Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4527 Rootless stem, leafless and fruitless flower

Fortunately, everyone wanted to solve the mystery of bloodline at this moment, so they didn't pay too much attention to Yan Lianxin's reaction. Otherwise, everyone's attention would fall on Yan Lianxin, and she wouldn't know how shy she would be.

Yan Lian was feeling the power of Chen Yang's touch on his wrist, but before he could recover, Chen Yang had already retracted his hand.

She was stunned for a moment, then raised her eyes to look at Chen Yang with eyes full of eyes, but saw that Chen Yang's expression was clear and clear, without any other expression. She felt relieved, but she was immediately extremely disappointed and her eyes dimmed.

This resentful look made Chen Yang tremble in his heart, secretly thinking that this little girl's inadvertent behavior was full of charm and hard to guard against.

However, he knew that he would leave after solving the nine mysteries of the treasure house, and he really didn't want to seduce Yan Lian and let others have their own thoughts. Wouldn't it be leaving a love debt?

He took out a transparent glass test tube and said seriously: "Princess Lianxin, please give me your first drop of blood."

Yan Lianxin immediately dropped a drop of blood. Chen Yang held the glass test tube in his hand and added some spiritual herbs one after another. The color and concentration of the blood continued to change, and finally it turned into clear water.

Chen Yang observed for a long time, with a frown on his face that made everyone shake their heads, thinking that he had no way to solve the bloodline problem.

"Mr. Chen, you don't need to blame yourself. Monk Kuhan, the most brilliant bloodline master in the whole Jimo world, can't solve the problem of not being able to practice compassion. It's reasonable that you can't solve it."

Yan Liang thought that Chen Yang was too embarrassed to admit defeat because of his face, so he took the initiative to step down for Chen Yang.

However, Chen Yang shook his head and said in deep thought: "No, it's not that the problem cannot be solved, but that this problem is a bit tricky and what is needed is too rare."

Upon hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, wondering if Chen Yang was really more powerful than Monk Kuhan, right?

Yan Liang suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked, "Mr. Chen, what did you find?"

Chen Yang looked at the people with expectant faces and said: "Princess Lianxin's bloodline is indeed the bloodline of Tiandi Wuhen. However, she was given poison since she was a child, which caused the bloodline to be blocked and the entire bloodline to change. .so……"


Before Chen Yang could finish speaking, Yan Liang interrupted Chen Yang and said solemnly: "You mean, Lian Xin has taken poison since she was a child. What do you mean?"

"You don't know?"

Chen Yang showed a look of surprise and explained: "The poison Miss Lianxin took should be Blood Lotus. It needs to be taken from the age of three to seven years old. If it is taken slowly and without interruption, it will cause blood vessels to be blocked and the meridians to be blocked." If you have chaotic effects, you will not be able to practice.”

"Three to seven years old!"

Upon hearing Chen Yang's words, Yanlin pondered, his eyes flashed with deep anger, and his fists were clenched, implying murderous intent.

Yan Liang didn't know what was going on and asked, "What's going on?"

Yanlin muttered: "When Lianxin was three to seven years old, Concubine Chun was seriously ill and went to the outer star realm for treatment. During this period, Lianxin stayed with Queen Yu Miao. It seems that it was this longing that caused Yu Miao to The black heart blood lotus was given to Lian Xin to eat."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone else in the Yan family was furious.

"When Lian Xin was born, she was judged to be of the Wuhen bloodline of Tiandi. Yu Miao must have been jealous, so she assassinated Lian Xin."

"Maybe even Princess Chun's illness was caused by her secretly, just to distract Princess Chun."

"She took over the Yan family for Yan Ting, and she was so heartless. Our Yan family is harmonious and united, but such a disaster has happened!"

Hearing these voices, Yanlin became even more angry.

He gave an order: "Yan Li, go and arrest Yu Miao immediately and put her in prison. When things happen here, I will interrogate both mother and daughter together!"

One is his wife and the other is his son, and now they are both imprisoned. Yanlin's mood is a mixture of anger, disappointment, pain, and self-blame.

Yan Li took the order and left. There was silence in the treasure house, and everyone looked unhappy.

Especially Yan Lianxin. Although Yu Miao was dissatisfied with her before, she remembered that Yu Miao took care of her when she was a child, so she didn't hold a grudge. She just regarded it as Yu Miao's love for her son.

But she didn't expect that Yu Miao's concern back then actually contained murderous intent.

Seeing that Yan Lianxin's tears were about to flow out, Yan Liang couldn't bear to see them, so he quickly changed the subject and said to Chen Yang, "Mr. Chen, is there a solution to Lianxin's situation?"


Chen Yang nodded, making everyone happy.

He continued: "Originally, it was only necessary to detoxify the Black Heart Blood Lotus, but now it is more troublesome. However, if you can find a rootless, stemless, leafless, fruitless flower, I will have a way to detoxify it. Restore Princess Lianxin’s meridians and bloodline, and activate her worldless bloodline.”

It has no roots, no stems, no leaves and no fruit. It is a rare spiritual herb.

Because there are no roots, stems, leaves and fruits, how this flower grows is a strange thing. Therefore, this spiritual grass has no seeds and can only grow out of thin air. It is unknown where it comes from.

This object is so rare that even Lao Li said he had only seen it twice.

But unexpectedly, when he heard Chen Yang's words, Yan Liang's face lit up with joy and he said: "Yes, there is a flower with no roots, no stems, no leaves and no fruit. We happen to have one in our treasure house."

"Ah, what a coincidence." Chen Yang looked surprised.

Yan Liang immediately ordered someone to get it. He saw that the flower was only about the size of a thumb and had no branches. The lower part of the flower was sunk into a ball of suspended soil, slowly floating in the air.

This flower has no roots, no stems, no leaves and no fruits, but it has not been picked yet.

"Mr. Chen, what should we do next?" Yan Liang asked impatiently.

Chen Yang glanced at Yan Lianxin, who had been peeking at him, but saw that Yan Lianxin's eyes were full of spring, and he quickly looked away.

He was conflicted in his heart. The next steps were a bit ambiguous. If he continued, Yan Lian would be even more deeply involved in the love between a man and a woman.

But if we don't continue, how can we solve Yan Lianxin's problem?

Pass the method on to others?

This will definitely not work. Without Lao Li's guidance, if one step is wrong, this rootless, stemless, leafless and fruitless flower will be ruined, and there will be no second chance.

Chen Yang shook his head helplessly and said to Yan Liang: "Senior, can you please stay away from me for a while?"

Everyone was surprised and didn't know what Chen Yang meant.

At this time, Yan Liang trusted Chen Yang very much. He waved his hand and said, "You all come with me?"

He led everyone away, not just a hundred meters away, but five hundred meters away.

In front of the Nine Mysteries Treasure House, only Chen Yang's compassionate heart remained.

Yan Lianxin stared at Chen Yang and said leisurely: "Mr. Chen, what are you... planning to do?"


Chen Yang stuttered, waved his right hand, and a screen surrounded the two of them, with a bed in the middle.

He said to Yan Lian: "Princess, please lie down first."


Yan Lianxin exclaimed, her pretty face turned purple.

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