squirrel rushing forward, its body covered with rotten flesh, and the teeth in its cracked mouth were not sharp, but they gave people a dangerous feeling.

Although it has not reached the level of a monster and its combat power is not strong, this squirrel is ferocious and terrifying.

Immediately afterwards, a strange scene happened.

When the squirrel broke into the passage, the scene changed instantly. Its body was covered with flesh and blood, and it returned to the appearance of an ordinary squirrel.

With a thud, the squirrel landed on the ground. Its ferocious eyes turned into fear. It looked at Chen Yang, shrank back and hid in the corner, looking very scared.

Looking at the timid squirrel, Chen Yang raised his eyebrows, looked outside the passage, and murmured: "Could it be that after passing this passage, it will look like that carrion monster?"

Looking back, he said to the squirrel: "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

"Chi chi chi..."

The squirrel was so frightened that it retreated to the corner, huddled in a ball, and did not dare to move. Its eyes were full of fear, which was completely different from its previous ferocious appearance.

"Go to the south. The north of the island is not suitable for your survival."

Chen Yang drove the squirrel away, and the squirrel quickly ran towards the south of the passage and disappeared at the end.

"If I walk out of the passage, will I turn into a carrion monster, lose my mind, and become violent?"

Chen Yang thought to himself, immediately gathered his consciousness, and exerted his spiritual power to the extreme, keeping his consciousness absolutely awake, and then walked out of the passage.

The moment he walked out of the passage, a terrifying aura hit his face, accompanied by a strong smell of blood and rancidity.

Chen Yang felt as if he had been thrown into a pile of rotting corpses.

Immediately afterwards, his consciousness became violent and ferocious, full of hatred for everything around him, and wanted to destroy everything.

Even he wanted to kill himself.

"not good!"

Chen Yang thought to himself that it was not good and quickly closed his eyes to let his mind settle down and run the "God Refining Technique" to block the interference from the outside world.

This process lasted for half an hour, and Chen Yang felt better.

"This is indeed a strange place."

Chen Yang murmured. Although his consciousness was under his control, he was sure that his emotions were still a little irritable, as if he could explode at any time.

He opened his eyes and looked at his body. He couldn't see it under his clothes, but he found that his hands were completely rotten. White bones could be seen, and there was a strong stench.

He couldn't help frowning and touched his cheek, but he didn't touch his face, but his gums.

"I turned into a wight..."

Chen Yang was speechless for a while, then took a few steps back and returned to the passage.

The irritable mood disappeared instantly, and his hands and cheeks returned to normal.

"Weird." Chen Yang muttered and said to Old Li: "What is going on in the northern part of the Golden Skull Island?"

Lao Li thought for a while and said: "It looks like a formation, but I think it is more like a natural formation. This place... is indeed a bit weird."

Chen Yang was a little hesitant and asked Lao Li for advice, saying, "Should I continue to move forward?"

Old Li smiled and said: "Hey, the weirder the place, the more precious the treasures are. If you want to become the top powerhouse in the star sea, of course you have to keep moving forward."

"If I die, I will blame you."

Chen Yang smiled and walked out of the passage.

Old Li said: "There are many more dangerous and weird places in the sea of ​​​​stars than this. If you can't survive from here, then you will not be able to achieve anything in the future, let alone have any delusions, and be with the top people in the sea of ​​​​stars. The strong ones compete.”

Lao Li said this with a smile.

But Chen Yang was shocked, his eyes became firmer, and he walked out of the passage.

His target is the entire star sea.

What a place like this.

After spending half an hour to stabilize his mind, Chen Yang continued to move towards the north.

Unconsciously, the sky became brighter.

The sun shines in the forest, dappled, the green trees move with the wind, and the scenery is beautiful.

However, Chen Yang, with rotten cheeks, walked through the jungle and broke this beauty.


Suddenly, a ferocious roar sounded in the trees.

Chen Yang turned around and saw the tiger, which had always been rotting, rushing towards him, its scarlet eyes filled with murderous intent.

Without hesitation, he struck out with a palm, and the shadow of his palm directly killed the tiger.

Although the tiger is not afraid of death and is ferocious and terrifying, its combat power is only slightly stronger than that of ordinary animals, making it vulnerable to Chen Yang.

"It's the seventeenth wight."

Chen Yang collectively called these animals carrion monsters.

After he walked through the passage, he had killed seventeen different forms of carrion monsters.

At first, he showed mercy and did not kill the carrion monster, but drove it away with one palm.

However, these carrion monsters lost their minds and only had the thought of killing. They would not escape at all and kept attacking Chen Yang.

After that, he didn't bother to be merciful anymore. Whenever he encountered a carrion monster, he would kill it with one move.

After walking hundreds of miles, Chen Yang flew fifty meters in the air and looked to the left and right sides. He was already very close to the two lakes that formed the eye holes of the skull.

In the middle of the two lakes is Bailing Mountain.

Yesterday Chen Yang asked Hu Yanhuo why this transparent mountain peak was called Bailing Mountain.

Hu Yanhuo didn't know the answer either. He only said that according to ancient records in the clan, this mountain was called Bailing Mountain.

Not to mention the origin of the name, he was not sure whether Bailing Mountain really existed.

All information is obtained from the ancient books of the Huyan people.

After walking for more than ten miles, Chen Yang was walking forward, but when his footsteps fell, he stepped on the void and could not touch the grass.

"Is it a transparent hillside?"

Chen Yang's eyes lit up, he took a few steps and found that he was actually climbing up the stairs. Although his steps were in the void, they were actually in the right place.

Under his feet, he was certain that there was a slope that sloped upward.

Although he couldn't see it, he could even feel the stones, grass, and branches under his feet...

He looked forward and saw that the grass and green trees on the ground were still there, as if they were real.

However, he knew that these scenes were all false.

He raised his head and looked diagonally upward, his eyes flashing with brilliance, and he muttered: "Bailing Mountain, we've arrived."

After gathering his thoughts, Chen Yang kept moving forward with firm eyes.

He couldn't be sure what the road ahead was like. He could only judge the road by the feeling under his feet.



Suddenly, waves of ferocious roars came from behind, and the overwhelming blood energy and ferocious aura instantly enveloped Chen Yang.

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