Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3386 Dark Blood Whale

The floating corpses on the sea are not human beings, but various sea monsters.

Most of these sea monsters are in pieces, their demon pills have been taken away, and their original forms cannot be seen.

Chen Yang looked around and saw an endless area of ​​floating corpses. If the seawater wasn't black, I'm afraid the red blood would turn this sea area directly into the Red Sea.

Chen Yang pondered: "Did the battle between the sea monsters happen here?"

"should be."

Cui Xue nodded, with a solemn look on his face, and immediately shouted to the helmsman controlling the ship: "Go around here and don't go through the demon battlefield area."

Upon receiving the order, the ship immediately turned around.

Chen Yang said: "Didn't the sea monsters cease fighting? Why did they go around here?"

Cui Xue said: "According to the information I got, they just agreed to a truce. No one knows whether they will suddenly start fighting. Therefore, it is safer to avoid this area."

Chen Yang nodded in agreement.

But at this moment, a loud rumbling sound came from the deep sea at the bottom of the ship, and the ship shook violently.

With a crash, a huge water column rose into the sky from the side of the ship, reaching a height of a thousand meters. It was like a super giant fountain, spraying down the clouds in the sky.

The impact of this water column was so great that it set off huge waves. The ship, which was more than 20 meters long, could not withstand the huge waves. It was swaying and undulating, and it was possible to capsize at any time.

Chen Yang circulated his true energy and enveloped the entire ship. Only then did he stabilize the ship and prevent the waves from breaking into pieces.

However, the ship moved with the waves and lost control.

The people on the boat are all members of the Black Fire Cult, and they can be considered to have experienced wind and waves.

But at this moment, they all looked frightened and nervously looked at the water column rising into the sky.

Cui Xue looked nervous and said: "Mr. Chen, be careful, there are monsters around."

Chen Yang looked below the giant water column and saw a huge black shadow rising from the deep sea. The speed was so fast that the black shadow was getting bigger and bigger.

And that water column struck from the front of this giant black shadow.

Just a water column is so powerful. How strong is this demon clan?

"Immortal Realm!"

Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat. If he waited for the demon clan to rush out of the sea, it would be too late to leave.

He immediately took out the Somersault Cloud and wanted to take Cui Xue away.

As for the others, he couldn't take care of them anymore.

Unexpectedly, the speed of the monster in the sea was faster than expected. With a roar, he rushed out from the bottom of the sea. His huge body set off waves like a hundred-meter-high wall, which was spectacular.

The waves came in and hit the ship with a crash.

The ship had a formation, and Chen Yang released his true energy to block the waves, so he could avoid being smashed into pieces.

The sunlight disappeared, and a huge black shadow enveloped the ship.

Chen Yang looked up and saw a giant whale with a length of one thousand meters sticking its head out of the transparent black water. A pair of huge eyes dozens of meters wide was staring at the people on the boat.

Although the whale did not release any demonic energy, the powerful force was so oppressive that everyone could not breathe.

Chen Yang was better, but the others couldn't even stand firmly and fell to the ground one after another.

No one dares to look at a whale.

It was as if those huge eyes could kill someone just by looking at them.

"Dark Blood Whale."

Chen Yang recognized the origin of this huge whale. It was a monster born in the immortal realm. Not only was it powerful, but its upper limit was also very high. Even without practicing, as time went by, it could reach the three-phase realm.

It must be said that the strength of the Dark Blood Whale is very terrifying.

However, although the Dark Blood Whale is a demon, according to the "Book of Immortals and Demons", this is a very docile demon. Unless you provoke him, he will not hurt anyone.

Of course, this is talking about the juvenile Dark Blood Whale.

As for what the adult Dark Blood Whale will look like, I don't know.

"Humans, what are you doing here?"

Just as Chen Yang and others were staring at the Dark Blood Whale, a deep voice came from the Dark Blood Whale's mouth.

When he opened his mouth, water spurted out from his mouth, like a sea wave.

Seeing that he did not take action immediately, Chen Yang, the only one on the boat who could still maintain his composure, stepped forward and cupped his hands, saying: "Senior, we were passing by here and have disturbed you, please forgive me."

Dark Blood Whale asked: "Passing by? Is this the Black Fire Cult's ship?"

"Senior is right," Chen Yang acknowledged with a nod.

A cold light flashed in the Dark Blood Whale's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "To be honest, I don't like the people of the Black Fire Cult very much. Since you have broken into my territory, don't blame me for eating you."

Hearing this, Chen Yang's expression suddenly changed.

Facing the Dark Blood Whale, you will definitely not be able to defeat it.

If he had to escape, even if he had the somersault cloud number, he wouldn't be able to escape.

Although the Dark Blood Whale is lurking underwater, as an immortal, he can fly, and his speed is faster than the Somersault Cloud.

Facing a desperate situation, Chen Yang asked Lao Li in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Old Li, what should we do now?"

Lao Li used Chen Yang's vision to observe the dark blood whale, rolled his eyes, and said with a smile: "Haha, it turns out to be a little one, who I thought it was."

Chen Yang said unexpectedly: "What, do you know him?"

Old Li said: "Thousands of years ago, I went to Youran Sea and saved his life. At that time, he had to follow me and be my pet. However, I thought his realm was too low, so I didn't let him follow me."

"The realm of immortality is too low, you are so shameless." Chen Yang rolled his eyes at Lao Li and said, "What should I do now?"

Lao Li said: "It's very simple. Just call him by his name and say you are my disciple. He will definitely not hurt you."


Chen Yang responded and his consciousness returned to reality.

The Dark Blood Whale opened its huge mouth, like a black hole, and ate towards the ship.

Cui Xue and everyone else on the boat were so frightened that they felt like they were going to die here today.

Chen Yang hurriedly shouted in the demon language: "Stop, little one."


Because the Dark Blood Whale suddenly stopped, the waves hit due to inertia and lifted the ship.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned and looked at Chen Yang with blank faces. For some reason, he made the terrifying Dark Blood Whale stop attacking with just one word.

Moreover, this huge dark blood whale is thousands of meters long.

No matter how you look at it, she doesn't look like a little kid.

The one who is even more confused is the Dark Blood Whale.

He closed his mouth, with a look of doubt in his eyes, and stared at Chen Yang: "How do you know this name, little one?"

Chen Yang didn't want others to know about Master Hao Lan, so he continued to speak in the language of the demon clan: "Senior, I was offended by calling you a little boy just now. That name was told to me by my master. My master is called Master Hao Lan! "

"Yes, you are the disciple of Master Hao Lan!"

The Dark Blood Whale was shocked. He stared at Chen Yang, then shook his head and said, "Impossible. He is so strong. How can you, as his disciple, be so weak?"

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