Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3398 Catch Chen Yang

Chen Yang looked at the person who stopped him. He was a man in the middle stage of condensation. He looked to be in his thirties, with a cold and arrogant temperament. His tone of voice when speaking to Cui Xue was a bit accusatory.

"Meet the King Hall Master."

Seeing this man, Cui Xue showed respect and bowed.

There are 360 ​​halls in the Black Fire Sect, and the hall master and deputy hall master of each hall are practitioners of the Condensation Realm. Because many halls have set up branch halls in various parts of Chongwu Star, all the halls have The number of principals and deputy hall leaders totaled thousands.

In other words, the number of Condensation Realm cultivators in the Black Fire Sect reaches thousands.

If the man in front of me stays in Modang Holy Mountain, then he must be the deputy head of the main altar or something like that.

If it is a hall leader, he will definitely not be able to take on the role in the middle stage of Condensation. The leader of the Black Fire Sect is at least a cultivator of the rear peak of Condensation.

Hall Master Wang's name was Wang Bie. He glanced at Chen Yang, looked at it unscrupulously, and then said to Cui Xue in a cold tone: "Cui Xue, this man is not from our Holy Religion, why is he here?"

Cui Xue quickly presented Situ Hang's token and said sternly: "Palace Master Wang, this is the token of Situ's Holy Fire Envoy. I have received the order of Situ's Holy Fire Envoy to receive this person to the top of the mountain."

Wang Bie glanced at the token, his expression was as usual, and he said in a deep voice: "Since it is said to be the order of Situ Holy Fire Envoy, then do you have the handwriting of Situ Holy Fire Envoy?"


Cui Xue looked embarrassed and said: "Situ Holy Fire Envoy didn't give me the handwriting. He said that with this token, I can..."

Wang Bie interrupted Cui Xue: "Who knows if the token in your hand was stolen from the Situ Holy Fire User?"

Hearing this, Cui Xue frowned, already knowing that Wang Bie was deliberately trying to embarrass her.

You know, Situ Holy Fire Envoy is a strong person in the Immortal Realm, and Cui Xue, a cultivator in the induction stage, would be a miracle if he could steal Situ Hang's token.

Cui Xue thought for a moment, it shouldn't be a big deal if the other party came for her, could it be because of Chen Yang?

However, Chen Yang is a distinguished guest of the Situ Holy Fire Envoy. Don't you think how brave Wang is to intercept Chen Yang? Aren't you afraid of being held accountable by the Situ Holy Fire Envoy?

After thinking for a while, Cui Xue couldn't figure out the answer, so she could only say respectfully to Wang Farewell: "Master Wang, if you don't believe it, you can go to the top of the mountain to ask the Holy Fire Envoy Situ for confirmation."

Wang Bie narrowed his eyes and said in a sinister tone: "What do you mean, do you want the Situ Holy Fire Envoy to threaten me?"

"Cui Xue doesn't dare."

Cui Xue bowed quickly, fearing to anger Wang Bie.

The Black Fire Cult has strict rules, and the following offenses are serious crimes and can be directly executed.

Although after the new pope took office, many of the strict rules in the past were cancelled, and the entire Black Fire Sect's rules became more humane and reasonable, the following violations are still not allowed.

Moreover, if Wang Bie is angered and Wang Bie kills Cui Xue, according to the rules, Wang Bie will only punish him with a few spiritual stones and will not suffer any loss.

That's why Cui Xue is so scared.


Wang Bie snorted coldly and said to Cui Xue: "Now, I suspect that the person next to you is probably a spy who has infiltrated the Holy Cult. I want to take him away."

Upon hearing this, Cui Xue was certain that the other party was coming for Chen Yang.

The visitor is not good. If Wang Bie takes Chen Yang away, Cui Xue doesn't know what the consequences will be.

She gritted her teeth and said bravely: "Palace Master Wang, Mr. Chen is a distinguished guest invited by Situ Holy Fire Envoy. I have told Mr. Situ Holy Fire Envoy that I will bring Mr. Chen here today. If Situ Holy Fire Envoy cannot see Mr. Chen today, I'm just afraid..."

"You also said that you didn't threaten me with Situ Holy Fire Envoy!"

Wang Bie shouted violently, with murderous intent, and the raging demonic energy was released and enveloped the surroundings, as if Cui Xue was going to be killed in the next moment.

Cui Xue was so frightened that she shivered, lowered her head, and did not dare to say anything.

Wang Bei's voice was very loud, and many people around him looked over, but no one meddle in other people's business and walked away.

Because the strong men of the Black Fire Sect are all at the top of the Modang Holy Mountain, and the mountainside is filled with cultivators of the Purple Mansion Realm and the Extraordinary Realm, they naturally do not dare to provoke Wang Bie, who is the deputy hall master.

What's more, Wang Bie's background is not simple. Even those with a higher level than him may not dare to offend him.

Wang Bie said in a deep voice: "Cui Xue, get out of here right now, otherwise, I will kill you and take this spy away."

Cui Xue was so frightened that she knew Wang Bie was not joking and would really kill her.

For a moment, she didn't know what to do.

It would definitely not work if Wang Bie took Chen Yang with him.

I don't know what Wang Bie's plan is, what to do if he kills Chen Yang.

But if it were to stop him, Cui Xue didn't have the ability.

Chen Yang's realm is higher than Wang Bie's, but Chen Yang is an outsider. If he dares to attack Wang Bie, Mo Dang Holy Mountain will directly kill Chen Yang.

Because there is a rule in the Black Fire Sect that no outsiders are allowed to kill anyone on the Holy Mountain of Mo Dang.

If someone violates this rule, it is a blasphemy to the Holy Religion. The entire Black Fire Cult members on the Holy Mountain of Modang must do their best to kill this person.

Therefore, if Chen Yang takes action, the consequences will be disastrous. Even Situ Hang cannot save Chen Yang.


Just when Cui Xue was thinking about it, Wang Bie gave a cold shout, walked towards Chen Yang, and said coldly: "Boy, if you don't want to die here right away, just follow me."

Seeing the other party's posture, Chen Yang knew that the other party had evil intentions.

His eyes narrowed, my junior sister is the Pope of the Black Fire Sect after all, how dare you, a deputy hall leader in the middle stage of Condensation, be so arrogant.

Chen Yang smiled and was about to say a few words to tease Wang Farewell, but unexpectedly a female voice suddenly sounded next to him: "Palace Master Wang, what are you doing? Our Spring Hall's Axue, how did you provoke you? Look at you My eyes are almost red with anger.”

Hearing the sound, Chen Yang turned around and saw a woman in black robe walking towards this side.

On the Holy Mountain of Modang, all members of the Black Fire Sect are uniformly dressed in black robes.

However, the cut of this woman's black robe is slightly different. The black robe is tight-fitting and highlights her figure, but she is very delicate and charming.

Moreover, the hem of her black robe was very short, revealing two long white legs.

As for the appearance of this woman, she is very charming and beautiful, the kind of appearance that makes men think something about her.

"Hall Master Fang!"

Seeing the charming woman, Cui Xue's eyes flashed with joy and she immediately saluted.

This woman is Cui Xue's boss, the deputy head of Spring Hall, Fang Yi.

The Spring Hall is responsible for the brothels owned by the Black Fire Sect throughout Chongwuxing. As the deputy hall master, Fang Yi is inevitably tainted with the aura of prostitution.

In fact, she was once and indeed was a prostitute.

However, her heart was still very pure.

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