Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4536 Practice before battle

At the moment when Chen Yang set up the Nine-Turn Upside Down Formation, Wu Xiong's sword light also came over and hit the surface light screen of the Nine-Turn Upside Down Array with a bang.

I saw the light curtain rippling like water waves, and dots of light flickered. The sword light was not blocked and hit directly down.

Chen Yang was startled and thought to himself that the Nine-Turn Reversal Formation was useless.

He was regretting that he had not tried it before, but he saw that after the sword light submerged into the light screen, it came out from another area of ​​the light screen and did not penetrate.

As one enters and one exits, it is as if the two areas of the light curtain are connected to each other by a special space channel.

When the sword light was completely submerged in the light curtain, the sword light that emerged from another position of the light screen also completely flew out and soared into the sky.

"Fortunately it's useful."

Chen Yang secretly breathed a sigh of relief and used a large number of sphere formations covering him. He saw that the formation disks were not evenly distributed, but divided the entire sphere into nine prismatic areas according to certain positions.

The function of the Nine-Bend Inversion Formation is to transfer the attack from this diamond-shaped block to other diamond-shaped blocks and reflect it when it is hit.

In other words, this is a space distortion formation, rather than completely resisting attacks with strength.

"What formation is this?"

Wu Xiong saw that his attack was reflected into the sky, suspicion flashed in his eyes, he looked at the spherical light curtain covering Chen Yang, flew down, and said to Chen Yang in a cold voice through the light curtain: "Haha, I thought there was Can this defensive formation resist it? I don’t believe it, can you still stay in it?”

After he finished speaking, Wu Xiong swung his sword and attacked Chen Yang again.

This time, his sword light was even more fierce, and it was blessed with the power of the domain.

However, the sword light attack on the light screen was still reflected from another diamond-shaped block. Not to mention hurting Chen Yang at all, even the formation was not shaken at all.


Wu Xiong looked angry, glared at Chen Yang fiercely, stepped up his attack, and struck out with another sword.

Unfortunately, the result is still the same.

He became more and more angry, and released the sword light one after another. He tried various methods and tried to attack the formation disk.

No matter what he did, the final attack would always go in from one diamond-shaped block and out from that diamond-shaped block, and the result would remain the same.

This Nine-Bend Inversion Formation is enough to defend against all attacks under the Seventh Level of One Star. Even if Wu Xiong bombards it to the end of the world, he can't even think of breaking through it.

"Chen Yang, I must kill you."

Wu Xiong pointed his sword at Chen Yang, roared fiercely, and then fell into deep thought.

At this moment, the five people from Ling Yuzong who followed also arrived. They saw Chen Yang setting up the formation, and even Wu Xiong was helpless. They didn't go up to ask for trouble. They just stood behind to guard against Wu Xiong if he killed Chen Yang. Yang, don’t let Wu Xiong take away all Chen Yang’s treasures.

After all, the agreement between Wu Xiong and Ding Kun was that Ding Kun would help, and all the gains would go to Ding Kun.

Wu Xiong didn't pay attention to the five Ling Yu Sect disciples, who were thinking hard, his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Hahaha, I have it."

Chen Yang's expression changed slightly. He knew how to break this Nine-Turn Reversal Formation. It was quite complicated.

This Wu Xiong is obviously not a master of formations. After just a moment of effort, he actually thought of a way to break the formation. Is it possible?

I saw Wu Xiong rising into the air and suddenly slashing down with his sword. The sword light was a hundred meters wide, covering half of the light curtain of the Nine-Turn Upside Down Formation.

The power of this sword light is terrifying, but its speed is not particularly fast.

The moment after the sword light was released, Wu Xiong moved swiftly to the other side of the Nine-Bend Upside Down Formation, swung his sword out, and another hundred-meter-wide sword light shrouded the other side of the sphere.

The speed of this sword light was faster than the one just now.

In this way, the two sword lights not only enveloped the entire formation, but also hit the formation at the same time.

Seeing this, Chen Yang immediately understood Wu Xiong's thoughts and couldn't help but laugh.

Wu Xiong sneered self-righteously and said: "Chen Yang, your formation can distort and reflect attacks. If this is the case, then I will cover your entire formation under the offensive and see if you have any gaps to reflect."

As soon as he finished speaking, a roar came from the Nine-Turn Upside Down Formation.

Wu Xiong looked happy, thinking that now, the light curtain should be broken.

But then, the loud noise disappeared, and the huge sword light he released was divided into nine rays and reflected in all directions.

One of them was extremely fast and headed straight for Wu Xiong.


Wu Xiong's expression changed drastically. Fortunately, the sword light he released just now was not very fast. Otherwise, he would be very close at the moment and would not even have time to dodge.

After he dodged the sword light in embarrassment, he took a closer look and saw that Chen Yang was standing within the formation, unscathed.

On the contrary, among the five Ling Yu Sect disciples, one of them, a one-star and two-level cultivator, was killed by the sword light because he did not dodge in time.

"Brother Wu, stop, don't attack like this."

The leader, Wang Li, was afraid that Wu Xiong would come again, so he shouted quickly.


Wu Xiong snorted coldly and ignored it. He stared at Chen Yang in the formation with a sinister look, gritted his teeth and said: "Chen Yang, do you want to hide inside you for the rest of your life?"

"I will hide for the rest of my life, will you guard me for the rest of your life?"

Chen Yang smiled playfully and asked.

Wu Xiong was so angry that he sat cross-legged on a towering rock a hundred meters away from Chen Yang and said, "In that case, let's compare who has better patience."


Chen Yang smiled and nodded, looking very much in agreement.

The other four Ling Yu Sect disciples were speechless and could only wait nearby, thinking that when Ding Kun came, there might be a way to break the formation.

When the two sides were in a stalemate, Mi Li rushed over from a distance.

When she saw that Chen Yang was hiding in the formation and that he was not in danger for the time being, she breathed a sigh of relief and did not show up, hiding in the forest.

She knew very well that if she showed up at this moment, Wu Xiong would definitely try every means to capture her and threaten Chen Yang.

Therefore, she couldn't show up and could only wait for the opportunity.

After thinking for a while, seeing that the two sides were in a stalemate and that Chen Yang was fine, Mi Li turned around and went back to help Zeng Shuncheng and Yu Ding.

As long as the people over there are dealt with and there are only a few Wu Xiong left, there won't be anything to worry about.

"Although this Nine-Turn Inversion Formation can be set up anytime and anywhere, it cannot be moved. It seems that if I want to leave this place, I can only break through the realm and solve the trouble outside."

Chen Yang stared at Wu Xiong and the others, and pondered to himself. Without hesitation, he immediately closed his eyes and started running the "Nine Turns of Stars" to refine the remaining power of the Chongxuan Pill in his body.

After this period of fusion, his realm has been stabilized, and the medicinal power of those Chongxuan Pills has also been integrated with his body, and only needs to be refined and absorbed.

Therefore, this step was very easy for him.

However, the difficulty in advancing to the Hexing Realm is not the improvement of energy, but the ability to perceive the stars and integrate the stars.

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