Facing the confused eyes of the red wolf guards, Chen Yang walked out of the room and said, "Why am I here? It's a long story, and this person is not Wang Kui."

As he spoke, he flicked his wrist, and the limp Higashino Minggo trembled like noodles, turned over, and revealed his face.

"Who is this person?"

Everyone looked surprised when they saw Higashino Minggo with sunken cheeks and eye sockets.

"Go out first and then talk."

Chen Yang said and took the lead to walk out of the room, followed by other Red Wolf guards.

He was not in a hurry to talk about Higashino Minggo, but said to Jiang Qi: "Jiang Qi, let a few women go in, untie the women inside and put on their clothes, remember not to remove the black cloth from their eyes. After sending them home, remove the black cloth. No one should spread the word about what happened today. Treat it as if it never happened. If these women know that they have been seen naked, their psychology will be even greater. torture."

Although this cannot completely eliminate the psychological shadow of women, it can at least make them feel better.

Jiang Qi followed Chen Yang's instructions and quickly asked someone to do it.

After the women were sent away, the entire foot building was lit up, and all the guards from the Red Wolf Department gathered here to guard all the entrances and exits.

Now, everyone has a question, how is Li Lao Wang Kui doing?

"Look for Wang Kui first. I think he is not dead yet."

Chen Yang said to Jiang Qi.

Jiang Qi admired Chen Yang very much and obeyed his advice. He immediately arranged for people to search the foot building and the surrounding area.

After searching for almost two hours, a guard finally found Wang Kui in a large jar in the wine cellar.

Wang Kui's whole body was soaked in the wine jar, with only his head exposed. His body was covered in scars, he was constantly stimulated by alcohol, and he was already very weak from the pain.

The red wolf guards rescued Wang Kui from the wine vat, wrapped him in a blanket, and sent him to the room.

Jiang Qi originally planned to go to the doctor, but Chen Yang stopped him.

Chen Yang checked Wang Kui's injuries and found that he was very weak, but not yet dead.

After Chen Yang transferred his true energy to him and helped him stabilize his heart pulse, he used silver needles and spent a lot of effort to stabilize Wang Kui's condition.

Seeing how miserable Wang Kui was, the Red Wolf tribe members wanted to cut Higashino Minggo into pieces, but Chen Yang stopped them.

It's not that Chen Yang is kind, but that he wants to use more ruthless means to deal with Higashino Minggo, a ruthless Japanese.

And he also needs to get some information from Higashino Minggo, Higashino Minggo cannot die yet.

After Wang Kui regained consciousness, Chen Yang told what happened in the Cang Yue Department. Wang Kui was not too surprised by Shi Yonghang's betrayal.

On the contrary, he said that Guan Zheng should have taken down the position of the elder of the Cang Yue tribe long ago. Guan Zheng was the legitimate elder of the Cang Yue tribe. Even many tribes only recognized Guan Zheng and did not buy Shi Yonghang's account.

Then, Chen Yang asked about the situation of the Red Wolf Department.

It turned out that Wang Kui had been injured in a sneak attack by Higashino Minggo a few days ago and was stuffed in a wine vat. Higashino Minggo wanted him to die slowly in the pain of alcohol irritating the wound.

The pain did not knock Wang Kui down, but he did not eat or drink for several days, making Wang Kui thin and skinny.

If it weren't for his tenacious vitality, he would have almost died.

The Wang Kui who appeared in the Red Wolf Club these days was disguised as Higashino Minggo.

Chen Yang also understood that Shi Yonghang said that he had met Wang Kui and reached an agreement with Wang Kui to jointly attack the Witch Palace, but he was actually deceived by Higashino Minggo.

Higashino Minggo was just deceiving Shi Yonghang, because when the time came to attack the Witch Palace, even if Higashino Minggo pretended to be Wang Kui, he would not agree to send troops.

Because the Red Wolf tribe has been passed down from generation to generation, the concept of protecting the Witch King is deeply ingrained and will never be betrayed.

Then when the time comes, the Cang Yue Tribe will fight alone, and if the mercenary martial group is also withdrawn, the Cang Yue Tribe will not be an opponent of the Witch Palace at all, and will be defeated instantly.

And this series of actions by Higashino Minggo seemed to have no other result besides causing chaos in the witch palace.

However, since the witch palace was in chaos, he could take the opportunity to enter the witch palace and take away some things from the witch palace.

"It seems that Higashino Minggo's purpose is to obtain something from the Witch Palace."

Through reasoning, Chen Yang made a preliminary guess.

Wang Kui looked at Chen Yang and asked, "Mr. Chen, what do you plan to do with Higashino Minggo?"

Chen Yang said: "Interrogate him first, get all useful information, and then kill him."

Wang Kui touched the scars on his arm. Thinking of his persecuted tribesmen, he gritted his teeth and said: "This person is really vicious. He actually wants to provoke a war with our witch tribe, and he also hurts our Red Wolf tribe. Mr. Chen, you must not let him die too easily."

"Don't worry, I'm not a good person."

Chen Yang smiled.

After exchanging information with Wang Kui, Chen Yang left Wang Kui's room.

He arrived at the cell of the Red Wolf Department, and dragged Higashino Minggo, who was imprisoned here, away from the Red Wolf Department in the dark.

Half an hour later, on the edge of a cliff.

Higashino Minggo was lying on the edge of the cliff. The bones of his body were broken every inch by Chen Yang, and he had lost the ability to move.

Severe pain invaded his will. Chen Yang had not spoken for ten minutes, which made him feel even more intense fear.

Suddenly, Chen Yang spoke: "Higashino Minggo, now I say something and you answer something. If I hear something I don't want to hear, or if you lie to me, I will cut off a piece of your body and remove it from both of your hands." Cut your feet up until you die. Do you understand?"

Higashino Minggo said hurriedly: "I understand, I understand."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Who are you and where are you from?"

Higashino Minggo said tremblingly: "My name is Higashino Minggo. I come from the Iga-ryu of Nicai Country and am a chuunin of the Iga-ryu."

Chen Yang asked again: "How long have you been in Hua Jin Country? Why did you find the Cang Yue Department?"

Higashino Minggo said: "We previously sent people to investigate the nine major tribes of the Witch Tribe. Only Shi Yonghang, the old leader of the Cang Yue Tribe, was ambitious and extremely jealous, so we chose the Cang Yue Tribe and used Shi Yonghang."

"Besides the Cang Yue Tribe and the Red Wolf Tribe, are there any other tribes involved in your conspiracy?"

"there is none left."

"Your plan this time is to have the Cang Yue tribe attack the Witch Palace, fight the Witch King, and then take advantage of the chaos in the Witch Palace to take something from the Witch Palace, right?"


Higashino Minggo nodded, confirming Chen Yang's guess.

Chen Yang asked again: "What do you want in the Witch Palace?"

Higashino Minggo said: "The "Wumiao Pu", what we want to take away is the "Wumiao Pu".

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