Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3218 The Yun family is not dead

Hearing the sound, Chen Yang looked towards Fu Cui Island and saw a middle-level Dongxu cultivator wearing a long robe with white beard and hair coming quickly.

Judging from the meaning of the other party's words, this person should be the envoy of the Chaos Star Alliance on Fucui Island.

"Brother Qian!"

Fan Yigang rose into the air and shouted forward from a distance.

As the envoys of the Chaos Star Alliance on the island, and Fu Cui Island and Yunfan Island are not far apart, Fan Yiguang recognized each other.

"Hey, Brother Fan?"

When Qian Motong saw Fan Yiguang, he looked puzzled, landed on the pirate ship, and asked, "Why are you here when you're not staying at Yunfan Island? And why are you taking the Chensha pirate group's ship? what's going on?"

Fan Yiguang said: "I planned to go to Luanxing Island, but unexpectedly I encountered the Chensha pirate group on the way. Our ship was destroyed, so we took their ship."

"So, you defeated the Chensha pirate group?"

Qian Motong said with a surprised look on his face.

Fan Yiguang told Qian Motong the whole story. After Qian Motong listened, he looked at Chen Yang with a shocked look on his face and said, "It's amazing. The middle stage of Condensation Soul can actually defeat the late stage of Dongxu. You are really young and promising!"

"It's just good luck." Chen Yang said politely.

"It's really good luck."

Unexpectedly, Qian Motong nodded and said: "No matter who gets those two magic cats, they can defeat Sun Chen. What makes you better than others is indeed luck."

Chen Yang smiled and was too lazy to say more.

Fan Yiguang showed displeasure and said, "Brother Qian, you can't say that. Even without the two demon cats, Chen Yang is strong enough to kill Dongxu in the early stage."

"Oh, that's pretty cool."

Qian Motong responded casually, obviously not believing Fan Yiguang's words.

However, he was still quite envious of Chen Yang. After all, those two magic cats were so powerful. If he could get them, his combat power would increase a lot.

It's a pity that he can't defeat the two magic cats, otherwise, Chen Yang will directly steal them.

Thinking of Fan Yiguang saying he was going to Luanxing Island just now, he asked: "By the way, Brother Fan, there seems to be nothing going on recently. Why are you going back to Luanxing Island?"

Fan Yiguang said: "Chen Yang has decided to join the Luanxing Alliance. We are going to Luanxing Island this time to handle the matter for him to join the Luanxing Alliance."

Qian Motong couldn't help frowning and said: "When he is in the middle stage of Condensation, does he need to win over to join the Chaos Star Alliance? Moreover, even if she joins the Chaos Star Alliance, it is just a trivial matter. There is no need to let him go to Chaos Star Island, right? "

Chen Yang is someone that Fan Yiguang values. Not only does he have great potential, but his strength also makes Fan Yiguang admire him.

But Qian Motong showed disdain at this moment, which made Fan Yiguang very dissatisfied.

His tone was a little lower, and he said: "Although Chen Yang is not too high at the moment, he is only in his twenties, has huge potential, and has an unlimited future. What's more, I know Chen Yang..."

Before Fan Yiguang could finish his words, Qian Motong shook his head and said with a smile: "He is strong in combat, but he only relies on external objects. Without the two magic cats, he is just an ordinary mid-level Condensation Soul. How can he have much potential?" ?”

"Brother Qian, you don't know that Chen Yang..."

Fan Yiguang planned to tell the story about Chen Yang's victory over Yan Qinghuan, but was interrupted again by Qian Motong, saying: "Okay, I understand, you are very optimistic about him. However, as long as those two magic cats die, he will An ordinary person."


Fan Yiguang had a sullen look on his face, thought for a moment, and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

He originally planned to tell Chen Yang about his acquaintance with Lin Xingshi and Song Xingshi, but seeing Qian Motong's attitude, he didn't bother to tell them.

When the time comes, if Chen Yang says something bad about Qian Motong in front of the two bosses, Qian Motong will definitely be punished, but he will be the one to watch.

Wanting to watch Qian Motong's show, Fan Yiguang smiled and nodded: "Okay, okay, everything you said is right."

Seeing that Fan Yiguang was obviously perfunctory with him, Qian Motong was quite unhappy.

He glanced at Chen Yang and saw Chen Yang looking at the sea calmly. His detached look made him feel that he was being ignored.

He thought to himself: "I want to see how capable you are. When we get to Luanxing Island, I can snatch away your two magic cats with a little trick. In this case, don't blame me. "

With this in mind, Qian Motong said to Fan Yiguang: "Brother Fan, I have nothing to do recently, so I will go to Luanxing Island with you."

"That's very good."

Fan Yiguang immediately nodded in agreement. He hoped that Qian Motong would follow him. If Qian Motong dared to embarrass Chen Yang on Luanxing Island, how could Lin Xingshi and Song Xingshi keep their reputations? Qian Motong would be punished severely.

After all, Chen Yang was going to meet Lin Xingshi and the two of them, so he could be regarded as their guest.

Qian Motong was not a fool. Seeing Fan Yiguang's straightforward agreement, he became wary and decided to proceed with caution after arriving at Luanxing Island.

"Let's go, let's sail!"

Fan Yiguang gave an order and the ship was about to move forward.

"Wait, wait for me!"

At this moment, an urgent voice came from Fu Cui Island.

Everyone turned to look and saw a figure leaping up and flying towards the ship. It was Yun Jianfei.

Yun Jianfei landed on the deck, wiped the sweat from his forehead, raised a brocade box in his hand, and said to Chen Yang: "Senior Chen, I brought my treasure, please accept it!"

"It's really here."

Fan Yiguang couldn't help but laugh and found that Yun Jianfei was quite interesting.

Chen Yang smiled, walked up and said, "Yun Jianfei, I told you, I don't want your things."

"What, Yun Jianfei?!"

Qian Motong next to him looked surprised when he heard Yun Jianfei's name.

He immediately came over, his eyes full of expectation and excitement, staring at Yun Jianfei and saying: "You are Yun Jianfei of the Yun family, your father is Yuntang, your grandfather is Yun Baisheng, and your grandfather is Yun Wuxiang?"

When someone told him his family tree, Yun Jianfei was stunned for a moment and said, "Yes... yes, who are you?"

"Haha, it's really Yun Jianfei, the Yun family members are not dead!"

Qian Motong laughed excitedly, leaving everyone else present confused.

Fan Yiguang asked curiously: "What, Brother Qian, do you know him?"

"I do not recognize."

Qian Motong shook his head, then ignored Fan Yiguang, stared at Yun Jianfei and asked, "Do you know where the ancestral treasure of your Yun family is?"

Yun Jianfei was able to lurk next to Sun Chen and had a very strong ability to observe people's emotions. He immediately discovered that Qian Motong had evil intentions.

He shook his head, hid the brocade box in his sleeve, and said, "What kind of treasure? I have never heard of it."

"I've never heard of it, so what did you mean when you said your family's treasure just now?"

Qian Motong sneered and said, "Besides, what is the brocade box in your hand?"

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