Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3886 Long time no see

Bai Qi thought for a while and felt that Chen Yang was not the kind of idiot who wanted to die, so he would not take the initiative to come to the land of nothingness.

He looked at the fire beast and asked: "He is so bold and dares to go to the legion headquarters. Could it be that his strength has greatly increased and he is sure to defeat the Rain King?"


The fire beast shook his head and said: "He persuaded the earth beast and the water beast and wanted to negotiate with the Rain King about the peaceful coexistence of the human race and the demon race, or about dividing the territory to rule."

"Is this kid crazy? Is he infected by Di Ying's thoughts? How can humans and monsters coexist peacefully?"

Bai Qi sneered, with a look of disdain on his face.

The fire beast said: "I have stabilized him temporarily. What are you going to do, sir?"

"He has repeatedly opposed me and almost killed me. Since he is here now, I naturally cannot let him leave the land of nothingness alive."

Bai Qi's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and then he said to the fire beast: "You do this..."

The earth beast waited outside the cave for a while. When he saw the fire beast coming out, he rushed to greet him and asked, "How is it?"

"Let's go back first."

The fire beast greeted the earth beast and flew towards the headquarters of the Yufu Legion.

The two demons entered the headquarters and went straight to the water beast's water house.

"How about it?"

The water beast saw the fire and earth demons walking in, stood up and asked.

"The Rain King won't be out of seclusion for at least half a month, so we have to wait." The earth beast replied, looked at the fire beast, and said, "The fire beast has tested the situation over at Bai Qi's side. Please tell everyone quickly. Tell me."

The fire beast said: "As for Bai Qi, you can rest assured for the time being. He is also in seclusion and will be released in a month. By then, Chen Yang has already talked with the Rain King."

Hearing this, everyone felt relieved.

The water beast said: "In that case, Chen Yang will live here during this period, waiting for the Rain King to come out of seclusion."

"This is the only way." Chen Yang nodded.

The fire beast said: "When the Rain King comes out of seclusion and I get the news, I will find a time to arrange a meeting. When the time comes, I will inform you."

After everyone agreed, the fire beast and the earth beast left, and Chen Yang temporarily stayed in the water beast's mansion.

During this period, Chen Yang was not idle and practiced every day.

Five days passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, the fire beast entered the water mansion excitedly and said to Chen Yang's water beast: "I didn't expect the Rain King to leave the seclusion early. I have made arrangements. You come with me to see the Rain King."

"So fast." The water beast looked surprised, but he didn't think much about it and said to Chen Yang, "Let's go."

After walking out of Shuifu, Chen Yang saw that the earth beast did not follow him and asked, "Why don't you see the earth beast?"

"He has left the Land of Nothingness, and someone must guard Longfu City." The fire beast explained to Chen Yang.


Chen Yang nodded, said no more, and followed the fire beast to fly to the west.

The water beast wondered: "Isn't the Rain King in the cave? Why are we going in this direction?"

The fire beast said: "Bai Qi is also retreating in the cave, and many of Bai Qi's cronies are also in the cave. If we meet with the Rain King there, it is likely to attract Bai Qi's attention. I told the Rain King the situation Afterwards, he decided to meet here.”

"I didn't think carefully." The water beast nodded in agreement.

Chen Yang didn't say anything, but he felt that there was something fishy about this matter.

The Rain King is the leader of the Yufu Legion and the strongest here. She doesn't need to be afraid of Bai Qi or meet him elsewhere.

"The water beast said before that the fire beast is Bai Qi's confidant. Could it be that the fire beast is leading us to see Bai Qi now?"

Chen Yang increased his vigilance and was prepared for possible attacks at any time.

After a while, one person and two demons landed on the edge of a lake.

The lake is green and the water is clear, reflecting the surrounding mountains.

Above the lake, the blue waves were rippling, and except for a awning boat, there was no other object.

"The Rain King is on board."

The fire beast pointed at the awning boat on the lake, rose into the air, and landed on the awning boat.

The wooden awning boat was made of wood, and the fire beast fell down, burning the deck black, but he quickly controlled his flames to avoid completely burning the awning boat.

He turned back to look at Chen Yang and the water beast on the shore, and said, "Come up quickly."

Chen Yang did not move, and turned to look at the water beast: "Is this the Rain King's pretentious style, and he also made a gimmick of a black-topped boat?"

"There seems to be something wrong." The water beast muttered.

The conversation between the two of them was not concealed, and was clearly heard by the fire beast on the awning boat.

The fire beast looked displeased and said, "Chen Yang, what do you mean? I finally got the Rain King to put aside his grudge and meet and negotiate with you, but now you don't believe me?"

"Okay, Fire Beast, Chen Yang is not a fool."

Before Chen Yang could speak, a deep voice suddenly sounded from the cabin of the awning boat.

Just by listening to the voice, Chen Yang knew who was in the cabin.

"It's indeed Bai Qi."

Chen Yang's eyes darkened and he stared coldly at the awning boat, ready to go.

The water beast looked angry, pointed at the fire beast, and angrily shouted: "Fire beast, you lied to us, did you tell Bai Qi?"

The fire beast originally wanted to tease Chen Yang and the two, but now that Bai Qi was exposed, he no longer covered it up.

A sneer appeared on his face, and he said to the water beast: "You, one of the five great generals, do not help the Rain King to conquer the human race, but you still invite the human race to negotiate for peace. It is a shame. I, the fire beast, stand upright, how can I collude with you?"

The water beast looked sulky and said in a deep voice, "To put it nicely, you are not loyal to the Rain King, but to Bai Qi."

The fire beast snorted coldly and said: "No matter who I am loyal to, I am for the demon clan, and you are just a betrayer. Whether it is Master Bai Qi or King Rain, they will kill you."

"You bastard." The water beast gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with hatred for the fire beast.

"Okay, Fire Beast, there is no need to talk to the traitor Water Beast. Just kill him later."

Bai Qi's calm voice sounded in the awning boat again.

I saw the boat curtain opened, and Bai Qi, dressed in gray robe, slowly walked out of the cabin and stood on the deck.

"Lord Bai Qi."

The fire beast was very respectful to Bai Qi and immediately bowed and saluted.


Bai Qi nodded lightly in return, full of momentum.

He walked to the side of the ship and looked at Chen Yang on the shore from a distance. A proud look flashed in his eyes and he said with a smile: "Chen Yang, long time no see. I didn't expect that this meeting would be such a scene. It really made me feel... Accident."

Chen Yang narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "What's the surprise?"

There was a bit of resentment in Bai Qi's tone, and he said in a deep voice: "Your talent is too high and your opportunities are too good. I originally thought that I would never be able to defeat you in this life. But who knew that a virtual dragon would awaken in the land of nothingness? Demon, you helped me improve my realm. Now, it’s easy for me to kill you. Isn’t this surprising to me?"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "You may be even more surprised later, because you will find that even your current strength is far inferior to mine."

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