Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4749 Space Turnameter

Five days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past few days, Chen Yang has been paying attention to the changes in the warehouse every day. From Zhao Kuan's team, ten people stood firm here, and the manpower gradually decreased. In the end, only two one-star and five-level cultivators were left here.

Chen Yang could easily solve such a lineup, so he decided to take action immediately.

"This place is empty. There will be no one here. It seems that the leader made a mistake in his judgment."

"We have been waiting for five days and nothing has changed. Could it be that those three people can still open a hole in the void and escape?"

The two one-star and five-level cultivators on guard complained helplessly.

But just as they finished speaking, a blue vortex appeared in the void, transmitting the power of space, causing their expressions to suddenly change.

"Go and notify..."

One of them reacted very quickly, knowing that he was no match for Qi Yu, so he hurriedly left to inform the top management at Daybreak.

However, at this moment, a palm shadow suddenly appeared in the void, grabbing the two of them and pulling them directly into the blue vortex and entering the small world of Wrath of the Sky.

"Where is this? What happened?"

"Ah! Miss!"

"Who is this, Qi Yu?"

The two members of Breaking Dawn were grabbed by Poxu's palm and stared at the three people in front of them with their mouths open.

Chen Yang didn't give them a chance to continue talking, so he knocked them unconscious, and then asked Mi Li and Mo Qing to take them to the Haoqi Sword Pavilion and lock them up.

"Chen Yang, be careful."

When parting, Mo Qing and Mi Li both said to Chen Yang with worried faces.

After all, Chen Yang was facing two strong men at the two-star level of the United Star Realm, and there was no room for any carelessness.

After everything was explained, Chen Yang disguised himself as Qi Yu, walked out of the small world, and arrived at the abandoned warehouse.

He did not stay. The moment the door to the small world closed, he immediately left according to the previously planned route.

It was still late at night, and although he had people patrolling the city at dawn, they could not cover the entire Black and White City.

The areas where Chen Yang's map appeared were either abandoned houses or dark alleys. No one noticed his whereabouts along the way. He easily entered the Black City from the White City.

The Black City is the center of dawn. There are many masters here and there are many formations. One mistake may cause an alarm.

Fortunately, Mo Qing knew all the routes and secret passages here, and told Chen Yang.

For him, it was safer in the Black City.

Because he directly used the goggle field to determine the direction and distance, and mapped it into the hidden secret passage underground, there was no need to worry about anyone discovering him.

Strangely enough, Dawn is in sub-space and will not be invaded by foreign enemies. Building a secret passage seems to have no meaning.

"Is there something else hidden in this secret passage?"

Chen Yang looked at the dark corridor in front of him and thought to himself.

However, saving Mi Li's mother was more important now. He didn't think much about why the secret passage existed, and immediately accelerated towards the depths of the secret passage.

The Black Prison is underground, but it is not in the same area as the secret passage in front of him. Chen Yang needs to map into another secret passage to reach the Black Prison.

Before coming, Chen Yang had already heard from Mo Qing that the Black Prison was the most heavily defended prison in Daybreak, and the people in it were at least one-star seventh-level cultivators.

Of course, there are not many people detained in the black prison, less than ten people in total.

There are two main difficulties in opening the Black Prison.

First, the person guarding the black prison is a mysterious strong man with a one-star ninth level. He has never appeared in public at dawn. Mo Qing has also heard his mother Liu Feixu mention it. She does not know the specific situation of this person.

Chen Yang was not worried about this problem. Even Lin Dahai was defeated by him and Cannon. The one-star cultivator was not something he would be afraid of.

The second difficulty in opening the Black Prison is to crack the formation that seals the Black Prison.

What the formation is is unknown.

But what is certain is that this formation is extremely powerful, and no one except Mo Ranbai can open it.

Even if Chen Yang couldn't crack the formation method, there was still Lao Li.

Therefore, the two difficulties mentioned by Mo Qing are not difficult for Chen Yang.

The only thing he was worried about at the moment was that his whereabouts would be exposed and the ink would turn white.

"Hey, what is this?"

While Chen Yang was thinking, he suddenly discovered that the construction of the secret passage ahead was different from the road he had traveled before.

It was previously made of masonry, but this section was made of blue metal, and the passage was uneven. It looked like rectangular parallelepiped metal piled up around it, leaving a crowded passage in the middle.

This metal passage is definitely not a natural formation. It must have a special purpose to create it like this.

Moreover, those staggered rectangular metals overlapped one another, giving Chen Yang a strange visual effect, as if the space in the distance had been drawn closer to him.

"Space... could it be..."

Chen Yang was startled and immediately called Lao Li out of the sea of ​​​​consciousness and asked: "Old Li, take a look, what is this?"

Old Li took a closer look, and a strange color flashed in his eyes, and said: "Spatial rotation meter!"

"What?" Chen Yang asked doubtfully.

Old Li Shenso flew forward, observed carefully, and turned back to Chen Yang and said: "This black and white city is located in the sub-space, and it constantly absorbs the space power of the main world to stabilize the sub-space.

This space transducer absorbs and stores a small part of the space power before it is fully integrated into the subspace.

The power of this part of space is not strong. Cultivators can absorb and refine it as long as they master the secret methods related to space.

However, even the weak space power cannot be underestimated.

Moreover, the space transducer can continuously absorb space power without affecting the stability of the subspace. If this cycle continues, the space power that can be stored will be very objective.

It seems that you have underestimated Li Xiao, I am afraid that Mo Ranbai is secretly practicing space power and has achieved some success. "

Chen Yang muttered: "No wonder he is so ambitious. It turns out he controls the power of space! This secret passage is just to get rid of his space transducer."

Lao Li said: "What you see now is only part of the spatial rotation meter. If you look down carefully, there should be a large part buried underground."

Chen Yang sensed it and found that a thousand meters underground was made of the same material as the metal in front of him. In other words, the space transducer was as large as a kilometer.

After all, it is space power. It is extremely difficult to withstand it, let alone store it. A kilometer-long space transducer is not excessive at all.


At this moment, the rectangular metal in front of Chen Yang heard a buzzer and vibrated slightly.

While he was wondering what was going on, Lao Li's eyes lit up and he said in surprise: "The space power of the space rotator is full, and it can be absorbed now."

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