Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3494 Fair conditions

The two people who flew out from the group of monsters were a middle-aged man with a dark complexion and a handsome young man.

Chen Yang immediately recognized that one was the Nine-fingered Black Emperor of Bihutan.

The other one is Jinggui from Youran Sea.

"Senior Black Emperor, Senior Jinggui!"

Chen Yang cupped his hands and thanked them. These two men led the army of demonic beasts and came just in time.

Seeing that Chen Yang was fine, Heihuang and Jinggui breathed a sigh of relief.

Jinggui came up to us and said seriously: "Fortunately, the Black Emperor was prepared and mobilized the nearest Jianfen Demon Clan."

The Black Emperor asked: "Chen Yang, what's going on now?"

Chen Yang pointed at Yue Bailing, Yuhuang and others: "They want to take me to the imperial capital to meet the Holy Emperor."

Both Jinggui and Hei Huang were aware of the grudges between Chen Yang and Zuo Yinhan. One was the senior brother who harmed the master, and the other was the junior brother who wanted to avenge the master.

If Chen Yang met the Holy Emperor, given the current strength gap, he would definitely be in danger of death.

The Black Emperor stood up, cupped his hands to the Yu Emperor and others, and said: "Yu Emperor and Ming Emperor, we haven't seen each other for many years. Unexpectedly, when we meet today, it will be a military encounter."

The Immortal Realm cultivators present have all been famous for a long time. Whether they are from the human race or the demon race, they are all old acquaintances.

Yuhuang narrowed his eyes, looked at Black Emperor, and said in a deep voice: "Black Emperor, what do you mean? Are the Bihutan Monster Clan going to be enemies of the empire? You are not afraid, our army will be dispatched to attack Kill all the monsters in Bihutan?"

"Of course we wouldn't dare to be enemies with the empire."

The Black Emperor shook his head and continued: "I came today just to take Chen Yang back. Youranhai, Jianfen, and Bihutan have already reached an alliance, and we have already made a decision among ourselves. As the alliance leader. I think Emperor Ming and Emperor Yu will not let our alliance leader be taken away just after being elected, right?"

After hearing the news, the humans immediately exploded.

"The Youran Sea is huge, with at least billions or even tens of billions of monsters. There are also a lot of monsters in Sword Graveyard and Bihutan, adding up to several billions. In these three places, there are more than tens of billions. The demon clan regards Chen Yang as its leader, how is this... possible?"

"Since the battle of Jianfen, Shouyong of Bihutan has temporarily taken over the sword grave monster and commanded Jianfen. Shouyong is a subordinate of the Black Emperor. Since the Black Emperor said so, there should be no lie."

"This is unbelievable. Tens of billions of monsters take a human like Chen Yang as their master?"

"This kid belongs to Longwu Academy and Black Fire Sect, and now he still has a complicated relationship with the demon clan. What is his background?"

"No wonder the Holy Emperor wants to get rid of him. He is definitely plotting a rebellion."

The crowd was talking a lot. Although it was just random speculation, someone actually told the truth. Chen Yang was really plotting a rebellion.

Emperor Ming looked at the Black Emperor and said coldly: "Chen Yang is the person the Holy Emperor wants, but you say he is your alliance leader. Could it be that you are threatening the Holy Emperor?"

The Black Emperor cupped his hands and said: "The Holy Emperor is the ruler of Chongwu Star and is extremely powerful. How dare we threaten him."

As he said that, the Black Emperor changed the topic and said with a smile: "Emperor Ming, Emperor Yu, I'm just threatening you."

Hearing this, Emperor Yu and Emperor Ming became furious.

They traveled all over the world and had never been afraid of anyone except the Holy Emperor.

The Black Emperor's verbal threat at this moment was undoubtedly a face-to-face provocation.

"What, do you want to do something?"

The Black Emperor snorted coldly and said in a deep voice: "I am indeed no match for you, but if you kill me or harm Chen Yang, I guarantee that the monsters present will not let you go even if they fight to the last one. .”


The Yu Huang was furious and pointed at the Black Emperor, so angry that he could not speak.

The threat of tens of millions of monsters is too strong. Without the help of the Nebula Ship, Yuhuang thinks that even if his strength is exhausted, he may not be able to kill them all.

At this moment, he really didn't dare to take action.

The situation fell into a stalemate. Yue Bailing rolled his eyes and said loudly: "Bihutan, Jianfen, Youranhai, Black Fire Sect, Longwu Academy, Jidao, if you saved Chen Yang today, then you Have you ever thought about how the empire will deal with you?"

Lu Tianhe waved his hand and said: "I have already stated that this is my personal decision and has nothing to do with Longwu Academy."

Jidao stroked his beard: "No big deal, I'll just hide it. The Martial Star is so big, how can you lift the entire star?"

Tao Xiaotong said: "My senior brother and I will live and die together, and the Black Fire Sect will definitely advance and retreat with him."

Heihuang and Jinggui also said: "Now that we are here, we have already anticipated the consequences. What is the use of your threat now?"

Seeing that everyone firmly supported Chen Yang, Yue Bailing couldn't help but frown.

If the opponent has fewer people, relying on their strength and the holy weapon as their trump card, they can forcefully fight and take Chen Yang away.

But tens of millions of monsters, this kind of number is no longer something they can fight with their own strength.

In the entire Chongwu Star, only the Holy Emperor could easily take away Chen Yang among the tens of millions of demonic beasts.

Chen Yang said to Yue Bailing: "It looks like you are going back empty-handed."

Yue Bailing's eyes flashed with thoughts, and he muttered: "Chen Yang, although they saved you, they offended the Holy Emperor. In the future, if the empire conquers, more people will be killed and injured. However, now I will give you An opportunity, as long as you seize this opportunity, you can all leave safely. And, my master will not pursue what happened today."

Chen Yang would certainly not let go of this opportunity if he could help others solve their problems.

He raised his eyebrows and said, "What chance?"

Yue Bailing said: "As long as you can accept my move, no matter whether you are alive or dead, safe or seriously injured, what happened today will be forgotten. The empire and master will not attack them."

Chen Yang said: "But if I survive, the empire will still hunt me down, right?"

Yue Bailing said: "Master wants to see you, and no one can change this. My right is at most to help you save other people's lives. As for you, you can only wait for Master's decision."

Chen Yang felt that Yue Bailing would never be so kind.

He asked: "It's that simple, no other conditions?"

Yue Bailing said: "If you are seriously injured and lose consciousness, then we will take you away."

"What if I die?" Chen Yang said.

Yue Bailing said: "Master wants you alive, what's the use of you if you die? Besides, you can leave in any other situation. We will only take you away if you are seriously injured and unconscious. I think this condition , very fair to you and me."

"Chen Yang, please don't agree."

Lu Tianhe was beside him and whispered.

The Black Emperor also said: "Now that we have the upper hand, we can just leave. Why bother to negotiate terms with her."

Chen Yang turned back to look at the seniors and said seriously: "The empire is too strong now, and no one can fight against the Holy Emperor. I don't want you to be hunted down by the empire in the future. The conditions proposed by Yue Bailing are the only ones that can help you solve it at the moment." Troublesome way."

After saying that, Chen Yang looked at Yue Bailing and said with a smile: "Zining, in that case, I will take your move."

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