Urban magic doctor

Chapter 410 I’m almost done

Li Zaidong punched out, but because Chen Yang was standing on the chain and taller than him, his punch could only hit Chen Yang's legs.

Chen Yang jumped into the air, dodged Li Zaidong's punch again, and landed on the four corners of the ring, where the iron chains were fixed on the pillars.

He raised his fingers towards Li Zaidong and said, "Come on, continue."

After two consecutive attacks failed, Li Zaidong was so angry that he suddenly rushed towards Chen Yang again.

This time he punched out with both fists, but before he could swing them out, Chen Yang ran over the iron chain, as light as a swallow, as if walking on flat ground, and had already moved to another position.

Li Zaidong couldn't keep up with Chen Yang's speed. He gritted his teeth in anger and cursed: "You coward, don't hide if you dare, come down and fight me head-on."

In Li Zaidong's eyes, Chen Yang was thin and his advantage must be speed and agility, so he kept avoiding him and then looking for opportunities to counterattack him.

And as long as Chen Yang confronts him head-on, Chen Yang will never be his opponent.

Chen Yang smiled jokingly, raised his fingers and said, "Little Li Zaidong, I haven't had enough fun yet, and I don't want to defeat you so quickly, so you should continue to attack and see if you can touch me."

"Asshole, just avoid it."

Li Zaidong cursed loudly and rushed towards Chen Yang angrily.

Everyone laughed when they saw this. Regardless of the outcome of this battle, at least Chen Yang had tricked Li Zaidong and earned some face for Hua Jinguo.

However, if there is a real head-to-head confrontation, everyone is still not optimistic about Chen Yang.

After all, the physical difference between the two was too big, so Chen Yang still used roundabout tactics, which was more effective.

"Get down here."

Li Zaidong ran to the edge of the ring, opened his hands, and hugged Chen Yang, trying to hug Chen Yang's legs and pull them off the chains.

However, Chen Yang was faster. He jumped up, spread his legs, and crossed over his head, landing behind him.

Li Zaidong held him empty, and even got under Chen Yang's crotch. This was a huge humiliation. He was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

He turned around, looked at Chen Yang who was on the ring, and cursed: "You coward, this is a ring, not a playground. If you have the ability, fight me!"

"Aren't we fighting now?"

Chen Yang asked back, shook his head with a smile, and said in the tone of an old master: "Brute force alone cannot solve the problem."

"I beat you to death!"

Li Zaidong shouted and kicked Chen Yang with his whip.

The essence of boxing is leg skills, and as a great master, Li Zaidong has studied this skill even more intensively.

His kick was so fast and at such a tricky angle that even Chen Yang had to secretly say that it was awesome.

Of course, this kick alone cannot solve Chen Yang.

Chen Yang still did not resist, jumped back, flipped back in the air, and landed on the chain again.

"Boy, let's see where you run away!"

This time, Li Zaidong did not pursue him. With a cunning smile on his lips, he walked up to the pillar holding the chain and kicked it.


The upright pillar broke, and the iron chain connecting the upright pillar drooped.

Chen Yang stood on the iron chain and fell down. He jumped again and jumped onto the straight iron chain on the other side. He looked at Li Zaidong and said with a smile, "You finally understand."

Li Zaidong didn't say a word, and followed the same pattern, kicking off the pillars at the four corners of the arena. All the chains surrounding the arena drooped down, and Chen Yang had no choice but to stand on the arena.

"No, Chen Yang has no choice but to hide."

Someone in the crowd frowned.

"You are stupid. He can dodge so well on the chain. If he reaches the surface of the ring, there will be more space under his feet, making it easier to hide."

"That's right. It seems that he is planning to use detours to consume Li Zaidong's physical strength and wait for an opportunity to take action."

Li Zaidong destroyed the pillar and glared at Chen Yang: "Boy, do you want to keep running away? For the glory of your country, you should fight me head-on."

"You have the nerve to talk to me about the glory of the country? You, a majestic boxing master, don't challenge opponents at the same level as you, but come to bully ordinary people in Huajin Kingdom. Is this glory? I think you are treating Zhennan's I’m so embarrassed.”

Chen Yang sarcastically said, but ignored Li Zaidong's provocation.

"Hmph, take the move!"

Li Zaidong looked gloomy and attacked Chen Yang again. He used a series of kicks to push Chen Yang to the edge of the ring.

The speed of his kicks is quite fast. Every time he lifts his legs, he can kick at least three times in succession in the air, and the power will not decrease. Each time is stronger than the last, and the power is very fierce.

If he were really hit by his consecutive leg kicks, he would definitely be seriously injured.

But Chen Yang refused to fight with him and kept dodging, leaving him with no place to use his strength and feeling extremely frustrated.

Seeing that the situation was in a stalemate, Li Zaidong was furious, and the people of Zhennan Kingdom also kept insulting him, saying that Chen Yang did not dare to challenge.

The people of Huajin Kingdom are all encouraging Chen Yang. Although it is a bit shameful to avoid it now, at least everyone sees the hope of victory.

For a time, the deadlock on the stage lasted for three minutes without breaking.

Suddenly, Li Zaidong stopped his offensive.

The successive attacks had no effect. He was not tired, but his heart was tired.

He pointed at Chen Yang and asked: "Are you going to fight? If you don't fight, you will give up."

"I'm sorry, the rules were changed just now, so I can't admit defeat. Besides, it's impossible for me to admit defeat."

Chen Yang shook his head, yawned, and said lazily, "Okay, I'm done playing. Come, this time, fight head-on."

Hearing this, Li Zaidong couldn't believe it, and looked at Chen Yang in surprise, thinking to himself, I just chased you and kicked you so many times, but you didn't take action, and now you are talking about a head-on confrontation?

"This kid is definitely lying to me, I have to be careful."

Li Zaidong thought to himself, but he didn't dare to believe Chen Yang's words.

Chen Yang took a step towards him: "Come on, I'll stand here and you hit me."

Is it really such a good thing?

Li Zaidong was stunned for a moment and did not dare to take action rashly.

Chen Yang took another step forward and was within the range of Li Zaidong's legs. He said, "Come on, don't you want to fight head-on? Take action."

Li Zaidong frowned, but he was afraid of being teased by Chen Yang, so he still didn't take action.

"What on earth is Chen Yang doing?"

Everyone in the mall was puzzled. Chen Yang was too close and too dangerous.

At this time, Chen Yang took another step forward and suddenly shouted: "Take action, aren't you very powerful?!"

This sentence was full of domineering and aroused Li Zaidong's anger.

Li Zaidong trembled. Looking at Chen Yang who was so close, he finally couldn't hold back anymore and kicked his legs to attack.

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