Urban magic doctor

Chapter 3905 Hosting Negotiations

"Ah! Chen Yang, I will kill..."

Rain King seemed fierce at the moment, but she was defenseless against Chen Yang's attack.


Before she could even finish her words, her head exploded, and her body shriveled up like a deflated balloon, falling downwards without any energy fluctuations.

However, the seemingly light and airy skin bag was actually extremely heavy. When it landed on the Ashes Ridge, it made a loud roar, the ground shook, and dust filled the sky.

This loud noise made all the demon clan present tremble in their hearts.

Their eyes fell on Chen Yang, full of fear and at a loss as to what to do.

"Finally solved, but unfortunately the water beast, earth beast, and dragon rain are no longer here."

Chen Yang sighed secretly, feeling quite sorry for the death of Long Yu and the other two.

After a moment of silence, he retracted his thoughts, looked at the monsters in the distance, and said seriously: "You don't have to be afraid, I'm here for peace talks. I hope that the monsters and humans can coexist peacefully on Chongwu Star."

The demon tribe remained silent, not because they didn't trust Chen Yang, but because no one among them thought they were qualified to stand up and talk to Chen Yang on this occasion.

"Now, who of you is in charge?" Chen Yang glanced at the demon group and asked.

After a moment of silence, a middle-stage monster came out of the crowd, bowed respectfully to Chen Yang, and said seriously: "Master Chen, my name is Qu Tiao, I wonder what your orders are."

Chen Yang looked at Qu Tiao. This demon should have been raised to a higher level by special means after the Rain King awakened.

He said to Qu Tiao: "Now that the Rain King and the three generals are dead, you are leaderless. I want peace talks, and you should nominate a representative. Now, you are in charge of the overall situation, so nominate a representative first."

All the demon clans looked at each other, feeling that Chen Yang was a bit too talkative.

"Yes, Mr. Chen."

Qu Tiao received Chen Yang's order and immediately summoned the demon clan to elect representatives.

Without much effort, the representative of the demon clan was selected, and it was Qu Ting.

Chen Yang asked Qu Tiao: "The demon race and the human race coexist peacefully. What do you think about this?"

Qu Tiao smiled bitterly, thinking that if Chen Yang was so strong, what else could he think of.

Now that the Rain King is dead and Bai Qi has escaped, if he still wants to fight against Chong Wuxing and faces Chen Yang, wouldn't he be asking for death and there is no possibility of survival at all.

Qu Tiao said: "Mr. Chen, I am willing to obey your orders and coexist peacefully with the human race."

"You are not following my orders." Chen Yang shook his head and said, "What I want to discuss with you specifically is whether to live together and govern together, or to rule by dividing the territory, as well as other details."

Qu Tiao frowned and said, "This... I don't understand."

Chen Yang looked helpless, glanced at all the demon clans, and said, "Then let me confirm, you have all given up on conquering the Chongwu Star, right?"

All the demon clansmen who dared to say otherwise nodded hurriedly.

Chen Yang said: "In that case, then Qu Tiao and I will go to the Imperial Capital and tell the wood beast the news here. Then we will shrink the entire Yufu Army and restore the safety of mankind first, and then we can discuss the specific details."

"Yes, Mr. Chen."

Qu Tiao nodded in response, and the other demon tribes also nodded.

Chen Yang glanced at the body of the Rain King below. Although the true dragon skin bag had been damaged in many places, it was still an excellent material that could be used to refine armor.

He put the real dragon skin bag into the space bracelet and glanced towards the north, thinking that after so long, Bai Qi must have teleported away from Chongwu Star.

He gave up his plan to pursue Bai Qi, greeted Qu Tiao, and flew south to the imperial capital.

On the way, Qu Tiao followed behind, not daring to say a word.

Chen Yang didn't want to say much. In the sea of ​​consciousness, he talked with Lao Li about many things and learned more about the Dragon Clan.

When he arrived at the imperial capital, Chen Yang did not enter, but went to the demon clan camp and saw the wooden beast.

When Qu Tiao told Wood Beast about the situation at the Yufu Legion headquarters, Wood Beast was shocked.

Not only because Chen Yang defeated the Rain King, but also because the Rain King he admired was not what he imagined, which made him surprised and disappointed.

Now, only Wood Beast is left among the five generals, and he naturally becomes the leader of Yufu Legion.

After Chen Yang and Mu Beast discussed it, the Yufu Legion immediately announced the news, and all the legion monsters gathered outside the imperial capital.

Then the human race and the demon race sent out negotiation teams to conduct negotiations and study the details of peaceful coexistence.

After the demon clan made arrangements, Chen Yang set off to return to the imperial capital.

He quietly opened the protective formation with the formation flag, entered the imperial capital, and then went straight to the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion.

It was dawn at this moment, and Xuan Aokang, Qiao Munan, Wang Fulie and others gathered over when they heard that Chen Yang had returned to the Imperial Master's Mansion.

"Mr. Chen, you didn't go to the Land of Nothingness?"

Seeing Chen Yang coming back so soon, Xuan Aokang looked surprised, thinking that he had not gone to the Land of Nothingness.

"I've been there," Chen Yang said.

Hearing this, Xuan Aokuang and the other two people all thought that the demon clan was difficult to deal with, so they returned so quickly without negotiating or fighting.

But then, Chen Yang told everyone everything about the trip.

After everyone heard this, they were all shocked.

Especially when they heard that the land of nothingness collapsed and the Rain King devoured earth beasts and fire beasts, they could hardly imagine such a scene.

After Chen Yang finished speaking, they respected Chen Yang even more.

We also know that Chen Yang's strength has reached the level of invincibility in the physical realm.

After all, even the Rain King is no match for him. Who else in the physical realm can defeat him.

At least, not for Chongwu Xing.

Seeing that Chen Yang calmed down the war, Xuan Aokuang was quite excited and asked: "When will we start the negotiation between the human race and the demon race?"

"The Yufu Legion has already ordered the withdrawal of troops and formed a negotiation team. In a month, they will meet in the imperial capital to discuss the details of co-governance with the human race."

Chen Yang replied, and then said: "Senior Xuan Aokuang, I will leave it to you to form and lead the human race's negotiation team."

Xuan Ao furrowed his brows and said, "What about you?"

Chen Yang said: "I am only responsible for stabilizing the overall situation of both parties. You can discuss the specific details. If you encounter uncertainties, I can make some small suggestions."

Qiao Munan said: "Chen Yang, you are now the strongest among the human race. If you don't show up, I'm afraid you won't be able to suppress the demon race."

"If I come forward and they are afraid, they will listen to me in everything, and it will not be a negotiation."

Chen Yang smiled and shook his head, turned around and walked out of the hall, saying: "You can just take care of this matter. In addition, please send someone to Mo Dang Holy Mountain to inform the news here. Wait a month later, Just let me know when negotiating."

Seeing Chen Yang being so free and easy, Xuan Aokuang and the other three looked at each other and laughed dumbly.

The three of them discussed it, and Xuan Aokuang immediately sent someone to notify the Emperor of the Royal Family.

After all, the Tiansheng Empire is still the nominal ruler of the Chongwu Star human race. If it wants to negotiate with the demon clan, it naturally needs to notify the royal family and ask them to send someone to come forward.

After hearing what Xuan Aokuang said, the Emperor was overjoyed. He didn't expect that Chen Yang actually accomplished the matter and killed the Rain King.

But then, he frowned and said madly to Xuan Ao: "National Master, since Mr. Chen can defeat the demon clan, why doesn't he lead us to completely destroy the demon clan? Why bother to co-govern with the demon clan? Isn't this just leaving behind Hidden danger.”

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