Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4686 Switch sides again

Jin Yanyu, who leads the five sect alliances, is very high-spirited at the moment, looking at the Haoqi sword pavilion below with a bit of disdain in his eyes.

He didn't believe that Haoqi Jiange could resist such a situation.

Today is the day of the destruction of Jiange.

After hearing Jin Yanyu's words, all the people in the sword pavilion raised their heads and looked into the sky, with fear in their eyes.

Xiu Moyuan couldn't let go of his momentum, so he jumped up and shouted: "Jin Yanyu, what do you, the five major sects, want to do?"

Seeing that Xiu Moyuan was full of energy and not timid at all, the noise in the sword pavilion gradually became quieter, and everyone's fear calmed down a bit.

"Xiu Moyuan, can't you see? We are here to destroy your Haoqi Sword Pavilion."

The one who answered Xiu Moyuan was not Jin Yanyu in the air.

The voice came from the west, and the speaker was Ying Luoxiao from Jiuluo Sect.

Seeing Ying Luoxiao talking before him, Jin Yanyu's eyes flashed with displeasure, and he secretly thought in his heart that after Ling Yu Sect surpassed the nine major sects, he would definitely teach Jiu Luo Sect a lesson.

"Xiu Moyuan, you'd better surrender and don't resist fearlessly, otherwise, you will all be annihilated." Ding Wannian said with a smile on his face: "I kindly remind you, I hope you will think twice before acting. , don’t make the mistake of yourself.”

The master of the Contracting Valley never returned, and Shi Dong, the leader of the Ghost Sect, did not speak, but stared coldly at the Haoqi Sword Pavilion.

This battle really made the disciples of Jiange feel unsure.

Xiu Moyuan was about to speak, but Jin Yanyu said loudly: "Xiu Moyuan, let Qin Guan come out, I don't want to waste words with you here. Now in the Haoqi Sword Pavilion, the person who can decide the situation is not you, but It’s Qin Guan.”

Hearing this, Xiu Moyuan and others were stunned for a moment.

Then they realized that the other party, like the Confucianism and Fa Sect, thought that the support of Haoqi Sword Pavilion was Qin Guan, who did not exist at all.

Xiu Moyuan shook his head and said coldly: "Jin Yanyu, you are wrong, Master Qin Guan is not here at all."

Jin Yanyu smiled disdainfully and said: "Xiu Moyuan, don't even think about lying to me. If it weren't for Qin Guan, how could you have defeated Zhang Yanting and taken down the entire Confucianism and Legalism Sect. What's more, I have witnesses for this matter."

"Witness?" Xiu Moyuan looked suspicious.

Behind Jin Yanyu, Gai Yuanruo flew out and said with a gloomy face, "I am the witness."

"It's Senior Brother Gai."

"Senior Brother Gai is not dead."

"I understand, the five major sects joined forces to attack Haoqi Sword Pavilion. It was the reinforcements invited by Senior Brother Gai."

Seeing Gai Yuanruo appear, the disciples of Confucianism and Fa Sect were in an uproar.

Hearing the commotion below, Xiu Moyuan couldn't help frowning and shouted: "Quiet, everyone. You are all disciples of Haoqi Sword Pavilion now. Let's advance and retreat together."

The disciples of the Confucian and Fa Sect stopped making noises, but in their hearts, they had complicated thoughts. They didn't know whether they should follow the Hao Qi Jiange or join Gai Yuanruo, help the five major sects to destroy the Hao Qi Sword Pavilion, and avenge the Confucian and Fa Sect.

Seeing that the morale of Haoqi Jiange's troops was unstable, Gai Yuanruo immediately shouted: "Junior brothers and junior sisters of Confucianism and Fa Sect, you are all my fellow sects. Now the five sects' alliance is here to rescue you, so why do you have to obey Jiange's orders.

As long as the junior brothers and sisters are willing to resist, please stand up immediately. I, Gai Yuanruo, will definitely ensure that you are safe and sound, and can restore the Confucianism and Legalism Sect. "

These words were told by Jin Yanyu to Gai Yuanruo before coming here.

Of course, Jin Yanyu did not really want to restore Confucianism and Legalism, but planned to absorb all these disciples of Confucianism and Legalism into Lingyu Sect.

Although these disciples are not top experts, they are the backbone. If they can be absorbed, the strength of Ling Yu Sect can be improved a lot.

At that time, among the nine major sects, they will have more say.

And at this moment, if the disciples of Confucianism and Fa Sect surrender, it will have a huge impact on the entire Haoqi Sword Pavilion, and it will be easier to fight later.

It has to be said that Jin Yanyu's plan is very cunning.

Sure enough, after Gai Yuanruo finished speaking, the disciples of the Confucianism and Fa Sect became restless.

After all, they had joined Haoqi Jiange not long ago. Although they were grateful for Jiange's magnanimous handling attitude, they also liked the harmonious and united atmosphere of Jiange very much.

However, in their hearts, they still regard themselves as disciples of Confucianism and Legalism.

At least most disciples have this mentality.

Now that they can defeat their former opponents and regain their sect, why wouldn't they be willing to do so?

"Senior Brother Gai, I believe you."

A disciple of Confucianism and Legalism shouted loudly, rose into the air, and flew towards the air.

Seeing this, Shangzhou frowned and whispered to Xiu Moyuan: "Pavilion Master, how should we deal with it?"

Xiu Moyuan turned his eyes and looked at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang smiled calmly and said: "Let them go, they will regret it later. We are just in time to take this opportunity to get rid of these people."

The Confucian and Legalist disciple flew high into the sky and stood side by side with Gai Yuanruo without receiving any attacks.

This scene was beyond everyone's expectations.

In Jin Yanyu's view, Haoqi Jiange would never tolerate this happening and would directly take action to kill the rebellious Confucian and Legalist disciples.

As a result, the disciples of the Confucianism and Fa Sect will inevitably become even more angry and will directly attack the people inside the Haoqi Sword Pavilion.

At this time, Jin Yanyu's plan was to launch a general attack.

Unfortunately, the development of things was not as he expected.

The Haoqi sword pavilion actually did not intercept it.

With the first person, there is the second person.

Then, the Confucianism and Fa Sect disciples who had surrendered to the Haoqi Sword Pavilion rose into the air one after another and flew towards the sky.

Seeing this, Jin Yanyu was confused, did Haoqi Jiange really let these people go.

However, although he missed an opportunity to break through the opponent's interior, the situation was still under his control and he was not anxious at all.

“If the Confucian and Legalist disciples who have submitted to Jiange do not want to stay, they can leave.

But remember, from the moment you make your choice, you are a traitor to Jiange.

Haoqi Jiange treats surrenderers with magnanimity and equal treatment.

But when dealing with traitors, there is only one outcome, death! "

Just when a large number of Confucian and Legalist disciples chose to leave Jiange, a voice came from the senior officials of Jiange.

Everyone took a closer look and found that the speaker was Chen Yang.

Xiao Fei and Han Mei were still in the sword pavilion and did not make a decision immediately.

At this moment, looking at Chen Yang's calm eyes, Xiao Fei's heart skipped a beat. He looked at the five sect alliances in the sky, smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It seems that Jin Yanyu, Ding Wannian and others will be buried here today. ”

Han Mei was stunned for a moment and glanced at Xiao Fei suspiciously, wondering why he was so sure.

"Chen Yang, you have such a loud tone."

Suddenly, a loud shout came from the air.

Nangong Huntian was seen coming out of the crowd, staring at Chen Yang eagerly.

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