Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4706 Concealment

Cannon looked up at the statue and explained to Chen Yang: "This statue, they call it the Dog God, is the true god believed by the Chichi tribe.

It is said that many thousands of years ago, the dog god saved the Chichi tribe and moved the tribe here so that the people could live and work in peace and contentment.

After that, the dog god became the highest belief of the Chichi tribe.

And coincidentally, the dog god and I look exactly the same.

Therefore, the natives of the Chichi tribe all thought that I was a dog god, a true god descending to earth, so they were very respectful to me. "

After a pause, Cannon sighed: "Boss, tell me, am I really the dog god from tens of thousands of years ago, a majestic god?"

"Almost insane." Chen Yang muttered, pointed at Cannon's underwear and said, "These underwear were specially customized by you to look exactly like the dog god?"

Da Pao said: "Of course, I feel that after wearing it, my whole body, no, my whole dog is motivated, and I have the energy to do anything."

Chen Yang looked contemptuous and continued: "Did you also choose the name Chichi Tribe?"

"Of course." Da Pao nodded proudly and said seriously: "Although the indigenous people here are kind and friendly, they have no culture. How can they come up with such a meaningful name. Now, they like the name Chichi Tribe very much. I I still remember when I first announced, they all praised me for being smart.”

"It seems that you are too happy to be here."

Chen Yang smiled and teased.

Cannon rolled his eyes and said: "This place is isolated from the rest of the world. It's really quite pleasant. How about you stay with me? Why do you have to get involved with all the trouble."

Chen Yang shook his head helplessly and said: "Cannon, don't forget, I still have to help Lao Li find the distraction mind. In addition, the junior sister has also been taken to the ninth place of the Sacred Star Road by the Tao family. There is a vast world within the world, I must save her.”

Hearing this, Da Pao was silent for a moment, and said in a mature way: "Without my help, you will definitely not be able to do it alone. It seems that I still have to leave here and go with you. Alas, Chen Yang, you said you are not young anymore, Can’t we just save ourselves some trouble?”

Looking at the pretentious Cannon, Chen Yang was speechless for a while and clenched his fists. If he hadn't seen many natives around him looking at him, he would have almost hit Cannon on the head.

He could only say angrily: "Let's go, take me to see your bedroom."

"Come with me."

The cannon's "chamber" is a thatched house larger than other buildings, not far from the statue.

After entering and closing the door, Chen Yang kicked Cannon on the butt and said, "Damn fat dog, it's been so long since we last seen each other. You've gone too far in showing off."

Without anyone else here, Cannon showed his true colors. It was too troublesome to get up after falling, so he just lay on the ground without moving.

He looked sideways at Chen Yang, with a shameless look, stretched out his paws to lift up his somewhat baggy underwear, and said to Chen Yang: "Boss, give me some face. After all, this is my territory. If I lose my dignity, , wouldn’t it destroy the people’s faith?”

"You are the only one who still believes?"

Chen Yang rolled his eyes at the cannon, sat down, and asked, "By the way, have you ever asked why there is a statue of you here?"

"That's not me."

Cannon shook his head and said: "Although I am very similar to that dog god, we are not exactly the same. And although the Chichi tribe has no written language, it is passed down orally and there are also some legends related to the dog god.

My people say that the dog god has great power and can swallow a star in one bite. He is an eternal super strong man.

At that time, this tribe was also very strong, but due to the decline of the war, it was almost wiped out.

All because the dog god appeared at that time and saved them.

Later, the Dog God placed them here, but because the environment of this star was not good, some formations were arranged in the surrounding stars to gather star energy and spiritual power to this star.

The legend of the dog god eating stars happened at that time.

According to what my people said, it was because one of the stars hindered the arrangement of the formation, so the dog god ate the star in one bite. "

Having said this, Cannon glanced at his belly and shook his head: "The stars are so big, even I can't eat them. The so-called legend of the dog god must be false."

"That's not necessarily the case." Chen Yang mused: "There is a legend about the Tengu eating the sun on Earth. There may not be dogs that can eat stars in the vast sea of ​​stars.

Maybe the true dog god believed by the Chichi tribe is the Sky-Swallowing Demon Emperor among the seven demon emperors.

However, it is obviously impossible for the Demon Emperor to swallow the sky. He looks so similar to you and only wears a pair of underwear. It is really unsightly. The Demon Emperor is not of that caliber. "

Hearing this, Da Pao looked displeased: "You mean, I have no quality?"

Chen Yang didn't answer Cannon, but suddenly his eyes lit up and he said: "By the way, Cannon, you said you can have a special sense of this place. Could it be that you and that dog god really have some kind of connection, right?"

Cannon scratched his head and seemed to be thinking, but in the end he looked indifferent and spread his hands and said: "How do I know there is any connection, and I don't know him."

Chen Yang frowned and said: "He looks so similar to you, but you are not interested at all and want to find out his origins?

Moreover, don’t you think it’s weird that after eating such a powerful treasure as the Ten Thousand Demon Order, you didn’t die and gained powerful devouring ability?

Maybe your bloodline is not simple by nature, don’t you want to find out?

Coupled with the fact that you were able to activate the Sky-Swallowing Demon Emperor's star field shuttle before, it is now certain that your bloodline is by no means that simple, and you are not an ordinary Chinese pastoral dog. "

Chen Yang spoke seriously, but Da Pao yawned, waved his hand to Chen Yang and said, "If you want to find out, go and investigate. As long as I have food and sleep, I can work with you, junior sister, and Lao Li I am satisfied when we are together. I don’t want to know about anything else, and I don’t want to get involved.”

Da Pao had a lazy look, seemingly not caring about anything, but his words "I don't want to get involved" made Chen Yang understand the underlying meaning.

What is it that he doesn't want to get involved with?

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows, walked up to DaPao, and said seriously: "DaPao, what are you hiding?"

"Conceal it?" Cannon turned over, turned his face to the wall, and muttered: "I don't need to hide anything. I want to sleep, you..."

"You already know your life experience?"

Chen Yang was startled. He turned the cannon to face him and said seriously: "You don't want to face your life experience? Do you have something to hide? What is it that you don't want to get involved in?"

"Why are you asking so many questions?!"

Cannon roared and opened Chen Yang's hand with his claws. With a sullen look on his face, he turned around angrily and ignored Chen Yang.

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