Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3816 See thoroughly

Grandma Biyue had no idea that there would be others besides her in this Jinggui fire.

Due to the burning of Guijing's powerful fire, her clothes were completely burned to ashes.

However, she was at a critical moment in her practice. Although she could be slightly distracted, she could never be separated from her practice.

Otherwise, if the energy is reversed, she will definitely go crazy.

"I hope it's a woman!"

Grandma Biyue thought to herself, but at this moment, due to excessive distraction, her body's breath was unstable, and her essence and blood surged upwards. She quickly calmed down, and then she controlled the essence and avoided going crazy.

She didn't dare to think about it any more and quickly immersed herself in her practice.

From another direction, Chen Yang opened his eyes, with a happy look on his face, and said secretly: "The speed of advancement is faster than I thought. I don't know what the power of the physical form is now."

He immediately released the Dharma Appearance from his body. As soon as the Dharma Appearance that was exactly the same as him appeared, the tyrannical power vibrated, and the Guijing's powerful fire fluctuated irregularly, and exploded with a bang, echoing in the cave.

"The physical appearance has improved a lot!"

Chen Yang sensed it and found that the power of the physical form was at least seven or eight times stronger than before.

He is very satisfied with this increase.

Coupled with the fact that he is already in the middle stage of his physical state, he feels that his current combat power is no longer at a disadvantage against those at the peak physical stage.

However, he still needs to improve.

He took out 360 mysterious swords, released the Purple Ming Flame, and began to refine the fourth level of Star Meteor Sword Formation.

Although Guijing Haohuo is not good at refining elixirs and refining weapons, it still has some effects and helps Chen Yang complete the forging of the four-fold star meteor sword array faster.

Half a month later, the 360 ​​swords finally merged into a unified sword formation.

Chen Yang spent the first five days to completely control the four-fold Starfall Sword Formation.

This progress was beyond his expectation.

He felt that his eagerness to save his mother should have stimulated his potential, so the progress was so fast.

Seeing that there was still enough time, he continued to practice the sixth physical skill of "Eight Desolate Tyrannical Body": immortality.

Immortality is a boxing technique that condenses all the star energy, true energy, physical body and other powers around the body into one point and then releases them.

Chen Yang has a very high level of understanding when it comes to practicing physical skills and magical powers.

And this time, he performed beyond his level, and within ten days, he completely mastered the sixth level of physical skills: immortality.

When he threw the most concentrated punch, his power burst out, and even the intangible Gui Jing Hao Huo was destroyed by his power.

The earth-shattering energy fluctuations also caused the entire cave to rumble, and Grandma Biyue in the distance was also affected.

However, Grandma Biyue was in the critical stage of condensing the Dharma of the body, which was about to be completed. She did not carefully sense Chen Yang's power, but concentrated on condensing the Dharma of the body.

"Finally finished."

Chen Yang breathed a long sigh of relief. In just three months, he had advanced to the next level, mastering the fourth level of the Starfall Sword Formation and the sixth level of the "Eight Desolate Tyrant Body": Immortality.

It can be said that his combat power has made a qualitative leap.

He asked himself that unless he was a top genius, he would have no opponent at the peak of his physical appearance.

"It's time to head to the Haunted Bridge."

Chen Yang gathered his thoughts, flew out from the core of Guijing Haohuo, and planned to leave.

But just as he was passing through an area, he suddenly sensed a strong physical energy and blood force, which was somewhat similar to his physical form.

"There's someone here!"

Chen Yang was shocked and quickly turned his head to look in the direction where the power came from.

At this glance, all he could see was a naked woman, suspended in the Guijing's powerful fire, and a figure with the same body and shape as hers appeared behind her.

Chen Yang didn't have the bad habit of peeping. He was startled and quickly looked away.

He turned his back to the woman and apologized: "Girl, I'm really sorry. I didn't know you were taking a bath here. I offended you. Please forgive me."

At this time, Grandma Biyue had just completed the Dharma form of the condensed body. She restrained the Dharma form, looked at Chen Yang with a pair of cold eyes, and angrily said: "Humph, take a bath? Have you ever seen anyone taking a bath with fire? ?”

As soon as she finished speaking, a faint blush appeared on Biyue's cheeks, because she discovered that Chen Yang's clothes had also been burned, and she had a thorough look at Chen Yang's body with his back to her at the moment.

"You exhibitionist, how dare you molest me, you are seeking death!"

Grandma Biyue scolded angrily, waved her hand, and the surging palm shadow of the star energy hit Chen Yang.

"Ah, am I an exhibitionist?"

Chen Yang was startled and quickly used the hidden meaning of the goggles. The mirror image was broken by the shadow of his palm, and the real body reached the edge of the cave and stood outside the Guijing's powerful fire.

The soles of his feet stepped on the hot ground, and he remembered that he had not had time to put on his clothes after they were burned.

He put on his clothes at an extremely fast speed, and then looked at the Guijing Fire, and saw that the pretty woman had arranged her appearance and clothes. The stars could isolate the Guijing Fire and avoid burning her clothes. flew out.

"You are quite capable of evading my attacks."

Grandma Biyue glared at Chen Yang fiercely, her eyes full of cold and murderous intent.

However, she found that when Chen Yang saw her, his eyes were clear and without any blasphemy, which surprised her.

She has met countless men. Except for those old guys, no one under a hundred years old will not have thoughts when they see her.

This can only show that this man is really upright at heart.


Grandma Biyue snorted coldly, restrained her murderous intent, and stared at Chen Yang coldly.

Chen Yang looked embarrassed, bowed deeply, and said seriously: "Girl, I'm really offended. I really didn't know there was anyone here."

Grandma Biyue was silent for more than ten seconds, and then she said in a cold voice: "This cave is dozens of miles wide. Under the influence of Jinggui's powerful fire, it is indeed not easy for you to sense my presence. However, , I want to know, what did you just...just see?"

Chen Yang quickly raised his hand and said seriously: "I swear, I will never tell anyone about what happened today."

He didn't say what he saw, but said he would keep it secret.

I have to say that he still understands women's hearts very well.

However, Grandma Biyue did not act according to common sense. When she heard this, she suddenly took action, attacked Chen Yang, and shouted angrily: "So, you saw it. Then don't blame me, I will take your life!"

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