Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4385 The weak and the strong

After the decision of the Beast Attack Alliance was made, the people below had already arranged things properly and started to implement them without the help of a few leaders.

However, for the sake of safety, the Attacking Beast Alliance still sent a Zunyu realm cultivator to control the situation on the way from Lihuan Star to Spirit Dragon Star.

Of course, this Sovereign Realm cultivator will not get close to the Luo Sheng Beast, and will always keep a distance of more than three stars.

After everything was arranged, He Yanqiu Ting returned to the house, only to find He Xian waiting for him.

"Axian, is something wrong?"

He Yanqiu Ting said lightly, walked into the room, sat down, and looked at He Xian.

He Xian looked solemn and said sternly: "Father, do you need to kill so many people to trap and kill Luo Sheng Beast? And from Lihuan Star to Linglong Star, the people on those stars are all innocent."

"The kindness of women."

He Yanqiu Ting showed displeasure and said in a deep voice: "Axian, you are good in all aspects, but you are too soft-hearted. The world of cultivation is a law of the jungle, and those strong men in the stars have already left after getting the news. , the rest are just weaklings."

He Xian frowned: "Father, what did those weak people do wrong? Do they deserve to die because they are not strong enough?"

"The weak will eat the strong, that's how it goes."

He Yanqiu Ting said righteously: "If you don't change your mind, you will suffer a loss sooner or later, and you will suffer a big loss, and even lose your life."

He Xian looked ugly, shook his head and said, "Father, I strongly disagree with your point of view. As a strong person, you should have the responsibility of the strong instead of bullying the weak."

"Weak people are ants."

He Yanqiu Ting snorted coldly and said to He Xian: "Go out, you will understand this truth sooner or later. Otherwise, you will never be qualified for the position of the head of the Beidou Holy Palace."

He Xian was silent for a moment, turned and left.

He Yanqiu Ting had a look of hatred on his face, shook his head and said: "Axian's character will make mistakes sooner or later, and there is no benefit. He must be changed."

The Luosheng beast was seduced in an orderly manner. Although there were some minor mistakes during the process, it quickly returned to normal.

The three major holy palaces, the Loose Cultivator Alliance, Xuanmen and other forces have now gathered in the star field near the Spirit Dragon Star, and are using formations to pay attention to the situation outside the Spirit Dragon Palace. As long as Luo Sheng Beast starts to attack the Spirit Dragon Palace Formation, they will teleport over and prepare to attack.

At this moment, Hu Jie, the cultivator of the Zunyu Realm who is responsible for paying attention to the whereabouts of the Luo Sheng Beast, is located in Wu Muxing, the star closest to the Spirit Dragon Palace. Looking at the bloody stumps everywhere, even he with a heart of iron feels that Back tingling.

The entire Wu Muxing, except for those cultivators in the Soaring Star Realm or well-informed cultivators who left early, all the remaining people were killed and devoured by the Luo Sheng Beast, and no one survived.

Not only humans, but also animals and monsters were not spared by Rashengmon.

It wasn't until the Luo Sheng Beast devoured everything, sensed the creature's breath, and flew in the direction of the Spirit Dragon Star that Wu Jie teleported over.

"With so many deaths, I hope it will succeed this time."

Wu Jie murmured in a low voice, and immediately took out the Yunyin Snail and said: "Report to the Lord of the Palace, the Luo Sheng Beast has rushed to the Spirit Dragon Star."

This news was quickly transmitted to several stars near Linglong Star, and the three major holy palaces and the casual cultivator alliance gathered together received the news.

Then, the news spread, and other forces, large and small, also learned about it.

The stars around the Spirit Dragon Star, or the stars that could be teleported to the Spirit Dragon Star, suddenly became excited. Everyone wanted to be the first to get the inheritance of Master Hao Lan.

As for killing the Luo Sheng Beast, no one cares at this moment.

He Xian walked among the crowd of Beidou Holy Mansion, looking at the back of his father He Yanqiu Ting in front of him, a complicated look flashed in his eyes.

This time Luosheng Beast was lured. According to uncertain statistics, on more than a hundred stars from Lihuan Star to Linglong Star, all the humans living there died, numbering in the trillions.

Trillions of people died like this just because of the plans of the three holy palaces.

And they had no idea what was going on.

He Xian was also one of the people who implemented the plan, which made him feel quite uncomfortable.


He Yanqiu Ting looked back at He Xian and said in a deep voice: "What time has it been, and you are still in a trance. The Luo Sheng beast has arrived at the Spirit Dragon Star, and we are about to set off for the Spirit Dragon Star."

"Yes, father."

He Xian responded and turned his gaze to the Xuanying wall not far away.

In order to monitor the situation of the entire Spirit Dragon Star, the three major holy palaces have deployed a large number of shadow wall eyes on the Spirit Dragon Star to transmit the scenes there to this side.

At this moment, there are hundreds of huge mysterious shadow walls, showing the different positions of the Spirit Dragon Star. Several of them show different directions of the Spirit Dragon Palace.

Everyone's eyes were focused on one of the mysterious shadow walls.

The image in this mysterious shadow wall is a city in Linglong Palace. Because Linglong Star is blocked, the people in Linglong Star do not know about trapping and killing Luo Sheng Beast, and they are still doing their own thing at this moment.

Little did they know that the Luo Sheng beast had arrived on the Spirit Dragon Star, and their end had come.


A huge monster landed in the city.

This monster has four thousand-meter long legs, a huge body, and two huge eyes protruding from the top of its head, with a dull and ferocious look in its eyes.

The monster is none other than Luo Shengmon.

Luoshengmon's huge body was split from top to bottom, and a ring-shaped mouth appeared on the surface of the body. There were no sharp teeth, only thick green saliva flowing out of the mouth.

Before the people in the city could recover, Luo Shengmon's mouth sucked in all directions, and the people in the city flew towards his mouth out of control.

Most of them were directly swallowed by him, while some landed at the corner of his mouth. They tried to struggle, but were sucked tightly, and finally fell into the mouth of Luo Sheng Beast, making no sound.

In less than a minute, all the creatures in the city, including pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep, were swallowed by the Luo Sheng beast.

Such a terrifying power made everyone watching through the Xuanying Wall feel frightened.

Several cultivators present at the third level of the Sovereign Realm, after measuring their own combat power, found that even if a few people join forces, they may not be able to deal with the Luo Sheng Beast.

"If Luo Sheng Beast breaks through the Spirit Dragon Palace's formation and eats everyone in the Spirit Dragon Palace, we won't be able to get the inheritance of Master Hao Lan."

Li Tongtian said with a worried look on his face.

Qi Nuohuan said: "I have checked the guardian formation of the Spirit Dragon Palace, and it can definitely resist the attack of the Luo Sheng Beast. If nothing unexpected happens, if the Luo Sheng Beast does not give up, it may even be seriously injured. When the time comes, , this is our chance. Kill the Luosheng beast! Break the formation!"

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