Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3600 Memory

When Yue Bailing woke up, she found herself locked in a cell.

A few dim oil lamps couldn't illuminate the surroundings, and there were no windows around. It looked like it was underground.

"This should be the Yuan family."

Yue Bailing frowned. Thinking of the scene before she fell into coma, she was very worried about Chen Yang. She didn't know what Chen Yang's situation was now.

She touched her fingers and saw that the Najie had been taken away, and there was no healing elixir. She wanted to recover from her injuries, but she didn't know how much time it would take to do so.

The cell here was obviously unusual. In her current situation, it would be impossible to break out of the cell.

"I hope nothing happens to Chen Yang."

Yue Bailing murmured, feeling extremely worried about Chen Yang at this moment.

Today, she has completely changed her view of Chen Yang. She believes that what Zuo Yinhan said is false, and that Chen Yang is not a bad person, but a good person.

Moreover, she and Chen Yang had definitely had a close relationship, and they might even have lived together in that courtyard.

It’s just that part of the memory disappeared and I don’t know where it went.

"I was brought here, so Chen Yang definitely didn't kill anyone from the Yuan family. Could he..."

The more Yue Bailing thought about it, the more worried he became. He walked to the cell door and looked outside. He saw Yuan Qingzi sitting cross-legged on a futon, holding spiritual stones in each hand. He must have taken the elixir and was healing his wounds. The whole person's aura has recovered a little compared to when he was at the Earth Source Altar before.

"Yuan Qingzi!" Yue Bailing shouted.

Yuan Qingzi opened his eyes, looked at Yue Bailing, and said coldly: "What do you want to do?"

"How is my companion?" Yue Bailing asked.

Yuan Qingzi stood up and sat down on the chair next to him, with a playful smile on his face and said: "That boy loves you very much. In order to survive for you, he not only handed over the Star Art, but also spent all his cultivation. Became a useless person.”

"What, destroying your cultivation?!"

Yue Bailing exclaimed and was stunned with his eyes wide open.

She couldn't believe that Chen Yang would do this for herself.

How deep is the relationship between you and him?

Are you really Su Zining?

Do you deserve him to do this?

For a moment, Yue Bailing was confused, feeling that he was ashamed of Chen Yang and had dragged Chen Yang down.

Otherwise, even if Yuan Qingyuan, who is in the late stage of Immortality, has comprehended the first level of Xiayun Mystery, he will never be a match for Chen Yang, who has advanced to the peak of Dongxu.

Now that Chen Yang has lost all his cultivation, wouldn't it mean that he is at the mercy of the Yuan family?

Perhaps, he has...

Yue Bailing didn't dare to think about it anymore. She was afraid, terrified, and unwilling to get such a result.

After a moment of silence, she suddenly raised her head, looked at Yuan Qingzi, and asked, "What happens after he loses his cultivation?"

"Haha, it seems that you care about him very much. You two are really in love."

Yuan Qingzi sneered and continued: "That boy practiced a kind of Kung Fu, which was quite brilliant. Yuan Tengfei stayed and asked him to hand-write the secrets of the Kung Fu technique. I think Yuan Tengfei must have killed him afterwards."

After receiving this news, Yue Bailing was greatly shocked. He felt his head was buzzing and the world was spinning. For a moment, there was nothing in his mind and it became completely blank.

She was stunned there, her face as pale as paper, even uglier than when she was seriously injured.

The heart was beating loudly, and the speed kept accelerating.

At this moment, it seemed as if the sky was falling.

Yue Bailing had never felt this way before.

"No, why, why would he do this?"

Yue Bailing murmured in his mouth, staggered, fell back and fell to the ground, muttering in his mouth, she looked exactly like a delicate woman, without any strong posture.

A tear flowed from the corner of her eye.

Then, the tears kept pouring out of his eyes like a dam bursting, leaving traces of tears on his cheeks and dripping on the cold ground.

Yue Bailing wanted to stop crying, but couldn't.

She didn't know why, but she was very sad, as if she had lost her closest and most beloved relative.

Chen Yang, is it really that important?

However, I had only known him for a few months.

Could it be that some lost memories from the past, those memories deeply engraved in my mind, are causing trouble? This is the deepest feeling in my heart?

When Yue Bailing was heartbroken, suddenly, a memory emerged in her mind.

It was the courtyard that often appeared in my mind. A little boy with a bare bottom was running in the yard, and a slightly older girl was chasing after him. Both of them had happy smiles on their faces;

The two ran and grew up. The girl, wearing a red cheongsam, leaned slightly against the door frame, watching the little boy being sent away by her grandfather, her eyes full of reluctance;

The scene changed. A boy rode an old 28-inch big bar and came in from the courtyard gate, shouting "Sister Zining." Then, a cheongsam woman walked out of the courtyard. The appearance of this person was strikingly similar to that of Yue Yue. Bai Ling looks exactly the same;

The memory flashed back, and another change occurred. A big battle destroyed the entire courtyard, but throughout the whole process, Chen Yang stood at the front, protecting Su Zining;

Pictures kept appearing in Yue Bailing's mind. Although scattered, the entire timeline was relatively complete and showed the relationship between the characters.

When the scene stopped and ended in chaos and darkness, Yue Bailing's body trembled, with a look of disbelief on his face, and he said in shock: "Really, everything he said is true, my name is Su Zining, He and I were childhood sweethearts, and I am his woman!"

As soon as he finished speaking, pieces of memories appeared in Yue Bailing's mind again, connecting the incomplete fragments just now to form a complete memory.

After a while, when Yue Bailing came back to her senses, everything she had experienced was completely presented in her mind, with nothing missing anymore.

She gained memories and emotions, everything was restored, and she knew her identity.

Su Zining!

"It was Chen Yang's death that inspired everything and allowed me to recover my memory and emotions!"

Su Zining said with a trembling tone, tears flowing out like a dam.

At this moment, she felt that what she did to Chen Yang when she was fighting against Wuxing was so stupid, so heartless, and how sad it was for Chen Yang.

If he really killed Chen Yang when he was in the ruins of Eagle City, he would be regretful.

Now, my memory has finally been restored and my identity has been restored.

However, everything seems to be too late.

Chen Yang was dead, and Su Zining didn't even have a chance to recognize him, or even apologize for what he had done.

She was in pain, self-blame, sad, and sorrowful. She faced the void in front of her and murmured in a low voice: "I'm sorry, Chen Yang!"

Seeing Yue Bailing's crazy expression, Yuan Qingzi rolled his eyes and scolded: "Even if that kid dies, you won't go crazy, right? You're really sick!"


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