Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3838 Dramatic changes in Chongwu

Chen Yang finally returned to Chongwu Star through the teleportation array. The location was still on the sea glacier to the north of the Northern Continent, with endless white snow and no human habitation.

For some reason, most of the teleportation arrays in Chongwu Star are located here.

Although this is a teleportation array that communicates with Buyuexing in both directions, no one on Buyuexing uses this teleportation array at all, and many people even don't know the existence of Chongwuxing.

They looked down on the lower star realm at all.

Chen Yang immediately set off and flew south.

On the way, he asked Lao Li: "Old Li, what do they say about the seventy-two earth stars in the high-level star field?"

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Lao Li showed disdain and said: "The seventy-two earth stars are just the lowest forces in the high-level star field."

"In your eyes, everyone is inferior." Chen Yang rolled his eyes and continued: "However, I heard from others that it is very difficult to become a force in the Seventy-Two Earth Stars. They will definitely not be weak."

Lao Li rolled his eyes and said: "If you look at the high-level star field, the seventy-two earth star forces are indeed pretty good. After all, there are only seventy-two families in the tens of thousands of high-level star fields."

Chen Yang exclaimed: "Choose seventy-two of the tens of thousands of high-level star fields. This is already the top of the star sea."

Old Li smiled and said: "Haha, you are too underestimated in the Star Sea. The Seventy-Two Earth Stars are just forces in the high-level star field. Let alone them, even the four holy palaces in the high-level star field are far from the top in the entire star sea. ”

Chen Yang said in confusion: "In addition to high-level star fields, there are even more powerful star fields."

"Of course." Lao Li smiled and said to Chen Yang with a look of disdain: "But you are just a weakling now. If you want to go to a more advanced place, you'd better save yourself. Even in the high-level star field, you will be fooled. If you don’t go on, the best you can do now is try your luck in the mid-level star field.”

"Is there anyone who attacks people like you?" Chen Yang curled his lips and asked, "By the way, what are the four holy palaces you just mentioned?"

Lao Li explained: "The high-level star field has seventy-two earth stars, thirty-six heavenly stars, nine profound gates, and four holy palaces. Their strength is gradually increasing, and the gap is huge."

Chen Yang muttered: "So, the Chu family and the Xiahou family are not even seventy-two earth stars. In the high-level star field, they are actually nothing."

Lao Li said: "It's still the same sentence. If you put it in the entire star sea, the four most powerful holy palaces in the high-level star field are also..."

"Okay, in your eyes, everyone is scum."

Chen Yang interrupted Lao Li and sighed: "When I was competing for Wuxing, I thought I was pretty powerful, but now it seems that I am a scumbag."

"Don't be discouraged. You've only just started. With your current strength, you're already pretty good."

Lao Li gave Chen Yang a rare word of comfort, with a teasing look on his face, and continued: "However, you are right, your current strength is indeed scum in the entire Xinghai."

Chen Yang glared at Lao Li in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and suddenly thought of the cannon, and then thought of the star shuttle ship, and asked: "By the way, what level is the dog-eating star domain?"

Old Li said: "The Dog Devouring Star Region is very powerful. That is the truly powerful place in the Star Sea."

"Is it very far?" Chen Yang frowned.

Lao Li said: "You can't go."


Chen Yang exclaimed and said with a solemn expression: "So, if the cannon is taken to the Dog Devouring Star Territory by the Star Territory Shuttle Ship, I will never see him again?"

Lao Li thought for a moment and said, "Maybe Cannon will come to you."

Chen Yang felt depressed for a while, and still missed the cannon quite a bit.

At this moment, he entered the territory of the Northern Continent from the sea.

After crossing the coast, he saw a strange sight.

Looking around, a city in front was turned into ruins, with human bones everywhere.

The ground was full of huge potholes, and the fighting was obviously very intense and the scene was shocking.

"A war broke out between the three forces in the northern continent? But why did they destroy the city?"

Chen Yang was puzzled, guessing that the war was started by the Tiansheng Empire, but he felt something was wrong.

He flew down and entered the ruins of a city. He saw that many corpses on the ground had rotted and their original appearance could not be seen.

"There is evil spirit!"

Chen Yang sensed the demonic energy from the ruins. Although it was thin, it was still very obvious.

He took a closer look and found that the injuries on the body were all caused by monsters, and there were many traces of monsters running on the ground.

"It's a wave of monsters!"

Chen Yang identified the murderer, flew around in the air, inspected the city, and found that there was not even a living person here.

However, what puzzled him was that there were no corpses of monsters in the entire city.

"No matter how powerful the monster tide is, none of the monsters will die. Could it be that other monsters took away the body?"

Chen Yang murmured, took off into the air, and continued flying south.

Next, the second city also turned into ruins, and the city was full of human corpses.

The third city, the same situation.

Fourth, fifth, sixth...

Wherever Chen Yang passed, all the cities were massacred by monsters, and those small towns and villages were even more difficult to escape.

In this situation, even if there is blood flowing for thousands of miles and millions of corpses lying on the ground, it is impossible to describe the tragic situation of the northern continent.

Blood flowed for thousands of miles, and hundreds of millions of corpses lay buried.

"What's going on with such a terrifying wave of monsters?"

Chen Yang frowned. Even the Tiansheng Empire did not step forward to stop the tide of monsters, which made him worried about the situation in the Central Continent.

Maybe, the Tiansheng Empire has also fallen.

"Modang Holy Mountain is relatively safe. Let's go to Longwu Academy first. It's on our way anyway."

Chen Yang sped up and rushed towards the Central Continent.

After passing through the alternating sea areas between the Northern Continent and the Central Continent, Chen Yang set foot on the territory of the Central Continent. When he saw the scene in front of him, his expression became more solemn.

The situation was exactly as he expected.

The Central Continent also fell, and almost all the cities were razed to the ground and riddled with holes.

The few remaining cities were not attacked immediately because of the presence of strong men in the Immortal Realm. However, the monsters were stationed outside the cities, ready to attack. It won't take long for these remaining cities to be destroyed. I'm afraid I won't be able to escape the disaster.

"How could this happen? Why did such a terrifying wave of monsters break out? Isn't even the Tiansheng Empire able to do anything about it? Where is Di Ying? Why didn't he stop the riot of monsters? What about Zuo Yinhan? He gave up his capital ?”

Chen Yang was filled with doubts. He flew at a low altitude to avoid the sight of the monsters and rushed towards Longwu Academy.

On the way, he thought of his grandfather Chen Ao in the Western Continent.

Judging from the current situation, the Western Continent must have also been swept by the wave of monsters, and the Great Xia Dynasty may have been completely destroyed.

Chen Yang rushed over to rescue him, but it was too late.

"I hope Zining, Rourou and the others are all safe and sound."

Chen Yang was anxious and reached Yingjing City as quickly as possible, only dozens of kilometers away from Longwu Academy.

Judging from the razed Yingjing City, even Longwu Academy is in danger.

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