Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3719 Help from heroes

"Who are you? What does it have to do with you when we talk?"

The few people talking looked at the man who refuted them and glared angrily.

Nowadays, there are a large number of powerful people gathered in Yingjing City. Although they are not everywhere in the Condensation Realm, there are still quite a few.

Although among these people, there is no Soul Condensation Realm, there is a practitioner in the induction stage, so he is not considered weak.

The young man who spoke just now said with a smile: "It's none of my business if you say Chen Yang escaped for his life."

"Boy, are you looking for death?"

The cultivator in the induction stage claps his hands on the table, points at the young man and shouts angrily.

This sharp shout attracted the attention of the entire inn, and everyone thought that the young man was going to suffer.

However, the young man remained unmoved, and a powerful aura was released, oppressing everyone so much that they couldn't breathe.

His strength is unfathomable and no one can see through it.

But there is no doubt that his realm is much higher than the induction period.

Suddenly, the man who had just slapped the crime and his companions all turned pale, not knowing how to end it.

But the young man just smiled and shook his head, threw a first-grade spiritual stone on the table, then got up and left the inn without a trace.

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

If the young man takes action, there is no doubt that the entire inn will be destroyed and no one will survive.

"Chen Yang, you are my friend, Song Liangge, after all. Now that the Tiansheng Empire is using troops against you, how can I just sit idly by and ignore it?"

The young man walked towards the direction of Longwu Academy, smiling and talking to himself.

His identity is Song Liangge.

The Song Liangge who once fought alongside Chen Yang outside the imperial capital.

"Master, the Longwu Academy is ahead!"

Yang Xuewei pointed to the vast mountain forest ahead and looked at Jidao anxiously.

The news that the Tiansheng Empire had sent troops to Longwu Academy had spread throughout Chongwu Star. Naturally, Yang Xuewei and Jidao also learned about the news and rushed over immediately.

Now, due to the stimulation of her bloodline, Yang Xuewei's realm has advanced by leaps and bounds, reaching the late Dongxu stage. Although it is not top-notch, it is still quite good.

However, if she meets a strong person in the royal family, she will never be a match.

A worried look appeared on Jidao's face, and he muttered: "Xuewei, this time the royal family has made it clear that they want to force Chen Yang to show up. They have such a big battle, and even the Snow Emperor has come forward. I'm afraid it will be difficult to resist."

"Master, Chen Yang and I will live and die together!" Yang Xuewei said firmly without further explanation.

Jidao looked helpless, shook his head, and said with a wry smile: "In this case, as a teacher, I can only do my best, hoping to help Chen Yang and Longwu Academy survive this disaster. But even if he can survive today, The Holy Emperor will take action in the future... Alas!"

Having said this, Jidao sighed and said no more.

The master and apprentice arrived at the mountain gate of Longwu Academy, and after having someone convey the news, Lu Tianhe personally came out to greet Jidao and entered Longwu Academy together.

Although the emergence of Jidao has greatly increased the strength of Longwu Academy, the situation is still not optimistic.

Five days later.

A large number of people approached Longwu Academy, most of them dressed in black, led by a cute and pretty girl.

This girl is none other than Tao Xiaotong.

These people are naturally members of the Black Fire Sect.

Originally Tao Xiaotong wanted to keep Chen Yang a secret, but who knew who heard the news and it spread among the girls. After discussion, they all decided to come to Longwu Academy to help Chen Yang.

Although they knew that their appearance would not be of much help, they still came.

Women are emotional animals. They only know that they must die with Chen Yang. They don't think too much about anything else.

Since everyone is coming, Tao Xiaotong will naturally not be left behind.

But as soon as she took action, the entire Black Fire Sect took action. Situ Hang, Gu Yu and others came to help Longwu Academy.

Lin Rou was Lu Tianhe's disciple. After she led everyone to the mountain gate, she greeted Junior Brother Shoushan and immediately went to Longwu Hall to see Lu Tianhe.

Lu Tianhe had just brought Jidao and Yang Xuewei in, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard from Su Zining that people from the Black Fire Sect had come to help.

He immediately went to the mountain gate to greet the Black Fire Cult people.

Although he is strong, the Black Fire Sect is the top force in the Chongwu Star. When the Pope comes forward, he must treat him with courtesy and cannot lose his etiquette.

Unexpectedly, just as they arrived in front of the mountain gate, another person flew down.

Lu Tianhe took a closer look and found that the person coming was actually Qiao Munan, the dean of Fengling College.

"Dean Qiao, why are you here?" Lu Tianhe asked in shock.

Qiao Munan stepped forward and said seriously: "I owe Chen Yang a favor. Now that Longwu Academy is facing difficulties, Chen Yang must have rushed back, so I will naturally come to help."

Such behavior was really a help in times of need, which made Lu Tianhe admire Qiao Munan even more.

However, he was still worried: "Dean Qiao, if you come forward now, if the empire targets Fengling Academy in the future, things will be in trouble."

"I only represent myself and have nothing to do with Fengling College." Qiao Munan said.


Lu Tianhe hesitated for a moment, then solemnly said, "In that case, thank you Brother Qiao."

Everyone returned to Longwu Academy together, and the lineup became stronger and stronger.

at the same time.

A flying ship landed in a mountain forest thousands of miles away from Longwu Academy.

More than a thousand people got off the flying boat.

Not much quantity, but extremely high quality.

Among these more than a thousand people, the lowest level has reached the induction stage, and the highest level is the immortal state. There are seven in total.

You must know that even Longwu Academy does not have seven Immortal Realm cultivators.

It is really rare to have so many immortal realms gathered here.

If Chen Yang were here, he would recognize that these Immortal Realm people are not from the Central Continent, but from the Luanxing Island Luanxing Alliance.

Among the seven immortals, Lin Ruohan, Song Yuanhang, and Shi Jingtian were among them.

"I really didn't expect that when I first came to this continent, I heard that Chen Yang was in trouble!"

Song Yuanhang stepped off the flying ship and said solemnly.

Shi Jingtian frowned and said: "How on earth did Chen Yang offend that Heavenly Holy Empire and actually launch an army to force him out."

Lin Ruohan said: "Could it be that the guy named Zuo Yinhan has discovered that Chen Yang is the disciple of the benefactor?"

Shi Jingtian shook his head and said: "If this is the case, Zuo Yinhan will definitely come forward in person and do everything possible to kill Chen Yang. However, now it is only the Snow Emperor and Ming Emperor who lead the team, and there is no Zuo Yinhan."

Song Yuanhang said: "Never mind that, we will rush to the vicinity of Longwu Academy as soon as possible. If a battle breaks out, we will do our best to save Chen Yang and repay our benefactor."

Shi Jingtian smiled and said: "I have obtained the dragon tail root. After meeting Chen Yang, I can give it to him."

The rest of the people nodded, and they immediately took action, quickly heading towards Longwu Academy.

They did not enter Longwu Academy, but stayed nearby to recharge their batteries and wait for the arrival of the Tiansheng Empire's army.

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