Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3851 The conflict situation

He Nian replied: "The Rain King's military advisor is Bai Qi."

"It's actually Bai Qi!"

Upon hearing this name, Chen Yang's expression changed, and his eyes revealed a cold and murderous intent.

It has to be said that Bai Qi was an enemy who accompanied him from Diwu Star to Chongwu Star. The two had many fights, but Bai Qi escaped them all.

Bai Qi and Ye Li were together before, but when Chen Yang and Ye Li fought, Bai Qi disappeared.

Only now did he know that Bai Qi had taken refuge with the Rain King and planned to kill all the humans in Chongwu Star.

After a moment of silence, Chen Yang asked He Nian, "What state is Bai Qi in now?"

He Nian said: "He is in the late stage of physical development. He seems to be stronger than the five generals. He is the most trusted and closest person to the Rain King. He has the right to directly issue orders to the Yufu Army, and his status is very high."

"Is the physical phase in the advanced stage? It seems that this time, Bai Qi is leaping over the dragon's gate and plans to show off his talents."

Chen Yang sneered, thinking that if he met Bai Qi this time, he would kill Bai Qi directly no matter what, but he was giving Bai Qi a chance.

Then, he learned about other situations of the Yufu Legion, but He Nian didn't know much. He didn't even know where the headquarters of the Yufu Legion was or where the Rain King was.

"It seems that if I want to kill the Rain King, I have to go out and look for it." Chen Yang frowned and said in deep thought: "Besides, the Rain King should want to kill me. Why does he want to see me? This matter, It’s really weird.”

He Nian said: "I heard Bai Qi say that the Rain King has a violent temper. It is indeed a bit abnormal for him to see you this time. However, there must be a reason for it."

"The Rain King was awakened from the true dragon skin, and his consciousness came from nowhere. Could it be that this consciousness is weird, or does this consciousness know me?"

Chen Yang thought for a while and had no clue.

He no longer thought about this problem and said to He Nian: "Are all the monsters who joined the Yufu Legion violent? Or is there another reason?"

He Nian showed a bitter look on his face and said: "The demon clan lives in various demon clan territories in Chongwu Star and is hunted by the human clan. To be honest, every demon clan hopes to gain freedom and equality. Therefore, this time the rain As soon as the Overthrow Army came out, there was naturally a response."

"However, although the Yufu Legion is very powerful, the number of humans is far greater than that of the demons, and the backbone is stronger than the demons. Therefore, the Yufu Legion launched a wave of monsters, and the demons also suffered heavy casualties. Many demons were killed. I feel regretful and sad, but there is no way out.”

Chen Yang said: "So, as long as the Rain King and his cronies can be eliminated, those radical hawk monster clans can be appeased, and the monster clans can be given equality and freedom, then this war will be settled."

"It will take some effort, but it should be possible." He Nian nodded and said solemnly: "However, the most difficult one to deal with is the Rain King. After all, he is a demon at the peak of his physical form and has dragon blood. I don’t know how strong he is.”

"It's all about human effort."

Chen Yang's eyes flashed with brilliance, he raised his head to look at everyone, and suddenly thought of the Tiansheng Empire, and said: "By the way, there was such a riot in Chongwu Star this time, why didn't the Tiansheng Empire deal with the Yufu Legion? Zuo Yinhan was already A strong man at the peak of the Soul Phase Realm, if he takes action, he can destroy the Rain King in an instant."

Su Zining said: "At the beginning, the Tiansheng Empire did organize its forces to fight against the Yufu Legion, but because they did not have the Physical Realm to suppress the battle, they were defeated miserably. Everyone thought that Zuo Yinhan would appear, but the strange thing was that , Zuo Yinhan has not shown up until now."

"Didn't show up..."

Chen Yang thought for a moment and said: "By the way, Zuo Yinhan seems to have encountered trouble in the outer star field and will not be able to come back for a while."

Su Zining continued: "Now the royal family members of the Tiansheng Empire are all huddled in the imperial capital. There is a powerful formation set up by Zuo Yinhan, which can protect the safety of the entire imperial capital. The demon clan has been besieging it for a long time, and all methods have been exhausted. It didn’t break the formation either.”

Chen Yang said: "So, now the safest place in Chongwu Star is the Imperial Capital."

"It's true. Almost half of humanity is now gathered in the imperial capital." Lu Tianhe said.

Chen Yang wondered: "Half of the human race in Chongwu Star is too huge. How can one imperial city accommodate it?"

Lin Judao: "The imperial capital built underground palaces and castles in the air to accommodate people."

"At critical moments, the Tiansheng Empire still has some use."

Chen Yang pondered, and suddenly remembered that he didn't see his apprentice Yang Xin'er after he came back.

He asked Su Zining: "Zi Ning, where is Xin'er? Why haven't you seen her?"

When Yang Xiner was mentioned, everyone looked unhappy.

Seeing this, Chen Yang knew that Yang Xiner's situation must not be good.

Su Zining said: "Xin'er went to the Imperial Capital to inquire about information before, but never came back. After we sent people to investigate, we found that she was captured by the demon clan."

"Captured by the demon clan? Why didn't the demon clan kill her?" Chen Yang asked doubtfully.

No one could give an answer to his question.

"It seems that I have to rush to the imperial capital as soon as possible to find out the news about Xin'er personally. If she is in the hands of the demon clan, I must save her as soon as possible."

Although Chen Yang wanted to set off immediately, the current situation did not allow him to leave Modang Holy Mountain at will.

Because there are several cultivators of the physical realm on the side of Yufu Legion.

If those in the physical realm come to Modang Holy Mountain while he is away, then Su Zining, Lin Rou, Tao Xiaotong and others will be in danger.

Moreover, since Jin Beast and Yu Qiansheng have not returned, the Rain King will definitely become suspicious and send people to investigate.

Therefore, before leaving, Chen Yang must find a way to protect the safety of Modang Holy Mountain.

"It seems that we need to set up a formation."

Chen Yang immediately looked for suitable defensive formations in the "Book of Immortals and Demons".

First of all, the level of the formation cannot be too high, because if it is too high, his current strength will not be enough to arrange it, and he will not be able to find such high-level materials.

Secondly, the level of the formation cannot be too low, otherwise it will not be able to defend against physical phase attacks.

Finally, Chen Yang chose a formation called "Tian Geng Pan Heng Formation".

The defensive power of this formation is enough to resist the bombardment of the peak body. Even if the Rain King comes, it can still withstand it.

What's more important is that this formation only requires a maximum of fourth-grade spiritual stones to be refined.

Other saint-level formations often require sixth-grade and seventh-grade spiritual stones. Chen Yang simply has no materials and it is impossible to arrange them.

Even if it is a fourth-grade spiritual stone, he only has seven pieces in his hand. They need to be combined as the core formation flag. The others can only be refined with third-grade spiritual stones to refine the formation disk.

Although the effect is slightly worse, it still works.

The conditions are difficult, and now this is all he can do.

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