Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3242 It’s a good thing to suffer some setbacks


Zhang Shuying cursed secretly and glared at Chen Yang fiercely.

She was full of confidence before, but unexpectedly, even though she tried her best, she still couldn't shake Chen Yang, and was knocked off the ring instead.

In front of everyone, she was defeated by a junior disciple who was in the middle stage of Condensation. She felt that she had been completely humiliated.

Facing Zhang Shuying's cold gaze, Chen Yang cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Senior Sister Zhang, I accept the concession."

The corners of Zhang Shuying's mouth twitched, and she flew back to the stands without saying a word.

At this time, the whole audience came to their senses.

"We won, Chen Yang actually won!"

"Senior Sister Zhang must be ranked in the top fifty at Longxing Peak. Chen Yangcai defeated her in the middle stage of concentration."

"Not only that, Chen Yang hasn't used the Gale of Wind Concept yet."

"I thought he was arrogant before, but it seems that he really might win a spot in the Qianlong Conference."

"Think about how others are so strong in the middle stage of Condensation. We have been practicing for so many years, but we have trained like dogs."

For a time, the whole place was buzzing with discussion about Chen Yang.

At this time, Chen Yang had returned to his seat, ignoring the sounds around him, closing his eyes and continuing to meditate, waiting for the next round of battle to begin.

The area in the center and front of the stands could not calm down either.

Guo Wenyao glanced in the direction of Chen Yang and said solemnly: "Chen Yang is very strong."

"He defeated Junior Sister Zhang before he even used the Dual Concept. He is indeed quite capable."

Le Xiaoqiao also agreed.

The rest of the people also nodded, all recognizing Chen Yang's strength.

Moreover, Chen Yang is only in the mid- to long-term stage of Condensation. When he reaches the peak stage of Condensation, no one can imagine what level his combat power will reach.

Zhuo Ranfeng said: "Chen Yang is indeed worthy of his name, but it would be too much to say that our knowledge is shallow. Even if he can defeat Junior Sister Zhang, it is absolutely impossible for him to defeat the top disciples in the academy, such as Senior Brother Dongfang and Senior Sister Le. ."

"of course."

Le Xiaoqiao puffed out her chest, full of confidence in her own strength.

Dongfang Hongfei always had a smile on his face, like an outsider or an elder watching the younger generation fight.

He turned back to look at Zhang Shuying and said, "Junior sister Zhang, what's your comment on the battle just now?"

Zhang Shuying frowned: "Chen Yang is very strong, and during the battle with me, he never moved at all. I feel that he was able to do it with ease and should have only used 80% of his combat power."

"Eighty percent?"

Dongfang Hongfei rolled his eyes and commented in the tone of an elder: "If he can defeat you with 80% of his strength, then I really want to give him a high look. But based on this alone, he wants to enter the top ten. , but there is still a lot to be desired.”

"Senior Brother Dongfang is right."

Everyone nodded, taking Dongfang Hongfei's words as a guideline.

Dongfang Hongfei was silent for a while, and said to the strongest disciples on the left and right sides of Longxing Peak: "These juniors are having a smooth sailing now. Junior sisters and junior brothers, if you meet Chen Yang, remember to make him suffer a little." Frustration is a good thing for him."

Everyone responded: "Yes, Senior Brother Dongfang."

Le Xiaoqiao smiled and said, "Senior Brother Dongfang helped Chen Yang so much. I hope he will remember to be grateful when the time comes."


Dongfang Hongfei smiled noncommittally, looked towards the ring in the square, and continued to watch the battle without taking what happened just now to his heart.

The battle continued, and the disciples who signed up for the selection appeared one after another.

There is no doubt that Dongfang Hongfei, Le Xiaoqiao, Guo Wenyao, Zhuo Ranfeng and other disciples all won completely, ranking first in their respective groups and entering the top thirty.

This was expected by everyone, but it did not attract much attention.

However, when the results of Arena No. 9 were announced and everyone learned that Chen Yang was the first in the group, they were all surprised.

"What, Chen Yang actually won the first place in the nine groups?"

"No way, even though he defeated Senior Sister Zhang, it's not like other senior brothers and sisters were defeated by him, right?"

"Other than Senior Sister Zhang, there don't seem to be any powerful disciples in Arena No. 9."

"Chen Yang is very lucky. If I sign up, I might get second or third place and advance to the top thirty."

"Only the first ten are useful, the first thirty are meaningless. We will continue to fight later, but Chen Yang's strength is not enough."

While the crowd was discussing, the leader of Longxing Peak, Mo Ze, had already arranged the order of the next battle.

In order to prevent the strong ones from the academy from being eliminated, the disciples who had won the first place in the new year assessment, as well as the top five disciples last year and this year, were all regarded as seed players and competed separately to avoid encounters.

For the other remaining disciples, Mo Ze came to draw lots and randomly determine the order of the battle.

During the whole process, Chen Yang was meditating with his eyes closed, not paying attention to who his opponent was. He just waited for the battle to begin and he would appear on the stage.

But the atmosphere in the center and front area of ​​the stands was lively.

Because, among the top thirty, twenty-nine people are sitting in this area.

"Senior Brother Guo, you have to be merciful later."

"Senior Sister Le, my opponent is actually you. It looks like I am going to lose this round."

"I have been unlucky for eight lifetimes. My opponent is actually Senior Brother Dongfang."

"Haha, Junior Brother Yuan, you have to be careful later."

Although Zhang Shuying failed to defeat Chen Yang, he ranked second in the nine groups and still entered the top 30.

However, she was not paying attention to her own match, but was looking for Chen Yang's name.

When she saw Chen Yang's matchup information, her eyes lit up and she said to Zhuo Ranfeng in front of her: "Senior Brother Zhuo, your opponent is Chen Yang."

After hearing this, many people paid attention.

Zhuo Ranfeng sneered in his heart. He originally wanted to teach Chen Yang a lesson, but he didn't expect that he would be fighting against him. Now it would be interesting.

He looked back at Zhang Shuying, nodded slightly, and said through a message: "Don't worry, Junior Sister Zhang, I will vent my anger for you."

Joy flashed in Zhang Shuying's eyes, and then he glanced fiercely in the direction of Chen Yang, with a bit of pride in his eyes, as if he had seen Chen Yang being defeated.

Guo Wenyao looked at Zhuo Ranfeng and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Zhuo, I really envy you. This opportunity to teach Chen Yang a lesson actually fell on you."

Le Xiaoqiao half-truthfully said, "Junior Brother Zhuo, don't be too harsh. It would be bad if you leave any sequelae to Junior Brother Chen."

"Okay, he's just a junior in the middle stage of Condensation. Why focus on him."

Dongfang Hongfei shook his head, ignored Chen Yang, and changed the subject: "Our opponents are other geniuses from Nanjiu County. Only characters like Mu Qingshan are worthy of attention."

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