Urban magic doctor

Chapter 473 Shocked the whole audience

"Shu Ji" is a very famous hacker in the world. His strength is definitely among the top three. Zeng Jin has done many amazing things and is very famous in the entire IT circle.

The most awesome thing he did was to attack the Lion Kingdom's information center.

Even though he just went in for a walk and did not steal military secrets, this incident caused a huge sensation at the time.

Especially in the IT circle, the name "Shuji" is known to everyone.

But no one in the main control room expected that the hacker who invaded the institute turned out to be the super hacker Ji Ji.

With such a master, no wonder no one can deal with him.

Hackers are hidden behind computers, and their appearance has never been revealed in several episodes. This is also the first time that everyone has seen his appearance in several episodes.

What is unexpected is that in several episodes, he claimed to be from the Lion Kingdom, but he turned out to be from the Southern Elephant Kingdom.

So even when Chen Yang saw the other party, he didn't think of him in several episodes.

At this moment, everyone came back to their senses and looked at Chen Yang.

Jiji is awesome, but Chen Yang actually plays Jiji with applause. Then his strength is even more powerful than the world-famous Jiji, and much more powerful.

Everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Chen Yang, showing admiration.

Even several young female researchers had hearts in their eyes.

After hearing the confident words in several episodes, Chen Yang smiled lightly and said, "Are you too confident? Do you really think you are the world's number one hacker?"

In the monitor, Jiji slapped the table and said: "Even if you are not the best in the world, there are few people who are better than me. You can beat me today, it's just a fluke. And you don't even dare to reveal your identity, you are afraid of my revenge. Do you? If you have the ability, just tell me who you are."

"Want to provoke me into revealing my identity?"

Chen Yang sneered and said jokingly: "Think about it, who likes to play games with their opponents during a hacker battle."

On the monitor, several episodes were lost in thought.

But only two seconds later, Jiji's face showed a look of horror, his body trembled, and he exclaimed; "You...you are God!"

That's right, Chen Yang's hacker codename is also called God.

What, he is God!

After hearing the words of several episodes, everyone in the main control room was stunned, as if they had heard the most incredible thing in the world.

The sophomore student from Dayi Polytechnic University in front of me is actually a famous hacker in the world, God!

Is this true or false? !

Although God has not taken any action for a year or two, His past deeds are more and more impressive.

There were all IT professionals present, and they were very familiar with God's reputation.

Although several episodes are strong, they are still far behind compared to God.

Moreover, God's hacking methods are very interesting, and he turns battles into games every time. This unique method has allowed him to gain a large number of fans all over the world.

There were many people at the scene who were fans of God, including Ren Keming, the deputy dean of the School of Computer Science.

"Chen Yang, you...are you really God?"

Ren Keming asked, his tone trembling with excitement.

Chen Yang nodded slightly and admitted.

After receiving the confirmation, everyone present took a deep breath.

Just now, they witnessed a battle between God and several hackers, which ended with God's victory.

Awesome, wonderful.

Of course, most of them are incomprehensible.

No matter God or a few episodes, the methods of the two big hackers cannot be fully understood by those present.

Especially God, who has extraordinary strength and treats fighting as a game.

"God, you are actually God. Didn't you retire? Why are you here? Did Wei Li invite you out to deal with me?"

Chen Yang's identity was confirmed in several episodes, causing waves of exclamations.

After a moment of silence, he gritted his teeth and sighed: "It turned out to be God. I am not unjust for losing to you. If it weren't for you, I would have successfully stolen all the data of the "Black Hole" project today."

Chen Yang said: "After a few episodes, I remember that you are not an evil warrior. Why did you help the 'Temple' steal this data?"

"It's very simple, because this is a great opportunity for me to achieve something. The experience of quietly taking Wei Li's data is remarkable enough and will give me supreme honor in the hacker circle."

"But have you ever thought that if the 'Temple' takes this data, it will cause harm to many people, and the consequences will be disastrous."

"That's none of my business. They paid me 100 million gold. I just need to do things."

Chen Yang said disdainfully, "Such a huge data, do you think it's only worth 100 million gold?"

"Of course it's more, but money is not important to me. What I want is honor. It would be too difficult to attack Weili's internal system if I relied solely on my own strength. And it would be even more impossible to do it if there is such a long period of data transmission. But the 'Temple' provided me with a piece of code with internal permissions. I used this code to hide my identity and have enough time to transmit the data. I don't want to let go of this opportunity. It's a pity that I met you."

After listening to several episodes, Chen Yang's idea was verified. There is indeed a mole in this research institute.

Everyone also heard the meaning of Jiji, and they all looked at each other in confusion.

"Internal code snippet? Impossible, how could they have it?"

"These have many layers of encryption. If they had cracked them, they would have alerted us. It seems that someone leaked the code snippets."

"No wonder we couldn't find several episodes just now. It turned out to be disguised with internal permission codes."

"Who is the traitor? Come forward."

The last sentence was said by Qing Li.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. No one stood up and there was no suspicious person.

Chen Yang then talked to Ji Ji and said: "Now, let me ask you two questions. If you answer truthfully, I will keep your address and video secret. Otherwise, you will be wanted all over the world."

"Video, what video? Ah! Bastard, you actually hacked into my phone and used its camera!"

Several episodes raged.

Immediately afterwards, the picture on the monitor in front of Chen Yang went dark. It was obvious that the camera had been destroyed in several episodes.

However, this does not affect the conversation between the two.

A few episodes later, he learned that his true identity had been revealed. After a moment of silence, he had to agree: "God, I hope you can keep your promise."

"Of course, as long as you don't harm Hua Jinguo, I can let you go."

"Okay, just ask."

Seeing that Jiji had agreed, Chen Yang's eyes narrowed and he asked in a deep voice: "Has the Holy Church revealed to you what they want to do to obtain the cloud data of the 'Black Hole'?"

"I didn't go into details, but it should have something to do with Nan Xinghai, because they told me that if there is no time, they will filter out the data related to Nan Xinghai and transmit it separately. But these idiots have no idea that such a huge amount of data can be filtered out. It takes more time than the entire transfer.”

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