Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3274 Nonsense

"Okay, let's wash away our grudges over a glass of wine."

Chen Yang smiled, immediately picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Dongfang Hongfei felt weird when he saw Chen Yang's sincere look on his face, wondering why Chen Yang wasn't crazy at all today?

Does this kid really want to reconcile with himself?

This is good, it can make him relax his vigilance, and it will be much easier to deal with him in the future.

Dongfang Hongfei thought so, he immediately picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

Seeing the two of them drinking, Yin Yuxin showed a smile on his face and smoothed things over: "Okay, let's let the past go with this glass of wine. I hope that Senior Brother Chen and Senior Brother Dongfang can work together in the future to make our Longwu Academy stronger."

"Haha, that's well said."

Chen Yang applauded the case, opened up the chat box, and started talking with Dongfang Hongfei.

For a moment, the wine table was filled with joy, as if they were old friends for a long time, as if everything before had really disappeared.

When the wine was full, Chen Yang suddenly put down his wine glass and said with a smile: "Hey, by the way, Brother Dongfang, when Yu Rui and I came here, we encountered an ambush on the road. It turned out to be two thieves Zhao Lei and Wen Xiu. As a Senior brother of the academy, you must uphold justice for us."

Those two people have been killed by you, how can you provide justice?

Dongfang Hongfei cursed, but with a look of shock on his face, he said: "What, Zhao Lei and Wenxiu dare to assassinate you? These two guys have simply eaten the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard. Don't worry, come back After Windfire City, I no longer care about Dean Liu’s ban, so I will go find the Eight Lakes Alliance and the Iron Embroidery Sect and ask them to hand over the person and give him an explanation."

"Senior Brother Dongfang, you are indeed the senior brother, I'd like to toast you."

Chen Yang made a touched expression, raised his head and drank a drink, rolled his eyes, and then said: "By the way, Senior Brother Dongfang, in addition to Zhao Lei, Wenxiu, and Zhao Ang, I also sensed something near the ambush point. The fluctuations of other people's energy and true energy were fleeting, and I believe that there are still people ambush, but they just didn't show up."

Upon hearing this, Dongfang Hongfei's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that he had been discovered?

Impossible. If found out, Chen Yang would definitely come and kill him.

Moreover, he and Wen Yao have not released any true energy, and with the concealment formation, even in the Cave Void Realm, they may not be able to sense their existence.

But how did Chen Yang know that there were two other people?

Dongfang Hongfei was surprised, but on the surface he pretended to be surprised and said: "What, there are others, aren't they Zhang Jiuyan, Wang Zhilong, Yang Ruofan and others?"

Chen Yang held his chin and muttered: "I don't know who it is, but from the fluctuations of his true energy, I feel like he is a very familiar person."

Hearing this, Dongfang Hongfei could still keep his composure, but an unnatural look flashed in Guo Wenyao's eyes.

This flash of expression was caught by Chen Yang. His heart sank and he said secretly: "Sure enough, these two guys want to ambush me. Dongfang Hongfei, you are really vicious. It seems that in order to kill me, I'm afraid... Even Yurui, you are not going to let her go."

Dongfang Hongfei didn't know that Chen Yang had seen through everything, and he looked thoughtful as he murmured: "Junior brother Chen, you said that the real energy fluctuations are familiar, he should be someone who has been in contact with you. You have seen Yang Ruofan and others before, This is somewhat difficult to predict.”

"Forget it, stop guessing."

Chen Yang waved his hand, slammed the table, and said righteously to Dongfang Hongfei: "Brother Dongfang, tell me, are the two people who ambushed me bastards?"

Dongfang Hongfei twitched the corner of his mouth but did not speak.

If the answer is yes, wouldn't it mean that he is a bastard?

If he answered no, he would show his timidity and make Chen Yang suspicious.

Seeing Dongfang Hongfei not speaking, Chen Yang felt funny in his heart, but on the surface he said angrily: "Senior Brother Dongfang, let me ask you, are those two bastards?"

"Yes, it's the bastard!"

Dongfang Hongfei was cruel and scolded both himself and Guo Wenyao.

But when he was speaking, the cold light in the depths of his eyes flashed away, and he glanced at Chen Yang, and the murderous intention in his heart became even stronger.

Chen Yang smiled and nodded, and continued: "Those two people are not only bastards, but also bastards, rotten butts, acne-faced, androgynous people. Brother Dongfang, tell me, am I right?"

"Yes, you are right."

Dongfang Hongfei took a breath and tried to suppress his anger. He forced a smile on his face, but the fists underneath were clenched tightly.

Chen Yang nodded and smiled: "Brother Dongfang, I have to ask you to do this. You must help me find those two hermaphrodites and rotten ass."


Dongfang Hongfei's mouth twitched and he nodded in agreement.

He was afraid that Chen Yang would continue to scold him, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, Junior Brother Chen, they say that you have practiced the Star Art, is it true?"

"Of course it's fake."

Chen Yang shook his head and said: "The Star Technique is very rare. If I practice it casually, it will be okay."

Dongfang Hongfei continued: "But when you were at Long Qian Peak, many disciples saw you using star energy."

Chen Yang showed a mysterious look on his face and said with a smile: "To be honest, I have not practiced the Star Art, but I have practiced a special secret method that can transform the true energy and contain a little bit of star power. However, that kind of The energy is still incomparable to Xing Neng, at most it is 20 to 30% stronger than True Yuan."

"Oh I got it."

Dongfang Hongfei nodded and said seriously: "Junior brother Chen, in this Qianlong Conference, there are many geniuses in Nanjiu County who are stronger than Zhao Lei, Wenxiu and others. I wonder what other methods you have to deal with them? "

With an honest expression on his face, Chen Yang said: "My biggest trump card is the secret method of transforming true energy and the dual artistic conception. The rest are gone."

Dongfang Hongfei said: "I see that your true energy seems to be very powerful. You are only in the middle stage of condensation, and your true energy is already stronger than the average peak condensation."

"That's because I took Burning Flower. It is estimated that the effect of Burning Flower can last until the end of the Qianlong Conference. After a while, I was knocked back to my original shape."

Chen Yang shook his head and said with a bitter look on his face: "When the time comes, I won't be able to defeat Senior Brother Guo and others in the academy."

Dongfang Hongfei reassured him, "Junior Brother Chen, don't be discouraged. You are extremely talented. When you reach the peak of Condensation, you will definitely be the number one person in the academy."

The two of them had a great time. Dongfang Hongfei kept asking about Chen Yang's details, and Chen Yang also told them "honestly".

Unconsciously, the sky darkened, and the five of them walked together and returned to Fenghuo City.

After parting, Dongfang Hongfei returned to the room. He had been holding back his anger and finally couldn't bear it anymore.

His face turned cold, he crushed the teapot on the table with one palm, and gritted his teeth and said: "Chen Yang, how dare you call me a bastard and a hermaphrodite, you will definitely regret it!"

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