Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3884 Easily explained

"It turned out to be Bai Qi's intention. I thought it was the Rain King himself who wanted to see me."

After listening to the water beast's words, Chen Yang finally understood why the Rain King was looking for him.

Before that, he was quite confused about this, and thought that the Rain King might know him, but who knew, it was Bai Qi's order.

Obviously, Bai Qi had a deep hatred for Chen Yang and was not satisfied even if he killed Chen Yang, so he asked the Yufu Army to find Chen Yang alive and take him to the land of nothingness.

Chen Yang could imagine that if he was caught by Bai Qi, Bai Qi would definitely torture him severely.

"Bai Qi is really good at deceiving people, and he actually took advantage of the Rain King."

Chen Yang sneered and said to the water beasts and earth beasts: "I plan to go to the Land of Nothingness to meet the Rain King. Can you help me introduce him?"

The water beast nodded and said, "Of course that's no problem."

The earth beast said quickly: "No, what if you meet the Rain King and do him harm?"

Chen Yang said helplessly: "If I really want to be detrimental to the Rain King, I won't let you introduce me. Wouldn't it be better to just quietly enter the land of nothingness?"

The earth beast was speechless, and the water beast patted the earth beast on the shoulder and said: "When we enter the land of nothingness, you first go to see the Rain King, tell the Rain King Chen Yang's information, and then ask the Rain King to arrange the meeting. When the time comes, the Rain King is prepared, Chen Yang will never be able to hurt the Rain King. What’s more, the Rain King is very strong, and Chen Yang can’t beat her."

"This..." The earth beast hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said to Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, I hope you won't deceive me."

After discussing the decision with the water beast and earth beast, at midnight that night, the sky was covered with ashes, and the teleportation array was opened again. Chen Yang, the earth beast, and the water beast rushed into the ashes and teleported into the land of nothingness.

When Chen Yang set foot in the Land of Nothingness again, he found that earth-shaking changes had taken place here.

In the past, there was strong demonic energy everywhere here, but now, the demonic aura has disappeared, and there are no virtual beasts. Everything is no different from ordinary mountains.

Chen Yang asked the water beast, and the water beast explained: "The monsters here are all absorbed by the Rain King, so as soon as she awakens, she reaches the peak of her body. Of course, there is also some monster energy, which she uses to create Our metal, wood, water, fire and earth, as well as the power to enhance other demon clans.”

Chen Yang pondered: "No wonder the monster clan's strength has increased so much. It turns out that they took advantage of the monster energy here."

The earth beast said, "If it weren't for the limited demonic energy, the Rain King could continue to grow, and even reaching the Broken Sky Realm would be a piece of cake."

"All right."

Chen Yang did not argue with the earth beast, but said to the water beast: "The Rain King's headquarters is not in the cave where the real dragon skin was once located, right?"

"That's right there." The water beast nodded.

As soon as she finished speaking, the temperature around her suddenly increased, as if she was in a furnace, making it unbearably hot.

One person and two demons looked towards the jungle below.

A ball of flame flew out of the jungle and stopped in front of the three people.

This is a fire man. There is no doubt that he is one of the five great generals.

His whole body is completely condensed by red flames, his eyes are green fire, his body releases violent power, and his eyes are very manic, as if his character also has fire attributes.

"Earth beasts and water beasts, what are you doing in the land of nothingness if you are not in Longfu City?"

The fire beast restrained its power, only a faint warmth came out, and it didn't look very powerful.

Before the earth beast and water beast could answer, the fire beast looked at Chen Yang and asked doubtfully: "Who is this? Why haven't I seen it before?"

From the perspective of fire beasts, those who can walk side by side with earth beasts and water beasts must be monsters in the physical realm.

But he had seen all the monsters in the physical realm, but he didn't know about the person in front of him.

The water beast said: "His name is Chen Yang, he is from the human race, and he is here to negotiate with the Rain King."

"Human race!"

The fire beast looked surprised, and the flame power that had just been restrained suddenly became violent. He stared at Chen Yang warily and said in a deep voice: "Water beasts, earth beasts, how did you let humans in? Can you believe their words? ? Moreover, we are about to become the masters of the Chongwu Star. What qualifications do humans have to negotiate with us?"

The water beast quickly stopped in front of Chen Yang and explained to the fire beast: "The war between the human race and the demon race is not beneficial to both sides. Instead of continuing to fight like this, it is better to coexist peacefully. Moreover, the reason why the Rain King launched the war is because Bewitched by Bai Qi. Bai Qi is not a good person, he once..."

Then, the water beast told the fire beast what Bai Qi had done to the Demon Ridge Mountains and the Jianfen Demon Clan.

After hearing this, the fire beast exclaimed: "Is this true?"

The earth beast frowned and said, "I have verified it and it is indeed true."

The fire beast looked solemn and said, "Sir Bai Qi actually..."

He didn't say any more, suddenly raised his head and said to Chen Yang: "You want to see the Rain King, you can. But I hope you don't have any bad ideas. Otherwise, we will never let you go."

Seeing that the fire beast was able to explain things so easily, Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, it would be such a waste of time to have to go through the same trouble as dealing with the earth beast.

"Don't worry, I'm here to negotiate."

Chen Yang held up his hands to the fire beast and said: "Let's go, let's go find the Rain King now. By the way, don't expose my news to Bai Qi. It's best for me and the Rain King to meet secretly."

The fire beast said: "I am responsible for guarding the Void Land, and that is absolutely fine. However, Bai Qi is also at the headquarters. If he sees you, you won't be able to hide."

Chen Yang used the "God of Creation Show", his face changed into an old man, and said: "Now that I am like this, Bai Qi won't be able to recognize me."

"That'll do."

The fire beast nodded and immediately led the way, taking Chen Yang to the residence of the Rain King, which is the headquarters of the Yufu Legion.

In fact, Chen Yang knew where that place was.

Soon, the cave arrived.

Many buildings have been built at the entrance of the cave, and a large number of monsters are stationed here, including several in the physical realm and even more in the immortal realm.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yang secretly said: "It seems that the Rain King has used a lot of the demonic energy in the Void Land to enhance the power of the demon clan."

"Greetings to Lord Fire Beast, Lord Earth Beast, and Lord Water Beast."

Seeing the arrival of the three fire beast demons, the demon clan in the station saluted them one after another. Even those demon clan in the middle stage of the body were very respectful.

The fire beast flew down and asked a demon in the middle stage: "Where are Lord Bai Qi and King Yu?"

"They're all in retreat."

The demon clan replied.

The fire beast thought for a moment, glanced at Chen Yang, and said to the water beast: "You settle him down, and the earth beast and I will go find the Rain King."

The two sides immediately separated. The water beast took Chen Yang into the building that belonged to her. The earth beast and the fire beast went to find the Rain King.

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