Urban magic doctor

Chapter 371 Insidious move

Nie Yichen's driving talent is still very high, and after hard training, her strength has become very strong, even reaching the professional level.

Coupled with the support of a professional technical team and Chen Yang's guidance, there are only three or four competitive opponents for her in this amateur event.

The No. 27 car she drove has been in the leading group, from fourth to second place, and is only less than 200 meters away from the first place.

Nie Yichen tried hard to keep his mind calm, controlled the car, and finally approached the vehicle in front after two turns.

When she reached the next corner, she looked decisive, recalling Chen Yang's previous analysis on how to overtake at this corner.

She made a quick decision and rushed through the inside curve, drifting.

It is not a wise choice to use drift on such a super high-speed track.

Because this will wear the tires, reduce the grip, and also lose kinetic energy, causing the vehicle to slow down.

In this case, it will be easier for someone to overtake you in the corner.

However, Nie Yichen saw the right opportunity and drifted directly from the inside corner to the outside, almost sweeping across the corner, and directly stopped the first car, forcing the opponent to slow down.

Her behavior was very risky, but she succeeded in the end, scaring the driver who was originally in first place and calling him crazy.


Car No. 27 accelerated suddenly and finally reached first place.

The race has a total of twenty laps, and it is now on its fifth lap.

"Oh yeah, great, first place."

"As long as she maintains her momentum, she will definitely win the first place."

In the maintenance station, the technical service team, Chen Yang and Karla all shouted excitedly.

The race continued. Although the cars behind him were tight, Nie Yichen still maintained his advantage steadily, without giving the opponent a chance to overtake, and gradually opened up the distance.

On the tenth lap, all cars have to go into the pits for repairs, tire replacement and other work.

Nie Yichen's car drove into the maintenance station, and technicians quickly went up to inspect the vehicle, change tires, and refuel.

With a professional technical team taking action, Chen Yang only had to stand aside and watch.

He looked at Nie Yichen sitting in the driver's seat, gave Nie Yichen a thumbs up, nodded and said, "Come on."

Although Nie Yichen was wearing a helmet and could not see her expression, Chen Yang saw a smile in her eyes, obviously satisfied with the current results.

A woman left thirty-nine male riders behind, which was enough for Nie Yichen to feel proud.

Soon, the vehicle maintenance was completed. Nie Yichen nodded heavily to Chen Yang, drove out of the maintenance station, and returned to the track again.

The commentator's voice came from the radio:

"Car No. 27 is back on the track again, and she is still number one. It is really unimaginable that she is a female driver."

"The second-place car, No. 32, has just left the pits and has been in the pit for a long time. It seems that his technical team is not as good as the No. 27 car."

"Let's take a look at the information about driver No. 27. Her name is Nie Yichen. She is a touching beauty from the Kingdom of Hua Jin. After hearing her news, all of us men present felt ashamed. .”

It seems that Nie Yichen is determined to win the first place, and the commentator has already started to exaggerate the atmosphere.

Chen Yang looked at several monitors on the wall. One of the cameras had been tracking Nie Yichen. She was now far ahead.

"It looks like the little follower is going to win the championship."

Chen Yang smiled, feeling happy for Nie Yichen from the bottom of his heart.

Nie Yichen is particularly fond of racing. Although this is an amateur competition, she finally won the championship legitimately and will definitely be very excited.

The technical team gathered around the monitor. Nie Yichen's victory also represented their honor, so they were very excited.

But one of the technicians wearing a peaked cap attracted Chen Yang's attention.

Everyone else was very excited, but this person looked calm. He didn't even look at the monitor. He occasionally looked around, as if he was looking for an opportunity to leave secretly.

"This kid is weird."

Chen Yang paid attention to the man in the peaked hat. The man looked around, lowered his head, and walked quietly towards the back passage. His sneaky look was very suspicious.

"Hey, stop."

Chen Yang shouted, and the man in the peaked hat stopped, but did not look back. He just stood there without moving.

Hearing the sound, the technical team gathered in front of the monitor turned their heads and looked at the man in the peaked hat with his back to everyone.

There was silence for a moment, and then the man in the peaked hat suddenly ran away.

Chen Yang stepped forward and kicked the man to the ground. The man's hat flew out, revealing his face.

"Hey, who is this guy?"

The people on the technical team all looked at the man on the ground with surprise. Although the man was wearing the same work clothes as them, they were sure that this guy was definitely not one of their own.

Chen Yang frowned and asked: "Who are you?"

The man didn't expect to be discovered. He looked at Chen Yang in horror. He stood up and wanted to escape, but was stopped by the people who gathered around him.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Chen Yang asked again.

"Huh, Nie Yichen's car has been tampered with by me. She will definitely lose this game."

The man was so frightened that he took two steps back and started to babble. What Chen Yang didn't expect was that the other person turned out to be a Nicai person and spoke Nicai language.

None of the technical team members understood Nicaiyu. When they heard Jili Guala’s words, they looked at each other.

But Chen Yang knew that the other party was using dirty tricks, which made him furious.

This game was too important to Nie Yichen. He could win with dignity, but if he was tricked into losing the game, it would be unworthy.

Chen Yang must definitely prevent things from going bad.

He kicked the man over, trampled him to the ground, and asked in neon language: "What did you do to the little follower's car!"

Seeing Chen Yang changing the language, everyone else was stunned.

Ni Cairen said: "I just loosened all the screws on her right front wheel. As long as she runs two more laps, the wheel will definitely fall off. We will see how she can compete then."

This is nothing more than manipulation. This is basically taking the life of the little follower.


Chen Yang cursed loudly and slapped Ni Cairen on the face, causing him to faint. His cheeks swelled and teeth fell out from his mouth.

"Are there any Nicai players in this competition?"

Chen Yang turned to look at the technical team members and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, the second driver, No. 32, is Nicai."

Although they didn't know what happened, the people from the technical team hurriedly answered.

"For the sake of first place, he actually touched the car of the little follower. It's really insidious."

Chen Yang snorted coldly, turned around, rushed out of the pit, ran towards the track, and shouted to the still confused technical team members: "Tie this guy up and throw him to the pit of driver No. 32."

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