Urban magic doctor

Chapter 334 Hit it again

Chen Yang accidentally discovered a complete "Book of Ninja" stone. His eyes lit up and he walked over there.

A "Ninja Book" stone may not record the complete martial arts, but through this part, you can understand the entire Ninja Book.

Maybe we can figure out which school this is the inheritance of.

He walked up to the Ninja Book. The stone was very delicately carved. Apart from its size and color, its appearance was almost the same as a book from the fifteenth century.

However, in the explosion just now, the stone still suffered some damage, and the corners were missing, but it was not serious.

Chen Yang looked towards the front and saw the word "Book of Nin" written in neon script on the stone.

"Is this the stone I saw before?"

When Chen Yang first arrived at the underground palace, he carefully observed the base composed of Nin Shu stones. He had long noticed the stone with the word "Nin Shu" carved on it, because the backs of the other stones were all bare. Not recorded.

He guessed that maybe this stone was the cover of the Ninja Book.

He turned the stone around and saw only this side, carved with characters the size of a baby's palm, about a hundred characters.

After reading it carefully, he discovered that this ninja book was not inherited from any famous monk school now, but from a monk school called Pingding-ryu.

According to the records on this page, the Ninja Book is the supreme method of martial arts and the true inheritance of Pingding Ryu. Later Pingding Ryu was besieged by many sects, so they carved the Ninja Book into stones and hid it here, waiting for Pingding Ryu's success. Later generations took it out.

As long as the descendants of the Pingding Ryu practice the martial arts in the Ninja Book, their combat power will be greatly improved, and they will have various magical martial arts such as hurting people through the air, flying into the sky and escaping from the earth, etc., the Pingding Ryu will surely be restored.

This page probably records these contents.

When Chen Yang saw the words "hurt people through the air, fly to the sky and escape from the earth", he couldn't help but think of the two books he found in the backyard of the fourth courtyard.

"The Book of Immortals and Demons" and "Records of Hao Lan's Real Person".

"Hao Lan Real Person's Record" contains all kinds of bizarre experiences, let's not talk about them for now.

The "Book of Immortals and Demons" is a strange skill. According to its records, after being practiced, one can have various magical means.

"Could it be that the things recorded in the Ninja Book and the Book of Immortals and Demons are true?"

Chen Yang looked suspicious, but quickly rejected his idea.

Maybe there are stronger people in this world, especially those sects in Huajin Kingdom that have been passed down for a long time. There must be many experts in them.

But they are only strong in force and will never use the means of flying to escape.

"Even if there are gods in this world, they won't bother me."

Chen Yang is living a leisurely life now and does not want to cause so many troubles. His principle is not to mix up if he can. If there is such a group of strong people who mix in, it will not be so easy to get out.

At this time, everyone else also noticed the Ninja Stone and gathered around it.

Among the people, only Chen Yang and Nan Jun Hui Caiyu. After Nan Jun translated the contents of the book of ninja for everyone, everyone sneered.

Martial arts does have some magical illusions, but it doesn't mean you can fly to the sky and escape from the earth, and you can do anything.

Everyone thought this ninja book was just bragging and immediately lost interest.

But Chen Yang noticed that when he heard Nan Jun's translation, Wu Xuchao, one of the three Qingshan Xus, had a strange look in his eyes.

Later, Wu Xuchao even expressed that he wanted to take the stone away for collection.

The stone was of no use to anyone else, so Dongfang Cheng immediately agreed and gave it to Wu Xuchao, and also sent someone to deliver it to the ship.

Chen Yang didn't know what Wu Xuchao wanted the Ninja stone for, but it was definitely not a collection.

He didn't ask any more questions and didn't want to delve into it because it was none of his business.

However, it can be seen from this that the people of the Qingshan Sect seem to know some unknown things. Perhaps this Ninja Stone hides some secrets.

At this point, the matter on Buman Island was finally resolved, and Chen Yang also received a small piece of meteorite mine as reward.

It was nominally a reward, but in fact everyone knew that the favor we owed Chen Yang for this operation would not be easy to repay.

In this operation, Chen Yang was relied upon to tide over the difficulties at every critical moment, and it was Chen Yang who finally solved Chu Su.

Otherwise, I am afraid that everyone will be plotted by Chu Su and no one will survive.

While everyone was grateful to Chen Yang, they also admired him very much.

Everyone got on the boat and sailed towards the eastern coast of Huajin Kingdom. When they reached the shore, everyone had to go their separate ways.

A few days passed and the ship arrived at the east coast.

When they parted, Dongfang Cheng sighed: "Chen Yang, it's a pity that you retired at such a young age. If you were still the leader of Black Flag, Black Flag would definitely be stronger."

This compliment made Chen Yang, who was originally smiling, look serious and said solemnly: "Dongfang Cheng, Overlord's strength should not be underestimated. Now, under his leadership, Black Flag is still on the rise. Also, this You can’t mention this sentence again, it’s disrespectful to the Overlord.”

Dongfang Cheng looked embarrassed, but quickly adjusted himself. He changed the subject and asked Chen Yang, "Are you interested in making a comeback?"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "My current retirement life is extremely leisurely, and I will not come back."

Dongfang Cheng turned his eyes, with a firm look in his eyes, and said: "If you are willing to come back, you can serve as the leader of Longting."

Leader of Longting!

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Dongfang Cheng playfully.

Being able to offer such conditions is enough to show Dongfang Cheng's sincerity.

However, his idea was wrong.

"Do you think the leader of Dragon Court is attracted to me?"

Chen Yang patted Dongfang Cheng on the shoulder and smiled: "Sorry, I'm not interested in any of this right now."

Dongfang Cheng was silent. He felt that he couldn't see through Chen Yang. Did this strong man nicknamed "God" really just want to live a leisurely life?

He took out a badge engraved with a golden dragon, handed it to Chen Yang and said, "This is the golden dragon badge. If necessary, you can ask someone from Longting to help me repay your favor this time."

"Thank you."

Chen Yang was not polite and pocketed the badge.

He said goodbye to everyone one by one, and Qingshan Sanxu invited him to visit Qingshan next time he had the opportunity.

Of course, it’s not a trip to Qingshan, but a trip to Qingshan Pai.

They said it was just for fun, but Chen Yang clearly saw that Qingshan Sanxu wanted him to compete.

There are many masters of Qingshan Sect, but he will not be so stupid. He goes to other people's sect to show off. Isn't this looking for death?

He agreed wholeheartedly, but secretly thought that he would never go to Qingshan in his life, unless one day he was strong enough to deal with the leader of Qingshan Sect.

After the trip to Buman Island, Nanjun and Ximo admired Chen Yang to the core, and both of them solemnly bid farewell to Chen Yang.

Finally, Chen Yang walked to Qiu Menglei.

"Little girl, if we meet again next time, I have to remind you not to be so reckless when traveling in the world, otherwise you will easily suffer losses."

Chen Yang said with a smile.

Qiu Menglei nodded, buried her head in her chest, and said coquettishly: "Chen Yang, when I was lurking at the entrance of the meteorite mine, I promised to spank you three times, but you only spanked me twice, and you have to spank me again. "

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