Urban magic doctor

Chapter 389 There is an inside story

The people present were all ordinary Cang Yue tribe members, and they were all frightened when they were threatened by Shi Yonghang.

In addition, Shi Yonghang's long-term high-pressure rule has cast a shadow on people's hearts, and almost no one dares to speak against him.

For a moment, the whole place was silent, and the situation fell into a stalemate.

"You, go and guard and execute him!"

Shi Yonghang pointed at a guard and ordered.

The guard looked embarrassed, lowered his head and did not move.

"What, you want to disobey my order?!"

Shi Yonghang gritted his teeth, his eyes full of resentment.

At this time, Shi Zhan walked out and shouted to the crowd: "You guys understand, my father is Mr. Li and the leader of the Cang Yue Tribe. You actually want to fight him. This is an enemy of the Cang Yue Tribe." !”

"We have to kill people before the matter is clear. Let alone Mr. Li of the Cang Yue Tribe, even the Witch King of the entire Witch Tribe can't do such a thing, right?"

A voice came from the crowd.

People stepped aside and saw that the person speaking was none other than Chen Yang.

At this moment, he was supporting Guan Zheng and healing Guan Zheng's injuries. Guan Zheng's complexion had improved a lot.

Fortunately, the guards and other tribesmen held Shi Yonghang back and bought Chen Yang enough time. During this period, he gave Guan Zheng half an awakening pill, and then passed on the Qi. Guan Zheng's injury has been cured for seven weeks. Seven or eight.

This was also thanks to Guan Zheng's strength. Although he bled excessively before, he was not fatally injured. Otherwise, he would not have recovered so quickly.

Seeing that Guan Zheng's complexion was gradually returning to rosy, Shi Yonghang's complexion turned ugly.

He pointed at Chen Yang and shouted: "You, a foreigner, dare to make noise here. You simply don't take our Cang Yue Tribe and our Witch Tribe seriously. Come on, arrest him."

The guards did not move. Shi Yonghang's personal guards walked towards Chen Yang, but were stopped by the crowd.

"Are you rebelling?"

Shi Yonghang was furious. What he hated most was this situation. These people supported the high priest Guan Zheng, but did not support him as the rationale.

And his hatred for Guan Zheng originated from this.


Suddenly, a cough came from the crowd, and when everyone looked, it was Guan Zheng who had woken up.

Seeing this, Shi Yonghang's expression suddenly changed.

If Guan Zheng tells the truth about the matter, then he, the Li Lao, will be doomed and will definitely be overthrown by his tribe.

"Hurry up and do it!"

Shi Yonghang said something inexplicably towards the top of the foot building.

Hearing this, Chen Yang looked towards the roof of the building at the foot of the building. Under the sunlight, a dazzling reflection was projected over him.


Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat, he pulled Guan Zheng up and moved aside.


The sound of breaking wind passed by.

They had just moved away, and there was a crossbow arrow stuck in the ground where Guan Zheng was, dust was rising, and the crossbow arrow was shaking violently.

"Who? How dare you sneak attack!"

Seeing someone shooting cold arrows at the high priest, the Cang Yue tribe members became furious.


Suddenly, there was another arrow.

At the same time, Chen Yang pulled the switch straight, and another crossbow arrow was shot from the ground.

"You deal with Shi Yonghang, and I'll deal with the guy who shot the cold arrow."

Chen Yang said something to Guan Zheng, then moved and climbed up towards the foot building.

Seeing him catching up, the archer shrank his head and slipped down from the other side of the foot building.

After Chen Yang caught up, he looked to the other side of the foot building, but saw nothing. The other party had disappeared.

And everything happened too fast just now. He only saw the approximate height and back of the other party, and no other features were gained.

"Looks like he's a master!"

Chen Yang's expression condensed, and he felt doubtful in his heart.

His speed is already very fast, but he is still one step slower, which shows that the opponent is not only an archer, but also very strong in his own right.

In this case, why did this person appear here and why did he sneak attack Guan Zheng?

"It seems that the whole thing is not as simple as it seems. There may be other inside stories."

Chen Yang frowned, came down from the foot building, and returned to Guan Zheng's side.

At this time, Guan Zheng had almost recovered due to Chen Yang's treatment. Although the injuries on his body were still a little painful, they no longer affected his normal actions.

He walked towards Shi Yonghang, the crowd moved out of the way, and the scene was silent.

Guan Zheng stopped ten steps in front of Shi Yonghang, his eyes were as big as bells, he straightened his body and shouted: "Shi Yonghang, Guan Zheng, hereby launch an 'Ogashi' to you."

What, the high priest initiated "Ogashi" to Mr. Li.

Suddenly, everyone was shocked.

"Ogashi" is the most sacred challenge of the Witch Club, and Shi Yonghang cannot refuse this challenge.

In this battle between the two, if the high priest defeats Mr. Li, then he will become the new Mr. Li.

However, Guan Zheng was defeated by Shi Yonghang now, and now he is injured. It will not be easy for him to defeat Shi Yonghang.

"Guan Zheng, if that's the case, let's do it!"

Shi Yonghang didn't bother to defend himself anymore. Ever since he had people attack Guan Zheng just now, he had angered the entire Cang Yue Department and there was no turning back.

Only by getting rid of Guan Zheng and using high-pressure measures to calm down today's events can he continue to sit in the position of Li Lao safely.

Guan Zheng initiated "Ogaxi", but it went along with his wishes.

"In that case, let's start a war!"

Guan Zheng shouted loudly. The usually gentle and friendly man's fighting spirit suddenly rose, and he attacked Shi Yonghang with a fist.

Shi Yonghang didn't show any weakness, roared angrily, and caught Shi Yonghang's attack head on.

The two fought together, and in just a few breaths, they had already fought for several rounds.

At this time, everyone unexpectedly discovered that although Guan Zheng was injured, his fighting power steadily surpassed Shi Yonghang, and Shi Yonghang was no match for him.


Guan Zheng punched Shi Yonghang back and shouted: "Shi Yonghang, you are so disappointing. You are not worthy of the position of Li Lao!"

"Guan Zheng, don't be so pretentious here. In order to gain the position of Li Lao and win over people's hearts, you brought an outsider like Chen Yang to intimidate me. Don't you think I don't know your evil intentions?!"

Shi Yonghang stepped back and took out a pill bottle from his arms.

He poured out a pill, raised his head and swallowed it.

The moment he took the elixir, his whole aura changed. His eyes were full of viciousness, his expression was ferocious, and his teeth were bared, giving people an extremely dangerous feeling. It seemed that he was not a human, but a ferocious beast.

Seeing this, Chen Yang's expression changed and he thought to himself: "How could he have Ni Cai Ren's Blood Yin Pill?"

At this time, although the Cang Yue tribe didn't know what kind of pill Shi Yonghang took, they felt extremely angry about his behavior.

"'Ogashi' dueled with his own strength. You actually took pills and relied on external forces. This is an insult to our tradition!"

"Yes, as an elder, how can you take the lead in destroying our sacred and glorious Ogaxi?"

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