Urban magic doctor

Chapter 320 Wang Xiao’s Rebellion (Twenty Updates)

Chen Yang rushed over and saw a glowing little red man lying on the ground, motionless, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

"It can't be Zhou Xuzhang, right?"

Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad feeling in his heart. He turned around and attacked the three monks next to him.

Although the monk is not strong in frontal combat, it is not that easy to deal with the three of them together and with weapons.

However, in the fog, the monks were emitting red light, and Chen Yang could completely capture their whereabouts. On the contrary, as long as Chen Yang was fast, the other party could not see clearly, so he still had a great advantage.

The two parties were fighting, and suddenly, Chen Yang saw the little red man on the ground moving slightly, apparently not dead yet.

"He must be saved!"

Chen Yang did not dare to drag on any longer and wanted to resolve the battle as soon as possible, otherwise the man on the ground would probably die. He had to rescue this man and ask what happened.

Not caring about protecting himself, Chen Yang fought hard and was scratched by the sword on his left arm, and shot the two opponents to death one after another.

The remaining monk muttered something nice, seeing how strong Chen Yang was, but he didn't dare to fight anymore, so he turned around and ran away.

Seeing this, Chen Yang did not pursue him. It was more important to save people now.

He knelt down and helped the man lying on the ground up. It turned out that this man was Zhou Xuzhang, one of the three masters of Qingshan.

He checked and saw that Zhou Xuzhang had a knife wound on his abdomen and back, which penetrated deep into his internal organs. Bright red blood was oozing out from the wound. The injury was very serious.

Zhou Xuzhang's face was pale, he had fainted, and his life was hanging by a thread.

Chen Yang quickly tapped several acupuncture points on Zhou Xuzhang's body, and after stopping Zhou Xuzhang's bleeding, he released a ray of true energy. Zhou Xuzhang's complexion improved a little, but he was still in a coma.

Although Zhou Xuzhang's life was temporarily saved, his internal organs were ruptured and he would die sooner or later if he was not treated in time.

Moreover, Zhou Xuzhang was in a coma, so Chen Yang could not ask for the information he wanted to know.

"Get him out first."

Chen Yang carried Zhou Xuzhang behind his back, moved and ran towards the mist.

The density of the fog has weakened a lot at this moment, and it should not take long before it dissipates. However, it is still very dangerous for Zhou Xuzhang to stay inside, so Chen Yang brought him out.

Looking at the unconscious Zhou Xuzhang, Chen Yang remembered the person who ran away when he rushed over. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, he judged from the outline that the person should be Wang Xiao.

If Wang Xiao didn't fight the enemy with Zhou Xuzhang, why would he run away?

Moreover, Wang Xiao and Zhou Xuzhang are both masters. If they join forces, they will not be under too much pressure to deal with three monks head-on.

Chen Yang also rushed over at that time, and Wang Xiao should not have left.

"Could it be that Wang Xiao killed Zhou Xuzhang!?"

Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat, and he was greatly surprised by his idea.

Perhaps the Zizhu sect does not have the highest level of force, but it is known to be upright and upright. They have served the country many times and there will never be such traitors who betray their companions.

Besides, as Wang Xiao is from the Huajin country, no matter how crazy he is, he shouldn't help Ni recruit talents.

If this is discovered, he will be expelled from the mountain by Zizhu. Even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, he will be chased by Zizhu to clean up the family.

Taking such a big risk is really not worth it to him.

"What benefits did the Nicai people give him, and he is actually willing to do such a thing?! Or maybe Wang Xiao didn't betray us?"

Chen Yang frowned, full of doubts about this matter.


At this moment, Zhou Xuzhang spat out a mouthful of blood. His breath became very weak, and the wounds on his body opened and he was dying.

"what happened?"

Chen Yang looked suspicious and checked Zhou Xuzhang's wounds again. Only then did he realize that the two knives on Zhou Xuzhang's back and abdomen had been stabbed and stirred several times. The injuries to his internal organs were extremely serious, more than that of Chen Yang. imagination.

"It was so vicious, who did it?"

Chen Yang's eyes narrowed, and he bandaged Zhou Xuzhang again to stop the bleeding, then took out a pill and gave it to Zhou Xuzhang to take.

But Zhou Xuzhang was still pale and the pills had no effect on him.

"What the hell, if he dies, who will tell me who stabbed him twice."

Chen Yang was furious. He believed that 90% of the murder was caused by Wang Xiao, and he just wanted to get confirmation from Zhou Xuzhang.

But the top priority now is to save Zhou Xuzhang's life.

"Who cares, I can only treat the dead horse as a live doctor."

After a change of thought, Chen Yang took out the Awakening Pill given to him by the mysterious old man. He had taken one pill before and now he still had two pills in his hand.

Zhou Xuzhang's vitality was weak and he obviously couldn't consume the powerful medicine, so Chen Yang broke off half a pill and stuffed it into his mouth.

Although this thing is not a medicine for treating diseases, it can maintain vitality under the influence of the medicine.

Whether it can be effective or not depends on Zhou Xuzhang's will.

After taking half of the medicine, Zhou Xuzhang took a deep breath, his whole body tensed up, his chest lifted up, and then he lay down again.

His complexion gradually returned to color, his breath calmed down, and his eyelids trembled slightly.

"What the hell is this Awakening Pill? It's too powerful. Who is the old man?"

Chen Yang was speechless. He didn't expect the Awakening Pill to have such a good effect, which made him curious about the identity of the mysterious old man again.

At this moment, Zhou Xuzhang opened his eyes and saw Chen Yang squatting next to him. He said weakly: "Chen Yang, you saved me?"

Chen Yang asked hurriedly: "Now is not the time to talk about this. Please tell me quickly, was it Wang Xiao who did this to you?"

Zhou Xuzhang looked surprised: "How do you know?"

Sure enough it was him!

Chen Yang's face darkened and he said coldly: "Wang Xiao, this bastard, actually attacked his companions. I must make him pay the price. Life is worse than death!"

Zhou Xuzhang said angrily: "I went to help him just now, but he stabbed me twice. I really didn't expect that Wang Xiao, a disciple of the Zizhu Sect, would actually rebel. It really insulted the reputation of the Zizhu Sect."

Chen Yang said solemnly: "In this case, it seems that he insisted on going deep into the island just now to lure us into an ambush. This person is really vicious. Moreover, Fu Tong was also killed by him."

"What, Fu Tong is dead!"

Zhou Xuzhang looked surprised and hurriedly said to Chen Yang: "Tell the others quickly and don't let them fall into Wang Xiao's trap."

"Wang Xiao was alerted by me just now. He is worried that his identity will be exposed. Now he does not dare to take action rashly. He will definitely hide his identity and attack us later. Why don't we use the trick."

Chen Yang's eyes flashed and he said to Zhou Xuzhang: "Senior Zhou, the fog will dissipate soon. You will pretend to be dead later. Wang Xiao doesn't know that his identity has been exposed. If he continues to act, I will kill him." Caught off guard.

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