Urban magic doctor

Chapter 4832 Tianyun Wasteland

Chen Yang closed his eyes tightly and concentrated on absorbing the power of space.

He didn't sense at all that there was space distortion in the area around his body.

At this time, the spatial structure of the entire Black and White City subspace was still in an overall stable state, with only a few areas showing spatial fluctuations and distortions.

As for the collapse of space, that is even more distant.

But this time, Chen Yang's luck was not good at all. The spatial distortion happened to appear in the area around his body.

He was still concentrating on absorbing the power of space. At this time, another change occurred.

He saw space distortion above his head, like a mirage, and some wonderful scenes appeared. Someone actually appeared in that distorted space.

Then, cities, towers, and empty ships appeared.

These scenes seemed to be shrunk and placed in the area above Chen Yang's head.

And these scenes are obviously not the scenes in the black and white city.

So what's going on with the distortion of space here?

However, no matter what happened, as long as the space was distorted, it would be detrimental to Chen Yang.

If he touches it, his body will definitely be divided by the distorted space.

Chen Yang did not notice the danger, but Lao Li did. He immediately reminded Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, you are so unlucky. The space distortion is happening around you. Stop first and wait for the space to stabilize before reopening the space." Turnmeter.”

Hearing this, Chen Yang's eyelids twitched, and he slowly gathered the "Time and Space Book", planning to do as Old Li said.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, the space distortion area above his head suddenly expanded.

"not good."

Lao Li was shocked and shouted to Chen Yang: "No matter what, get away quickly. Even if the secret technique backfires, it is better than being crushed by space distortion."

As soon as Lao Li finished speaking, the twisted space enveloped Chen Yang and completely swallowed him up.

His entire body disappeared, not even a sound or energy fluctuation was left behind, as if he had evaporated from the world.

Throughout the Black and White City, the space rotation meter continued to operate, and soon the space power in the energy storage tank was filled.

At this time, the space measuring instrument stops automatically.

The roaring sound disappeared, and now, the black and white city fell into complete silence.

After hearing what Lao Li said, Chen Yang felt dizzy and then lost consciousness.

At this moment, he thought he was divided and died by the power of space distortion.

But after an unknown amount of time, the sound in his ears made him realize that he was not dead.

"Look, there's a body here."

"Strange, why is his costume so weird? He is not from our Tianxing Clan, nor is he from the Yunguang Clan."

"Is he an outsider?"

"The appearance of the Panlong Crocodile Shell has attracted many outsiders, and this person may indeed be one of them."

"Hmph! Since it's an outsider, just kill him directly."

"kill him!"

"I come."

The sound of stomping footsteps came, and Chen Yang knew that someone was approaching him and wanted to kill him.

He tried hard to move his body and resist, but he didn't even feel the slightest bit.

It was as if I only had hearing and everything else was gone.

"Where are you escaping!"

Suddenly, an angry shout sounded.

"No, the Yunguang tribe is chasing us."

"Go quickly."

Those who previously called themselves the Tianxing Clan seemed to be afraid of the Yunguang Clan who came at this moment, and immediately began to retreat, not caring about Chen Yang.

There was a sound of pursuit, and then there was silence.

Chen Yang felt that he had been forgotten.

Of course, in this moment of unconsciousness, it's a good thing to be forgotten.

But suddenly someone ordered: "There is an outsider here, take him back and lock him up. Maybe he will be used in the future."

Just out of the tiger's mouth, he entered the wolf pack again.

Chen Yang laughed at himself, but fortunately, at least the Yunguang clan did not kill him immediately.

Chen Yang had no idea what happened next.

His only consciousness at the moment was hearing.

On the way, he listened to the Yunguang clan talking, and then he realized that the place he was at now was called Tianyun Wasteland, which was a very barren place.

The Tianxing Clan and the Yunguang Clan are both human beings, but they have different nationalities.

They have lived in the Tianyun Wasteland for generations, fighting war after war in order to obtain the few resources here.

After countless thousands of years, the two races are now completely opposed to each other. As long as they meet, it will inevitably end in life and death.

What started out as competition for resources turned into national hatred.

However, in this barren place of Tianyun Wasteland, a treasure was born not long ago, a dragon crocodile shell.

Chen Yang knew something about Panlong and Crocodile Shell.

This object seems to have something to do with dragons, but in fact it is the shell of a snapping turtle, which contains the blood of a dragon and has many special uses.

It was precisely because of the Panlong Crocodile Shell that many outsiders entered the Tianyun Wasteland, causing the originally opposing Yunguang Clan and Tianxing Clan to form an alliance to fight against the outsiders.

The purpose is to preserve the Panlong crocodile shell.

Currently, the Panlong Crocodile Shell is still under the underworld fire magma and cannot be taken out, but as time goes by, it will not be long before it completely emerges.

When the time comes, whoever can win the Panlong Crocodile Shell will depend even more on his ability.

According to the plan of the Yunguang Clan and the Tianxing Clan, they worked together to obtain this object, repel the foreign enemies, and then decide how to divide the treasure.

But before the treasure was completely released, many wars had already occurred in Tianyun Wasteland.

There are Yunguang clan to outsiders;

There are Tianxing clan to outsiders.

What makes the Yunguang Clan who are leading Chen Yang angry now is that they were attacked by the Tianxing Clan when they were patrolling just now.

Because of the alliance, the Yunguang Clan did not take precautions against the Tianxing Clan, and the strength of the patrol team was greatly weakened.

Several times before, the patrol team of the Yunguang Clan was destroyed.

They thought it was the work of outsiders.

This time they encountered an attack from the Tianxing Clan, and they realized that the Tianxing Clan who had formed an alliance could not be trusted.

Fortunately, there was a strong man in this team, the third son of the Yunguang clan leader, so they escaped and knew the truth.

Otherwise, they will also be destroyed.

After learning this information, Chen Yang was secretly glad.

If the Tianxing Clan hadn't happened to attack the Yunguang Clan, otherwise either of these two ethnic groups would have died if they encountered an outsider like themselves.


Suddenly, the sound of an object falling to the ground came.

Chen Yang's body didn't feel anything, but he could tell that he was thrown to the ground.

"Lock him up first and I'll interrogate him later."

The third son of the Yunguang clan leader, named Yun Xiao, ordered.

The sound of footsteps sounded. Chen Yang listened carefully and found that all the people traveling with him had left, leaving only him.

"What the hell is this place? How do I regain consciousness?"

Chen Yang was deep in thought when he heard a voice: "Those outsiders are really crazy. Our Tianyun Wasteland is just a small sub-space, barren and desolate. Why should they come to take advantage of us?"

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