Urban magic doctor

Chapter 420 Clearing out Jinyun Society

On both sides of the corridor, the darkness was filled with people, no one knew how many there were.

They were shouting in Zhennan language. Although he couldn't understand it, Chen Yang guessed that it was cruel words like "hack him to death".

These men were dressed in black clothes and black trousers, holding machetes and baseball bats in their hands. They were all murderous and menacing, and rushed straight towards Chen Yang.

These people are all members of Jinyun Club.

After Pu Junmin was killed by Chen Yang last night, the news spread quickly, and both black and white knew that Pu Junmin was dead.

The police station wanted to catch the murderer, but Jin Yunshe wanted to take revenge himself, so he hid the clues.

It's very simple. Whoever can kill the person who killed Park Junmin will rise to the top in one step. Not to mention becoming the president of Jinyun Society, he can at least be promoted to three levels in a row and become the big boss.

So after an overnight investigation, Jinyun Society gathered people this morning and forced their way into the hotel to kill Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang, what did you do, and how did you provoke the martial arts organization in Hushan?"

Dongfang Cheng saw the people rushing towards him from both sides of the corridor, frowned and asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang pursed his lips: "I killed a scumbag, but I didn't expect that I would dare to take revenge."

Dongfang Cheng said depressedly: "This is someone else's territory, and you actually killed people."

Chen Yang smiled, turned to An Ning and said, "Go in and close the door. Don't come out unless I tell you to open the door."

With that said, he asked Dongfang Chengdao: "What about you?"

Dongfang Cheng frowned and said helplessly: "What else can I do? Of course I'll help you."

"All right."

Chen Yang nodded, pushed An Ning into the room, and closed the door.

At this time, the crowds on both sides of the corridor had already rushed over. They were all extremely vicious, raising their machetes and clubs high in the air, hoping to kill Chen Yang by themselves and then ascend to a high position.

"You're on the left, I'm on the right."

Chen Yang made a quick decision, said something to Dongfang Cheng, moved and rushed towards the corridor on the left.

Dongfang Cheng nodded slightly and rushed to the right.

One of the two is the boss of Longting and the other is the former leader of Black Flag. How can a bunch of ragtag Jinyun Society fight against them.

What's more, the corridor is narrow, and Chen Yang and Dongfang Cheng only have to deal with the two or three people in front of them.

The two of them rushed forward, like tigers rushing into a flock of sheep, punching one after another, no one could withstand them.

They fought all the way from the door of Chen Yang's room to the corridors on both sides. Wherever they passed, the people of Jinyun Society were beaten to the ground and lost their fighting ability.

For a moment, there were people lying on the corridor, and Chen Yang and Chen Yang were still marching to both sides of the corridor.

The Jinyun Society is indeed the number one martial arts organization in Hushan. There are countless members who are constantly emerging from the ends of the corridors on both sides, joining the ranks one after another.

But in the face of absolute power, no matter how many people there are, it is useless.

At first, the members of Jinyun Club were ambitious and murderous, but the more they were beaten, the more frightened they became.

The two Huajin people seemed not to be tired, and their fighting power was astonishing. In the blink of an eye, they had knocked down hundreds of people.

Gradually, Jinyunshe became timid.

The people behind didn't know the situation and were still rushing towards the corridor, but the people in front were frightened by Chen Yang and Dongfang Cheng and retreated.

For a moment, the people of Jinyun Society were in disarray and huddled together.

Chen Yang and Dongfang Cheng also got excited and rushed forward, crushing them all the way.

Half an hour later, members of the Jinyun Club were lying on the floor in the corridor. The members of the Jinyun Club who were originally blocked in the back were frustrated because they could not rush to the front. Now they ran away quickly, feeling very happy in their hearts. .

When the tenants on this floor heard the commotion, they all looked out through the peephole. Seeing the fierce fighting outside, everyone was too frightened to come out.

It wasn't until it got quiet that everyone opened the door and walked out.

When I saw the warriors lying on the ground outside, they were all seriously injured and groaning in pain.

Seeing this, the tenants were shocked.

Looking at the men standing on both sides of the corridor, they were completely dumbfounded.

Was all this done by these two people?

For a moment, everyone was confused.

"Well done."

Chen Yang moved his hands and feet, gave Dongfang Cheng a thumbs up, ignored the Jinyun Club members on the ground, and walked towards his room.

"It's okay now. It's so troublesome to make such a big fuss."

Dongfang Cheng shook his head and followed Chen Yang into the room.

As soon as their door closed, the entire floor exploded.

"Oh my God, what did they do?"

"These villains are so abominable that they came to the hotel with such a big fanfare."

"I remember those two people seemed to be members of the Huajin Kingdom Martial Arts."

The people living on this floor were either rich or noble. They were disturbed and immediately sought help from the Zhennan Kingdom officials.

Overnight, the boss of Jinyun Society died, all the elites were seriously injured, and Jinyun Society fell into trouble.

Naturally, other forces in Hushan will not let go of such a good opportunity.

Many forces took action one after another, taking over the sphere of influence that belonged to the Jinyun Society and snatching away the Jinyun Society's industries.

On this day, the underground forces in Hushan were in chaos.

However, the Jinyun Club, which was originally very popular, failed to recover. From that day on, it was completely reduced to a fringe club.

And everyone knows that all this is because Park Minjun provoked a woman who shouldn't be provoked.

This woman is An Ning, the president of Huajin Guoan Group.

Immediately afterwards, many associations in Zhennan Kingdom took the initiative to cooperate with An Ning and lowered the conditions for cooperation.

However, An Ning lost interest in Zhennan Country, and she no longer planned to develop the market here.

PS: Update time every day, 0 am, thank you all book friends for your support, thank you!

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