Urban magic doctor

Chapter 425 Four people gather together

After ending the call with his master, Chen Yang decided to go to Xirezhou.

After a moment of reflection, during this trip to Xire Continent, he faced not only Ma Fei, the strongest chief of Xire Continent, but also the entire Jilosi tribe.

The Jilos tribe has only 3,000 people. They are very poor and backward, and even live a barbaric life, mainly robbing for health.

This tribe's combat power is very strong. It is said that it is because they practice the secret method passed down by Gurezhou.

In the entire Xire Continent, no one dared to provoke the Jiluosi tribe.

Even many powerful warrior groups and mercenaries would never set their sights on the Jilos tribe.

As the chief of the Jilos tribe, Ma Fei's strength is evident.

And there are many masters around him.

If Chen Yang wanted to grab Qiyaohua head-on, it would not be so easy if he went alone.

After thinking about it, he decided to find some helpers.

"Let Black Flag be dispatched?"

The first thing he thought of was Black Flag. If Black Flag took action, it would be much easier. Although Black Flag only had more than 800 people, they were all the elites among the elites and could definitely deal with the Jilos tribe.

However, he gave up this idea and was unwilling to use the black flag.

Because he has retired, Black Flag's current leader is the Overlord, and he does not want to interfere with the Overlord's rights.

He knew that as long as he spoke, Overlord would definitely go through fire and water with the black flag, but he just didn't want to. It was a matter of principle.

"It seems that we can only let Datou, Ye Zi and Xiao Bei help."

Chen Yang decided, and then called these three people respectively.

Xiaobei was in retreat in Huajin Huachen. When he learned that Chen Yang was going to Xirezhou to deal with the Jiluosi tribe, he was stunned for a moment, and then without asking the reason, he just said he would see him in Dayi tomorrow.

The same goes for Ye Zi. He had just challenged a swordsman master and returned home immediately after receiving a call from Chen Yang.

Datou, on the other hand, chatted with Chen Yang for a while.

It's not that Da Tou is unwilling, but that's just his character.

Of course, Datou finally agreed, saying that he would contact Chen Yang and his entourage when they arrived in Xirezhou and meet him then.

With these three helpers, Chen Yang felt a lot more confident.

When he returned to Dayi that day, Su Zining saw him and quickly asked about Qiao Daihan's situation. He briefly talked about it. All the girls looked sad and immediately decided to visit Qiao Daihan.

This night, it was rare for Chen Yang to live alone in the Fourth Courtyard, as everyone else left for Zhongdu.

Looking at the various rooms without lights, he felt empty in his heart.

It would be better to house more talents in this fourth courtyard.

Early the next morning, Chen Yang met Beixiao and Hu Yelin and boarded the plane.

On the plane, Hu Yelin wiped the sword in his hand and asked, "Brother Yang, what's going on? Why did you suddenly attack the Jiluosi tribe?"

Xiao Bei said: "Yes, the Jiluosi tribe is very powerful for no reason. I don't believe you are trying to get rid of bad guys."

Chen Yang told Qiao Daihan's situation and said: "I asked my master, now only the Qiyao flower can save Xiao Hanhan, and the only one I can get is the Qiyao flower in Ma Fei's hand. "

"No wonder, it turned out to be to save your fiancée."

Xiaobei nodded, with a fighting spirit flashing in his eyes. He patted Chen Yang on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry. With us helping you, there shouldn't be any problems on this trip."

Ye Zizheng put the sword into its sheath and said coldly: "I have long disliked Ma Fei. He is notorious in Xire Continent and does all kinds of evil. He has killed countless tribes. This time we can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people." .”

Chen Yang said: "Yi Zi, don't be anxious. We will try not to do anything this time. I decided to negotiate with Ma Fei through other channels first. If he is willing to sell Qiyao Flower to me, it will be the best result."

When we arrived at the Port of Lome, before we even reached the port, there was a loud noise in front of us, and the road was blocked, so driving was not allowed.

Chen Yang got out of the car and asked. After getting the answer, he was immediately speechless.

It turns out that pirates have appeared in Lome Port. They are quite large, with eight warships. They have occupied the port. Although they have not committed any crimes, Naga officials are still worried about safety. They temporarily blockade Lome Port and do not allow any ships to dock. Let people enter the port.

"What the hell is Big Head doing again? This is not his territory. Why did he bring the fleet here?"

Chen Yang muttered something, called the boss and asked, and it turned out that the fleet belonged to this guy.

The three bypassed the cordon and arrived at the port. When they saw the eight warships docked at Lome Port, their majestic and domineering appearance was indeed a bit scary.

And on the bow of the largest battleship, there was a person sitting with an extremely domineering posture, it was Datou.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Chen Yang shouted towards Da Tou.

Datou jumped off the battleship, landed on the ground at a height of more than ten meters, and then walked towards Chen Yang and the others.

"Ye Zi, long time no see."

"Xiao Bei, I heard that you went to Huachen to practice. How is your strength now?"

Da Tou hugged Ye Zi and Xiao Bei respectively, but ignored Chen Yang.

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Oh, Datou, you want to pretend you didn't see me?"

Da Tou said with a flat mouth: "Hey, last time you lied to me about diamonds, I'm still angry. If you don't have a good reason this time, I will let the fleet target you now."

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