Urban magic doctor

Chapter 392 Waiting for Someone

After Chen Yang, Guan Xiyue, and Guan Zheng entered the foot building, Shi Yonghang's personal guards and warriors also entered the foot building one after another.

The building door creaked shut, and from the outside, there was no movement in the entire foot building.

Outside the foot building, the Cang Yue tribe members were reluctant to leave for a long time.

What happened today was so unexpected.

To put it simply, Li Lao Shi Yonghang betrayed the Cang Yue Tribe and even wanted to betray the entire Witch Tribe, but everyone was unable to do anything about him.

"What should we do now? Will the high priest die?"

"If the high priest dies and Shi Yonghang becomes the elder of the Cang Yue Tribe, I will quit the Cang Yue Tribe and join other tribes."

"I hope the high priest doesn't die."

The people of the Cang Yue tribe were worried, but they were helpless. They were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

Liu Jian, the commander of Cang Yue Department, is the person with the highest status present at the moment.

He looked at the foot tower, pondered for a moment, and shouted to the tribesmen: "Everyone should go home first and prepare food and water. If you don't receive a notice in the past two days, don't come out for the time being and take safety precautions."

"General Liu, what do you mean?"

Everyone was confused.

Liu Jian said in a deep voice: "Shi Yonghang betrayed the Cang Yue tribe and tried to compete for the position of the Witch King. This is against the law. There is no way we will cause a war. So for everyone's safety, it is best for everyone to stay behind closed doors and wait for the incident. Come out after it calms down.”

Someone asked: "What should I do if the high priest is taken away?"

Liu Jiandao: "The high priest has his own blessings, and we can't help him. If he stays here, he will be taken advantage of by Shi Yonghang, so everyone should go home quickly."

After hearing this, the Cang Yue tribe members discussed for a while, and then they all agreed with Liu Jian's words and left one after another.

After the ordinary tribesmen dispersed, the only ones left were the guards of the Cang Yue tribe, all of them strong men.

"Long Wenjie."

Liu Jian shouted to the guards, and a strong young man about seventeen or eighteen years old stood up.

Long Wenjie asked: "What are your orders, Commander?"

Liu Jian lowered his voice and said: "Go to the Witch King now, explain to him what is going on here, and ask him to lead troops to suppress Shi Yonghang."


Long Wenjie took the order, turned around and left.

Liu Jian looked at the foot tower again, sighed, and did not leave. He took all the guards of the Cang Yue Department and stationed in the open space not far from the foot tower.

The guards did not notice that when Long Wenjie left, a figure came out from behind the foot building and followed Long Wenjie quietly.

Half an hour later, in the forest, Long Wenjie's head was found missing.

After Chen Yang, Guan Zheng and Guan Xiyue entered the foot building, Shi Yonghang locked them in the dungeon.

This dungeon is no ordinary dungeon. It is entirely made of steel, and the iron fence is as thick as an arm, like an iron cage.

Moreover, as soon as Chen Yang entered the dungeon, he smelled the smell of blood. Obviously, they were not the first batch of people to be imprisoned in this dungeon.

With a creak, the cell door closed.

"Chen Yang, where is the antidote?"

Shi Yonghang stood outside the door and asked Chen Yang sternly.

Chen Yang shook his head and joked: "Are you mentally ill? You are locking us up here now. If I tell you where the antidote is, wouldn't you kill me?"

Shi Yonghang snorted coldly, pointed at Guan Xiyue, and said to Chen Yang: "Give you one day, if you don't tell me where the antidote is tomorrow, I will kill her first!"

After speaking, Shi Yonghang left three people to guard the dungeon and left with the others.

The dungeon became quiet, and Chen Yang looked at the dungeon carefully.

This should be a place specially used by Shi Yonghang to imprison experts. The thick iron fence cannot be destroyed even by Chen Yang.


Guan Zheng coughed twice, and his overall condition was very bad.

He was still seriously injured in the battle with Shi Yonghang just now.

After Chen Yang healed Guan Zheng again, Guan Zheng recovered and was extremely shocked by Chen Yang's medical skills.

"Thank you, Chen Yang."

Guan Zheng thanked him and apologized, "I'm sorry for causing trouble for you."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "You are Xi Yue's father, of course I want to help you."

Ordinary people would definitely panic when encountering such a thing, but Chen Yang could still maintain a calm attitude with a smile on his face. Guan Zheng became more and more curious about Chen Yang's identity.

But he didn't ask. He looked at the surrounding environment and said solemnly: "Shi Yonghang actually built a dungeon. It seems that he has been planning it for a long time."

Chen Yang pondered: "Shi Yonghang must have been taken advantage of."

Guan Zheng's eyelids twitched and he asked, "How do you say this?"

Chen Yang said: "This dungeon is very professional. Not only are the steel bars thick, but even the door locks are locked by electromagnetic fields, which cannot be destroyed by ordinary people. If it was built by Shi Yonghang, it is definitely not of this level. Coupled with the previous terracotta warrior groups, I guess it should be Someone wants to use Shi Yonghang to do some shameful things."

After a pause, Chen Yang continued: "Shi Yonghang said that he wanted to dominate the Witch Tribe and become the Witch King. He must have been bewitched by others. And the other party must have shown him great power, otherwise, he would not be so powerful. He is so confident that he dares to be the enemy of the entire witchcraft tribe."

Guan Zheng frowned and said, "Who is it? Why do you do this?"

Chen Yang said: "If my prediction is correct, it should be the Nicai people who are causing trouble. As for their real purpose, I don't know for a while."

"Nice people!"

Guan Zheng was lost in thought, but he didn't have the slightest clue. He punched the wall hard and said angrily: "Shi Yonghang, this traitor, has colluded with outsiders and has brought shame to our Cang Yue tribe."

Guan Zheng was so angry that he couldn't help but curse.

He turned around and asked: "Chen Yang, what should we do now? I can't do anything about this electromagnetic field-locked door. Is there any way you can get out?"

Chen Yang shook his head and said: "No, the electromagnetic field is very powerful and I can't shake it. And the steel bars are too thick and difficult to destroy for a while, but it will alarm the guards when the time comes."

Guan Xiyue said: "Didn't Shi Yonghang threaten to dominate the Witch Club? Someone must inform the Witch King now, and the Witch King will come to save us."

Chen Yang looked at the innocent Guan Xiyue, shook his head and said: "Now I'm afraid that the entire Cangyue Department is blocked and the news cannot spread at all. If anyone dares to report the news to the Witch King, he will definitely be killed."

"What should we do?" Guan Xiyue frowned.

A relaxed smile appeared on Chen Yang's lips, he looked at Guan Zheng and Guan Xiyue and said, "Now, we just need to wait."


Guan Xiyue and Guan Zheng both looked confused.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Yes, wait for someone."

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